Russia attack west russia with everything that can reach on the first turn.

  • My friend and I are playing this weekend and he is attacking west russia with everything on the first turn. This will be our first game. Any advice on what to do with that first move as Germany? My thought is to attack karela and caucasus.

  • TripleA

    is he killing ukraine as well? I like to do that.

  • If you don’t have “take out just about every Atlantic naval unit the Allies have” on your list already then you could probably include that. …and yeah, I’d probably take at least one RUS complex. Don’t quite know how it work if you went for both. I’d be interested on hearing about that.

  • @Petebu:

    My friend and I are playing this weekend and he is attacking west russia with everything on the first turn.

    Your description of what your friend/opponent is doing with his turn is vague, but let’s assume the following details:
    –You play with the Black Sea closed to shipping.
    –He buys 6 INF, 1 ARM.
    –He combat moves 12 INF, 3 ART, 4 ARM, and 1 FTR (from Karelia) to West Russia.
    –Your German defenders in West Russia get 2 total hits.
    –He NCM 1 FTR from Russia to Egypt, 1 FTR from West Russia to Russia, 2 AAA into West Russia, 5 INF to Yakut, 2 INF to Archangel, 1 INF to Russia, 1 SS to SZ 7, and 1 INF to Caucasus.
    –He places 2 INF in Karelia, 4 INF in Caucasus, and 1 ARM in Russia.
    –He collects 26 IPCs.
    –He finishes the turn with 2 INF on Karelia; 10 INF, 3 ART, 4 ARM, and 2 AAA on West Russia; 2 INF on Archangel; 1 INF, 1 ARM, and 1 FTR on Russia; 5 INF on Caucasus; 1 FTR on Egypt; 1 SS in SZ 7; and 5 INF on Yakut.

    I have the board set up & I’m looking at it with this scenario. Let me know if you think he’ll do anything different than this, and I’ll look at that scenario for you instead.

    Here’s one possible move that I’d consider this part of a hard KRF strategy, and I’d plan to back this up with a Japanese Manchuria ARM factory. Plan to take Russia by J5.


    –5 INF, 2 ART & 3 ARM

    Combat Moves–

    –2 SS to SZ 11
    –2 SS, CA & BMR to SZ 7
    –INF from Italy to AP (to drop on Gibraltar)
    –BB & AP from SZ 15 to SZ 14
    –INF from Northwestern Europe, INF from Germany via AP, 3 INF from Finland & 2 FTR (from Norway and Northwestern Europe) to Karelia
    –3 INF, 1 ART & 4 FTR (from Germany, Poland, Bulgaria Romania, and Ukraine) to Caucasus

    I’ve made a combat table for this German combat scenario.

    SZ/TT Attackers         Defenders odds of Victory Expected Attackers Remaining
    11         2SS                 DD AP         87%               1-2SS
    7           2SS CA BMR   BB SS AP   96%                 0-1SS CA BMR
    14         BB AP             CA             88%                 BB AP
    Karelia 5INF 2FTR       2INF           100%               4INF 2FTR
    Caucasus3INF ART 4FTR  5INF           99%                 0-1INF ART 4FTR
    Odds of winning all battles         73%


    –7 INF, 6 FTR & 6 ARM to Ukraine
    –INF to Belorussia
    –2 INF to Finland
    –2 INF, 4 ARM & 1 AAA to Poland
    –INF & ART to Bulgaria Romania
    –INF & 2 AAA to Germany
    –3 INF, ART & ARM to Algeria (to counterattack either Morocco or Libya)
    –BMR to Germany


    –5 INF, 2 ART & 3 ARM on Germany


    –45 IPC

  • That is he plan down to a T. He is flying one fighter to egypt and sending everything else at west russia.
    Thanks for your advice. My plan was to destroy most of the ships with Germany in the first round.

  • @Petebu:

    Thanks for your advice.

    You’re welcome.@Petebu:

    My plan was to destroy most of the ships with Germany in the first round.

    With this plan you sink several ships without exposing your aircraft to being shot down. I think your planes are much more valuable alive than on the bottom of the Atlantic under an all-in KRF strategy.

    I WAS thinking USSR should take Ukraine on R1 for the sake of the net TUV destroyed and protecting the Caucasus complex from German attack on G1. But now that I’ve actually got the board set up at the end of G1 with 6 FTR on Ukraine I’m thinking that it may be absolutely necessary, just to keep Russia in the game. I don’t know if USSR will ultimately even be able to spare the FTR for Egypt. If I’m the Russian player, then at this point I feel like the Germans have me forked.

  • How many games have you played so far? My first game will be this Friday. I have played Axis & Allies for many years now. I thought about buying 2 subs with Germany on the first round to avoid any build up from UK. What do you think of that?

  • @Petebu:

    How many games have you played so far? My first game will be this Friday. I have played Axis & Allies for many years now. I thought about buying 2 subs with Germany on the first round to avoid any build up from UK. What do you think of that?

    One SS would be enough, but I always add a Bomber for flex.  1SS/1Bomber/5inf/2art

  • TripleA

    bomber infantry slugfest, what? lol

  • @Petebu:

    How many games have you played so far? My first game will be this Friday.

    I have played 1 game against myself and 1 more against my brother. Plus, I’ve had the board set up on my table for a while and analyzed early game scenarios.@Petebu:

    thought about buying 2 subs with Germany on the first round to avoid any build up from UK. What do you think of that?

    I see the ARM as the primary offensive backup to the wave in Ukraine and the INF & ART at least in part there to protect the VCs. I feel like the SS would be to protect the VCs from Allied naval. So, I think I’d buy 4 less INF if i was buying 1 or 2 SS. Maybe the buy should be 1 INF, 2 ART, 3-4 ARM & 1-2 SS. This way you’d end G1 with 2 INF & 2 ART in Germany to help secure the nearby VCs (Rome, Paris and Leningrad). Remember the G1 ARM can hit Karelia G2 and/or it can hit Caucasus or Russia G3.

  • The inf would help in pushing Russia in…I wouldn’t go more than the one SS…you’re remaining SS/FTRs should be able to provide you some cover for a few turns against any UK drops.

  • Customizer

    One thing I don’t understand: Why fly the Russian fighter to Egypt? Russia only starts with 2 fighters and can’t really afford to replace them. Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems to me that Russian fighter could be better used in Russia than on some British territory.

  • @knp7765:

    One thing I don’t understand: Why fly the Russian fighter to Egypt? Russia only starts with 2 fighters and can’t really afford to replace them. Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems to me that Russian fighter could be better used in Russia than on some British territory.

    thinking like a true comrade…
    People just want to protect Egypt from Germany, and protect the Egypt FTR so it can hit the E. Indies fleet.  It’s a legit move, but I don’t think its necessary.  I would rather let Germany hit Egypt G1 and go light on other attacks for better chance of losing units.  The Russian FTR won’t stay greater than 1 turn in Egypt…I’m pretty sure it’s going to run like hell back to Russian territory on R2.  The FTR just greatly reduces a G1 attack on Egypt.  To each his own…

  • @Mallery29:

    People just want to protect Egypt from Germany, and protect the Egypt FTR so it can hit the E. Indies fleet.  It’s a legit move, but I don’t think its necessary.  I would rather let Germany hit Egypt G1 and go light on other attacks for better chance of losing units.  The Russian FTR won’t stay greater than 1 turn in Egypt…I’m pretty sure it’s going to run like hell back to Russian territory on R2.  The FTR just greatly reduces a G1 attack on Egypt.  To each his own…

    I pretty much agree with every thing Mallery29 says here.

    I think it’s necessary to attack Ukraine R1, and I think losing the attack will put you in a GOOD position to LOSE the game. Right now I prefer sending every possible unit to Ukraine R1. Shorting that battle even by 1 ARM or FTR INCREASES your odds of LOSING from 3% to 12%, a FOUR TIMES increase. When you send everything to Ukraine, on average you win with 3 ARM left in Ukraine.

    Someone will argue that Germany will wipe them out G1. That is true, but you will kill 1-2 INF. And when Germany counterattacks Ukraine, they won’t be able to take West Russia also, unless you just had atrocious rolls on R1. It is critical for USSR to hold West Russia. That is why I think it’s so important to fully commit to Ukraine R1. And if I was making this move, then I’d buy 4-6 INF & 1-2 ARM on R1.

  • What are the common buys for Japan in the first round? I was thinking about 1 Transport, 1 sub and the rest inf. My friend wants to merge the 2 American fleets right next to Japan after his turn. I believe that I can destory this with ease.

  • @Petebu:

    What are the common buys for Japan in the first round? I was thinking about 1 Transport, 1 sub and the rest inf. My friend wants to merge the 2 American fleets right next to Japan after his turn. I believe that I can destory this with ease.

    It depends on your strategy.

    Here are some options–

    –3 AP & 3 INF
    –IC, AP & 2 ART
    –AP, INF, DD & BMR
    –2 AP, SS, 2 INF & ART
    –CV, AP & 3 INF

  • @UrJohn:

    It depends on your strategy.
    Here are some options–
    –3 AP & 3 INF
    –IC, AP & 2 ART
    –AP, INF, DD & BMR
    –2 AP, SS, 2 INF & ART
    –CV, AP & 3 INF

    I really like options 1 and 2 (J1 bomber, ftw!), but why would you need a third CV when you start with two already?

    I’m not knockin it-just genuinely want to understand the logic.  =)

  • @MistuhJay:


    It depends on your strategy.
    Here are some options–
    –3 AP & 3 INF
    –IC, AP & 2 ART
    –AP, INF, DD & BMR
    –2 AP, SS, 2 INF & ART
    –CV, AP & 3 INF

    I really like options 1 and 2 (J1 bomber, ftw!), but why would you need a third CV when you start with two already?

    I’m not knockin it-just genuinely want to understand the logic.  =)

    makes the americans go pacific or lose their fleet.

  • @MistuhJay:


    It depends on your strategy.

    –CV, AP & 3 INF

    why would you need a third CV when you start with two already?

    I don’t think you’d need a 3rd CV on J1. By the time its J1, you may be down to 1 CV. If the UK attacks your SZ 37 fleet and wins soundly, then Japan starts off on the defensive. You may want a 2nd CV.

    If you don’t buy any navy/air force on J1, then the US can take the initiative in the Pacific. You will be hard pressed to do everything the IJN needs to do: protect Philippines, Borneo, East Indies, Japan, Kwangtung and Manchuria; chase off or destroy the USN; crush India; and pick up Australia, New Zealand and/or Africa.

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