Has anyone made a victory city tracker for AA42 similar to this: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/308716/axis-allies?size=large from the Revised game but using the AA42 color scheme and 2 victory conditions? I would try it but I do not have the programs to do such a chart. Thanks.
Large scale AA42 map
Look: find a site that allows large downloads and does not cost anything or make you register all sorts of information. I will then upload the file, but only after i get it finished. What i posted was semi final, i have some improvements to make.
Keep us posted! Your new map looks great.
Edit: Dell has a DataSafe service that allows you to upload up to 2 gigs free (as a trial). It allows you to share files with anyone.
https://www.delldatasafe.com/ -
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I Understand the Risks
What’s all that junk? I had a 1 year subscription about a year and a half ago from purchasing a laptop from Dell and their datasafe worked without a hitch.
How about compressing it with for instance winrar, and then uploading it in chunks of say 200MB? Then upload those 4 chunks to mediafire, and everyone can get it. Or use megaupload, it allows uploads of up to 1024MB I think…
.RAR is the biggest pile of dogcrap ever designed. I refuse to ruin my work with that rubbish. That format is like a virus. I loaded up the program and it totally thought it has some job to reconvert everything in another extension into .RAR and when i removed this rubbish from my computer it made it impossible to reconvert the files back , so they because useless inventory of pictures that could never again be accessed. Thanks RAR!
I advise anybody to never upload that program that uses RAR format. I think its called Paint shop pro?
What program are you designing and laying this out in?
Illustrator CS3 which is .ai or i can PDF it
I have Illustrator CS3 as well. How small is the .ai when you .zip it? Did you embed all the images or do you have them linked?
Edit: Might be able to cut down on file size if you zip the source files and .ai separately and have multiple downloads.
Hey guys, I’m going to post my own topic, but I wanted to post it on here since so many people have been talking here. I have IL’s map and another map. I live in the USA…I went to FEDEX/Staples and asked them to quote printing out IL’s map (72.5in by 36.5in) and another map that was already split up into 12 sections of 22in x 15in pdf pages. They quoted each at almost $300. That is WAYYY more than I wanted to pay to print them out.
I was looking for tips/files/instructions/offers to print/anything that would make it easier to get a big map printed so my friend and I can start playing. If anyone has these maps split into 8.5in by 11in letter paper sections, that would be PERFECT. Or if you know how to split pdfs into sections, that would be fantastic.
Any suggestions would be more than welcome.
Please please please get back to me! Thank you!
first of all stop going to those kind of printers. Find a good mom and pop print shop and get a real price. Kinkos is the worst print shop on earth.
When I worked on IL’s map I also wondered why his files always reach such an excessive size. I found that you included a lot of unnecessary things like a lot of brushes from AA50. Deleting all these might help. And one more : For some reason all the paths in your map were doubled. Some were there without a fill and without a stroke. I’m not sure if this is true for your new version but maybe it helps to reduce the file size finding those doublegangers.
And finally : I really don’t understand your paragraph about PaintShopPro and RAR. What’s the relationship between a picture application and a compression format ? -
And one more idea :
I just took your old map ( around 91,5 MB) and saved it again in Illustrator CS3 as a PDF file with the option “Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities” unchecked.
See here ( first line ) :
This reduced the size from 91,5 MB to 16,9 MB ! Maybe you try this.
I just tried this as well and that’s what I got. Good solution. :-D
But if you check this can the file be edited?
But if you check this can the file be edited?
Technically yes (however not easy). But for those people that just want to get it printed I don’t think that would matter. Maybe offer two versions? One that everyone can download and a second editable file for those that can find someplace for you to upload it. Just a suggestion.
yes i will submit a clean and ‘artistic’ version
I got it to 184.9 MB. This is the base map, now i will re-add the lines and see what happens.
the aa50 map is done. Tonight i can post after locating a file service for it.
Hey guys, I’m going to post my own topic, but I wanted to post it on here since so many people have been talking here. I have IL’s map and another map. I live in the USA…I went to FEDEX/Staples and asked them to quote printing out IL’s map (72.5in by 36.5in) and another map that was already split up into 12 sections of 22in x 15in pdf pages. They quoted each at almost $300. That is WAYYY more than I wanted to pay to print them out.
I was looking for tips/files/instructions/offers to print/anything that would make it easier to get a big map printed so my friend and I can start playing. If anyone has these maps split into 8.5in by 11in letter paper sections, that would be PERFECT. Or if you know how to split pdfs into sections, that would be fantastic.
Any suggestions would be more than welcome.
Please please please get back to me! Thank you!
I have a place that will print it 36"x 72" one pice lamineted, for $110.00 each if I print three.
They give me a discount because we use them for our work ay my job.