Cheney will not run for President any sooner than Tommy Franks. When Bush is elected again, Cheney will ride out his VP term, than either retire, or go into some lower-key govt. position.
I dont think the Democrats have it in them to run Hillary as soon as 2008. In no insult to women candidates, but I just think they are more realist in nominations than their idealist policies suggest. They know she hasn’t got a chance in hell. Not her, not now. I’d argue that we won’t see any woman as president for several more elections, but it is possible. I just can’t see it being Hillary.
Though she was President for two terms already.
Its interesting what will be said if she does get elected. I imagine some people will be crying violation of Amendment 22. Plus, what would become of Bill? First Pimp? He certainly wouldn’t be official hostess, and I don’t think I could see him meeting with all the diplomatic wives while Hillary meets with the leaders….although: Hillary may finally get some action, and Bill may realize the error of his ways (I dont know that any diplomatic wives are hot)
hmm…candidate possibilities for 2008?
assuming Bush wins, then possibly McCain, maybe Giuliani (though despite the hype, I doubt it). There has been much talk around Pataki. That’s also a maybe.
Democratically- I think if Kerry loses he will hang up his spurs. Or they will be hung up for him. This is his deciding election. If he loses now, I dont think he could rally back support for another go. Especially once the great divider Bush is out, there really wont be ANY reason to support botox-Kerry.
candidates? well Dean will run again, of this I am sure. As will Lieberman, though sadly, he will probably still do poorly. Clark may or may not, likely not, given his poor showing, though he may see it as normal for new politicians. Edwards would probably try again. Sharpton unfortunately will, though there really isnt a point. He wont get nominated. Ever. We will have dismantled every nuclear weapon we have and fully legalized pot before that happens. I wouldn’t be surprised if Clinton tries, but I highly doubt she would do well in the primaries. Like Lieberman (though his biggest problem is people dont know him), there is still prejudice, concious or not.
Im sure there will be some new contenders we haven’t thought of yet.
at any rate, I question what female reproductive organs Clinton has, unless she has them in a jar somewhere in the house.
I shudder to think what Bill does with them… <shudder>While highly innappropriate, I would find it thoroughly hilarious if, in his acceptance speech, or on innauguration night, Bush, looking serious, breaks into a round of “Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nya”. Oh man, that would be a good chuckle. I can already feel Moore’s angry response. He’d probably make a movie dissecting that one act…
coincidentally, anyone read
Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man? its a new book tearing Moore apart. I haven’t read it, but I would like to. I doubt its completely objective, but neither is Moore. Its obvious he distorts facts and statistics, ignoring context to prove his absurd points, and he leaves out the fact in his “quest for the average american” that he didnt grow up in Flint, but in the richer, Grosse Pointe. and is currently chauferred in a limo. nah, he still represents the working man.
Update: (for me anyway) a new documentary “Michael Moore Hates America” is due out soon. I eagerly await it.</shudder>