• Me and my friends is thinking about setting a time limt for each nations turn. All phases exept the actual combat itself (dicerolling) must take place in a XX minutes.

    We have had the problem that our games many times have continued far into the night, making us thinking twice about playing again. What do you think about this idea?

    And what is a fair time limit you think?

  • I always think about what i’ll be buying and doing for each turn. So it piss me off to see others thinking 20 minutes before the purchase units phase and then they don’t know what to do at the combat phase.

    10 minutes!

  • I agree. You should be thinking aboout your moves and buys while the pthers do thier stuff. Of course things can happen that will force you to change your buys sometimes, but still…

  • It would be fun to hear from someone who thinks that there should be no time limt. Why do you think that? Dont you have a problem with time in your games or do you just think a player has the right to think about a move for hours if he wants to?

  • @Kristofer:

    It would be fun to hear from someone who thinks that there should be no time limt. Why do you think that? Dont you have a problem with time in your games or do you just think a player has the right to think about a move for hours if he wants to?

    Let the Develop Weapons, Puchase Units and Combat Movement Phases be restricted, since turn can have many combats of different scales that can take lot of time to solve. The Noncombat Move and Mobilize New Units Phases normally are no bottlenecks when it comes to time. If one should restrict the time, I suggest something like 10 minutes for the Develop Weapons, Puchase Units and Combat Movement Phases. I voted no time limitations, since time is never a problem when I play with my friends.

  • I agree. It is the combat move that takes the most time. For instance G1 is quite a big operation…

    As you can see in my first post I say that the combat (dicerolling) is not to be timed, so I agree with yopu there.

    Thanx for your opinion!

  • @Kristofer:

    I agree. It is the combat move that takes the most time. For instance G1 is quite a big operation…

    As you can see in my first post I say that the combat (dicerolling) is not to be timed, so I agree with yopu there.

    Thanx for your opinion!

    Ok, lets just have a time limit to the Purchase Units Phase! Lets say no more than 5 min, since each player have time to prepare during the other players turn!

  • @B.:


    I agree. It is the combat move that takes the most time. For instance G1 is quite a big operation…

    As you can see in my first post I say that the combat (dicerolling) is not to be timed, so I agree with yopu there.

    Thanx for your opinion!

    Ok, lets just have a time limit to the Purchase Units Phase! Lets say no more than 5 min, since each player have time to prepare during the other players turn!

    Well, for our group I still think we need some kind of limit for the combat move also… :wink:

  • Hi I’m a new fan of A&A and we have played a couple of times. We have set the time limit on 5 minutes and after than time we have one red final minute to complete the last things. The time is paused when the Combat secuence is rolled on.

  • 10 minutes for sure. We play a weekly game at the local hobby shop and it drives me nuts when some chowder head spends 20 minutes trying to figure out where to buy then another 20 minutes where to attack. Arrrrggggh! I usually loose intrest in the game because it is so hard to stay focused.

    the dire rolling and combat resolution should be unlimited, after all there can be some pretty big battles out there and there may be times when you have to think hard on wether to push the attack or break off.

    But yea 10 minutes for every thing but combat resoultion.

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