• I’ve played three games with my brother so far.  It’s always very close.  Our strategy trend usually involves how fast Japan can take out China and India.

    In one game India was knocked out by turn three.  China survived until 7 by trading space for time.  Japan owned the DEI as well.

    During the first five turns Japan bought an IC and predominantly ground units.  At the same time America bought only navy and airforce.  At the end of turn 7 ANZAC and the US had a massive fleet and airforce stationed at the phillipines.  Japan’s navy and airforce were based in the SW.  Both of us were playing suicide transport games on the DEI.  He landed troops twice in Australia and got repulsed.  US had a slight navy edge from pouring it’s income into it to the exclusion of everything else.

    Every turn I managed to send a submarine into northern Japanese waters to peck away at his income.  When there were 6 there (-12 a turn for him) he pushed a naval battle and lost horribly.  I was able to break the DEI income for Japan permanently and he conceded having lost all of the Jap navy and most of his airforce.

    The point is that there are SO many strategies in the game that you can get a new experience every time you play it.  It’s not favored for one side or the other.

  • @Zarnak:

    I’ve played three games with my brother so far.  It’s always very close.  Our strategy trend usually involves how fast Japan can take out China and India.

    In one game India was knocked out by turn three.  China survived until 7 by trading space for time.  Japan owned the DEI as well.

    During the first five turns Japan bought an IC and predominantly ground units.  At the same time America bought only navy and airforce.  At the end of turn 7 ANZAC and the US had a massive fleet and airforce stationed at the phillipines.  Japan’s navy and airforce were based in the SW.  Both of us were playing suicide transport games on the DEI.  He landed troops twice in Australia and got repulsed.  US had a slight navy edge from pouring it’s income into it to the exclusion of everything else.

    Every turn I managed to send a submarine into northern Japanese waters to peck away at his income.  When there were 6 there (-12 a turn for him) he pushed a naval battle and lost horribly.  I was able to break the DEI income for Japan permanently and he conceded having lost all of the Jap navy and most of his airforce.

    The point is that there are SO many strategies in the game that you can get a new experience every time you play it.  It’s not favored for one side or the other.

    subs can’t do more damage than a countries’ value
    so japan + korea: max of 11 damage, even with 6 or 7 or 8 or 91569 subs ;)

  • @Frontovik:

    subs can’t do more damage than a countries’ value
    so japan + korea: max of 11 damage, even with 6 or 7 or 8 or 91569 subs ;)

    You missed the errata.  You can block an extra IPC beyond the maximum if using 90,000 subs or more.

  • @Frontovik:

    subs can’t do more damage than a countries’ value
    so japan + korea: max of 11 damage, even with 6 or 7 or 8 or 91569 subs ;)

    I should have said they were spread out in northern Japanese waters.  I had four by Japan and two SW of those.  I’m too lazy to pull out the board and quote SZ.  My bad.

  • @MaherC:

    Assume a J1 attack.   What are you buying with US Turn 1, 2, 3 ?

    Again, my group feels the game is Jap win 100% of the time (with 9 games played showing those results, different players etc. playing Japan.)   But I keep reading how this is an ALLIED game.  I’d like to see what you are buying / doing that we are missing out on.

    Show us the general layout after said J1 attack.  Show it in Abattlemap if you don’t mind.

    The big things against a J1 attack are as follows:

    1. UK blocks SZ 37 & 42 on turn 1.
    2. UK can setup the Yunnan super stack, move all units in range of Yun turn 1, purchase 4 mech, stack it turn 2 with china.  Your looking at 15+ units there atleast.
    3. ANZAC should buy a sub turn 1, 2 transports turn 2, if they are safe from carriers.  Else, buy DDs to stack with US fleet, or subs to convoy raid Japan.  On turn 1 if you have a transport drop on New Guinea.
    4. US must get to DEI area ASAP, turn 1 fleet to Pearl, turn 2 fleet to SZ 54 or 63.  turn 3 hit the DEI, keep your reinforcements moving along that route, or go further east if pearl is vulnerable.
    5. US should primarily purchase destroyers, a transport a round, and 1 AC at most.  That is all.
    6. UK should purchase INF primarily.  Try to get ANZAC/US figs over there if possible.
    7. ANZAC should move up to Sham State with there INF turn 1, try to take Siam on ANZAC 2 for 5 extra bucks to spend on ANZAC 3.  Along with the New Guinea NO if you can get it you get a turn with 21 IPC income, good time to buy that single carrier.  Elsewise, don’t buy a carrier.

  • I think you guys worry too much about China as Japan.  On turn 3 there are 19 planes hitting Yunnan, and even if you are lucky enough to have the Burma road open for that extra 2 guys, and get some british units in with 12 or so Chinese infantry, it isn’t holding up to that attack.  Are the Japan players out there too stuck in the ways of AA that they refuse to use planes as soakers?  Industrial raids starting J2 pretty much take care of the UK buying anything.  Money from the DEI starts coming in J2, by J3 you are getting 20IPCs from it, who cares about 1 ipc from a Chinese territory?

    Again, I’m just wondering if you are US and Japan kicks it off on J1, what are you buying on US1,2,3?

    Without getting crazy detailed here (as I have no access to a board right now) assume that Hong Kong, The Philippines, and the British Navy off Malaya, and the US transport at Hawaii have been wiped out.  You have 17 IPC on US1, it’s your buy…

  • @MaherC:

    I think you guys worry too much about China as Japan.  On turn 3 there are 19 planes hitting Yunnan, and even if you are lucky enough to have the Burma road open for that extra 2 guys, and get some british units in with 12 or so Chinese infantry, it isn’t holding up to that attack.  Are the Japan players out there too stuck in the ways of AA that they refuse to use planes as soakers?  Industrial raids starting J2 pretty much take care of the UK buying anything.  Money from the DEI starts coming in J2, by J3 you are getting 20IPCs from it, who cares about 1 ipc from a Chinese territory?

    Again, I’m just wondering if you are US and Japan kicks it off on J1, what are you buying on US1,2,3?

    Without getting crazy detailed here (as I have no access to a board right now) assume that Hong Kong, The Philippines, and the British Navy off Malaya, and the US transport at Hawaii have been wiped out.  You have 17 IPC on US1, it’s your buy…

    1. With the Yunnan superstack you are looking at around 8 China inf, 9 uk inf, 1 uk art, 4 uk figs, 1 uk tac, 4 uk mech, and 1 uk AA gun.  Plus 1 ANZAC fig if you desire. Your gonna loose most of your planes with that strike, but knock yourself out.

    2. the UK block of SZs  37 & 42 ensure japan is NOT getting Sumatra until J3, this is huge.

    3. US1 purchase 1 DD, 1 Trans save 2.  US2 Purchase (57) 1 Trans, 1 AC, 4 DDs, save 2.  US3 Purchase (57) 1 Trans, 6 DDs.  Repeat. Pretty simple.

    Please MaherC, play me a game.  I’m not saying i’ll win, but I bet i’ll show you a thing or two you didn’t think of.

  • when TripleA is fully functional for Pac40 you got it.  I’m not dicking around with Abattlemap for 12 hours.

  • @MaherC:

    when TripleA is fully functional for Pac40 you got it.   I’m not dicking around with Abattlemap for 12 hours.

    So sometime next year.  Welp best of luck to ya.

  • @bcguitars:


    subs can’t do more damage than a countries’ value
    so japan + korea: max of 11 damage, even with 6 or 7 or 8 or 91569 subs ;)

    You missed the errata.  You can block an extra IPC beyond the maximum if using 90,000 subs or more.

    Great! Now I have to get WotC to send me 89988 more subs. No. I won’t use chips, my ceiling isn’t that high.

  • @MaherC:

    I think you guys worry too much about China as Japan.  On turn 3 there are 19 planes hitting Yunnan, and even if you are lucky enough to have the Burma road open for that extra 2 guys, and get some british units in with 12 or so Chinese infantry, it isn’t holding up to that attack.  Are the Japan players out there too stuck in the ways of AA that they refuse to use planes as soakers?  Industrial raids starting J2 pretty much take care of the UK buying anything.  Money from the DEI starts coming in J2, by J3 you are getting 20IPCs from it, who cares about 1 ipc from a Chinese territory?

    Again, I’m just wondering if you are US and Japan kicks it off on J1, what are you buying on US1,2,3?

    Without getting crazy detailed here (as I have no access to a board right now) assume that Hong Kong, The Philippines, and the British Navy off Malaya, and the US transport at Hawaii have been wiped out.  You have 17 IPC on US1, it’s your buy…

    But what were the Japanese moves/where are its fleets parked? You need at least 3 carriers in the Carolines to prevent the US from moving its fleet to Hawaii, plus bombers on Japan/Carolines. But to safely take Phillipines you’ll need to send some carrier planes there in addition to 2 transports. Unless you take out the planes as casualties then that carrier will have to remain on SZ35 for any remaining fighters to land.

  • US “fleet” such as it is at start cannot make Carolines until turn 3.  Philippines can fall J1.

    I’ve had input from basically one person on what you buy as US1/2/3.  And according to his post he will have his starting navy, +1 more carrier, and 500 DD’s and LC’s.

  • @MaherC:

    US “fleet” such as it is at start cannot make Carolines until turn 3.   Philippines can fall J1.

    I’ve had input from basically one person on what you buy as US1/2/3.  And according to his post he will have his starting navy, +1 more carrier, and 500 DD’s and LC’s.

    Depends on what J places on Carolines for turn 2 or 3 US capture, but carolines is worthless to the US anyway.  Queensland is where you want the US fleet.

    And believe it or not, destroyers rock everything dollar for dollar aside from subs attack better, and land based fighters.

  • @Vareel:

    And believe it or not, destroyers rock everything dollar for dollar aside from subs attack better, and land based fighters.

    This is what I have been saying for a month.  Destroyers are much better than Cruisers or Battleships dollar for dollar.  Subs are great too as long as you can find a way to keep them away from attacking Destroyers.  Subs attacking at 2 against a Destroyer defending at a 2 is a good deal.

  • @MaherC:

    US “fleet” such as it is at start cannot make Carolines until turn 3.   Philippines can fall J1.

    I’ve had input from basically one person on what you buy as US1/2/3.  And according to his post he will have his starting navy, +1 more carrier, and 500 DD’s and LC’s.

    It isn’t a question of the US taking the Carolines but the issue is more if Japan can deadzone the Hawaiian SZ and prevent the US from moving the fleet there on US1.

  • Yes, dollar for dollar DDs are better than any other surface ship out there for straight up combat. Of that there is no doubt. But there are still limited roles for BBs and CAs which DDs do not perform. Both add to the threat of invasions of small garrisons (Attacking with a TR and 1 Inf + 1 Art vs 2 Inf is less than 50/50 without shelling, but considerably better with CAs or BBs). In addition, BBs allow for better ‘low intensity’ warfare. That ability is FAR more limited now than in AA50 due to BBs not auto-healing, but it can still be important in smaller engagements. Finally, either still gives more combat bang for your production ‘slot’ than a DD. If you are dealing with minor ICs or trying to build a force of ground troops in the same turn, that can some times be a factor.

    That said, DDs still rule the roost and that will likely not change. But I feel that a good mix will give you more options in the long run in terms of threat potential. Just the invasion potential is enough to force the enemy into different (and less optimal) defense deployments. And to me, that can be worth it for a slight drop in value/dollar for naval combat.

  • @MaherC:

    Assume a J1 attack.   What are you buying with US Turn 1, 2, 3 ?

    Again, my group feels the game is Jap win 100% of the time (with 9 games played showing those results, different players etc. playing Japan.)   But I keep reading how this is an ALLIED game.  I’d like to see what you are buying / doing that we are missing out on.

    Assuming a J1 attack and a kill India first strategy by the Japanese, the USA should build pretty much nothing but destroyers so that by the time India falls the USA and ANZAC should rule the sea.  Whoever rules the sea should ultimately win the game.  Also, get as many ANZAC and USA starting planes into India as possible.  A turn 2 airfield by ANZAC in Northern Territories should get most of the Allied air force into India by turn 3 (of course, Japan could build all transports turn 1 and take out India turn 3 but I think that would be a mistake since it means they won’t be owning all of the Dutch West Indies and the USA and ANZAC will now have a bigger fleet.  The point isn’t to prevent Japan from taking India but to make it as costly as possible.

  • An Airfield costs 15 IPCs.  Anzac starts at 10.  So no first round buy, 2nd turn you’re putting down an airbase?

  • @MaherC:

    An Airfield costs 15 IPCs.  Anzac starts at 10.  So no first round buy, 2nd turn you’re putting down an airbase?

    Yes, assuming that Japan is going after India and that they are not set up to take out India on turn 3.

  • I don’t have the board in front of me, so bear with me.  I’m not getting how a T2 Airbase in the NT helps Anzac’s fighters get to India faster.  They can already be in Western Australia during T1?

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