Our Dream Axis and Allies Games…

  • Ok. Here’s where you can post your dream Axis and Allies game and comment on others. I’ll start off with mine.

    Vichy France
    Antartica and north pole warfare possibilities
    Atomic bomb rules
    Set-ups for gameplay in 39 (with poland), 40, 41, and 42
    more historic finland rules
    Novosibirsk and Johannesberg as victory cities
    Ultimate fairness
    and no errors (map or rule wise)
    Plenty of pieces/chips/control markers

    I hope that get’s the ideas flowing. Thoughts? Stuff I forgot? Am I crazy and can you set me straight?  :lol:

  • I like all of your ideas except maybe the North and South Pole ideas.

    Mongolia (Soviet Territory)

    Toronto Instead of Ottawa
    New York Instead of Washington

    Atomic Power
    Artillery Power (Much like Rockets/Strategic Bombing)

    Artillery power (Russian artillery can attack on 3 instead of 2)
    Blitzkrieg (Much like the house rule that had German tanks defend on 3 in the classic)
    AA Gun (AA Guns on Bombing raids done by Germany or Japan can take them down defending on 2 instead of 1)
    Japans bomb bard can will roll 4 with a cruiser and 5 with a battleship
    B-29 Bombers or Marines (Stronger Bombers that attack on 5 and Mariners are same as in Pacific)

    • Alternate history scenarios (but that will be easy to do with such big oard and the new neutral rules)
    • Diplomatic matrix including non-agression pacts
    • Tactical bombers move 5
    • Transports defend at 1s (but keep the other current rules)
    • Plastic ICs and aaguns (and maybe backing to Revised-styled-ICs, I cannot get used to this mayor-minor stuff)
    • Fully tested and balanced game
    • No ACME walls (with retroactive effect for all games, and probably a diplomatic matrix would make this even more totally unnecesary)
    • All symbols on game should have a game rule and not be confusing (oh… Canada!, what value has WUSA?, two symbols on kia and man wtf?)
    • Manchuria should be original japanese
    • Spain 4 territories, France 5, Turkey 2-3, Brazil 2-3 …  :-D
    • More territories on North America to make Polar Express a instant win if someone tries ignore Japan

  • -every concievable power ever
    -slightly more realistic combat rules (Bombers hitting fighters on a 4?), especially in regards to surface combat vs. air
    -politics sounds pretty interesting
    -individual victory conditions so that even if one side is winning, the winning player is yet to be determined
    -national advantages + disadvantages so that each power looks and feels “unique”
    -really big tech tree
    -more scenarios
    -no cardboard pieces (maybe even little flags for occupation markers)
    -more territories
    -active battlefields
    -some sort of AI for neutrals
    -more in-depth American neutrality
    -totally unique moulds for each power (unless some historical reason). NEED UNIQUE ANZAC INF!
    -actual kamikaze attacks with your aircraft

    To sum that up, more stuff in general.

  • -  Definitely Vichy France rules… its retarded that Germany will have to physically take over all of France first two rounds AAE40…  Where are the French collaborators when you need them???

    -  SPIES!!!  Each side gets one spy, which at the beginning of each round they write down on a piece of paper which side it is currently spying on (can be your allies as well!  (RED SCARE!!!  :-o Russian spies in America!!!)).  This paper is hidden from other players until a side finally discovers a tech.  After a player discovers a tech, the other players who picked that side to spy on this round get to roll a die…  On a 1-2, the spying player successfully steals the technology and the power it works for gets the tech for free!  On a 3-6, the spy is caught and no free tech…  Regardless of whether the spying was successful or not, ANY power rolling for spying on a recent tech discovery CANNOT spy on the same power the following turn!  (It takes time to set up a new plant…)  They may spy on any of the OTHER powers, however, the next turn.  Two turns after spying on a recent tech development, that power can spy again on anybody.

    This addition should definitely add some flavor and intrigue to the otherwise random boring tech rolls!  It may actually work out to a powers favor to wait until another power has several tech dice going at the same time, since the die rolls are cumulative!  (It should also speed up tech development.)

    -  Atom bombs!!!  Jesus, two dice on every bomber, and that’s it?  It works great if you have 5-10 bombers ready to go, otherwise it might be too late to use in combat.  Needs to be rebalanced, and be expensive to deploy each round for each atom bomb attack.  America only built two atom bombs for WWII, two separate designs, one with uranium and one with plutonium, AND THAT WAS ALL THEY HAD AT THE TIME, A-BOMBS DO NOT GROW ON TREES…  AA games are not very realistic in this sense.

    Make each bombing attack cost 10 IPCs, which is bought at the purchase units phase; the side then places a bomb token at any of their ICs, which has to be transported to the bomber performing the attack either by transport or ferried by other bombers.  This A-bomb must be protected, if an enemy player takes a territory with a bomb on it before it is used it can be captured by the opposing player.  An A-bomb is used in SBRs by rolling three dice unless shot down by aa gun; an A-bomb used in combat rolls 1 die, that is the number of enemy units it wipes out (up to 6 hits)!  Should be uber powerful enough, and not really too game unbalancing; regular munitions did FAR more damage to Japan and Germany SBRing than A-bombs ever did!  Tech should either be a game changer, or used in a final killing blow!

    -  Baltic Sea entrance should be like the Suez Canal or Panama; Allies have to take both Norway and NWE to send naval units into the Baltic!  Germany had mined the hell out of the entrance; the Allies didn’t even get a working port in Western Europe until 1945!  The Baltic fleet should only be vulnerable to Allied aircraft attacks, which it was vulnerable to, historically.

    I guess that’s enough to keep me wanting to play an ultimate game, for now.

  • Axis & Allies: Mediterranean with Vichy French, Italians, and German Afrika Corps vs. British, Free French, Minor Allies (Greece, Yugoslavia etc.) and mid to late game American reinforcement troops depending on what time period the game starts in. Would be epic as fuck.

  • I want to play as Madagascar

  • @GDFTigerTank:

    I want to play as Madagascar

    Then make a house rule.

  • @bennyboyg:

    Axis & Allies: Mediterranean with Vichy French, Italians, and German Afrika Corps vs. British, Free French, Minor Allies (Greece, Yugoslavia etc.) and mid to late game American reinforcement troops depending on what time period the game starts in. Would be epic as f**k.

    Ugh, do we want to see Italians surrendering en masse again?

  • Poland- with little calvary pieces.
    Vichy france- I don’t want a new power I just the old ones to switch sides.
    Balanced NAs
    Anti Tank piece
    Better neutral rules

  • Customizer

    I kinda like the spy idea, but I think it would work better on a saboteur sort of level.

    You can produce them for 5 IPCs. They can move freely on the board without combat aggression. At the beginning of any turn in which a nation has an enemy spy on a region they control, they may roll one die to try and capture the spy. On a 2 you kill him, and on a 1 you turn him into a double agent, exchanging him for a spy of your own nation’s color. Any other number and they go undiscovered. The spy can perform a strategic bombing-style sabotage once a turn on enemy industrial complexes. He can also be used in the paratrooper deployment manner. They have no combat value and are treated like transports during battles. However once at the beginning of any offensive battle they participate in, they may perform one sneak attack (hitting at 2 or less). The stipulation is that they must have been located at the target region before the turn began (IE they couldn’t have moved there in the same turn).

    What do you think?

  • James Bond-esque spies boarding the Bismarck and sinking it?  Helga von Goosestep sabotaging American production?

    I support this addition to the game.

  • its not really a spy if everyone knows where it is, and what it will do

  • Customizer

    Knowing it’s there and being able to being able to identify it are two very different things. Spies were an expected part of the war - even if nations knew there were spies amongst them, it was difficult to directly identify or locate them.

  • I like the spy and saboteur ideas, maybe you could blend the ideas or have a spy and a saboteur piece.

  • That would be sweet. We play with an idea similar…only the sabetour steals whatever technology ( R&D) you have.

  • '10

    I agree with Bennyboyg. North Africa is my dream game but I know that I will have to design it myself. And this I will do when I get my hand on a proper map. Lots of desert land zones and lots of sea zones. No industrial complexes in N. Africa. Everything will have to come from Europe or the U.S. by transport or by air. My # 2 game will have to be on the eastern front. It is # 2 because of no sea battles. Just lots of huge land armies with air support of course.@bennyboyg:

    Axis & Allies: Mediterranean with Vichy French, Italians, and German Afrika Corps vs. British, Free French, Minor Allies (Greece, Yugoslavia etc.) and mid to late game American reinforcement troops depending on what time period the game starts in. Would be epic as f**k.

  • @MrBlack103:

    -every concievable power ever
    -slightly more realistic combat rules (Bombers hitting fighters on a 4?), especially in regards to surface combat vs. air
    -politics sounds pretty interesting
    -individual victory conditions so that even if one side is winning, the winning player is yet to be determined
    -national advantages + disadvantages so that each power looks and feels “unique”
    -really big tech tree
    -more scenarios
    -no cardboard pieces (maybe even little flags for occupation markers)
    -more territories
    -active battlefields
    -some sort of AI for neutrals
    -more in-depth American neutrality
    -totally unique moulds for each power (unless some historical reason). NEED UNIQUE ANZAC INF!
    -actual kamikaze attacks with your aircraft

    To sum that up, more stuff in general.

    Sounds like you should get HOI for the PC.

  • The spy piece would be cool, also if you guy have not heard, Ubisoft is making a video game called Ruse, which employs some of the things that you guys have mentioned. I suggest reading up on it, might be something that tickles your fancy.

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