• If planes from the U.S. must land in Greenland or Iceland to reach the U.K. who will own these territories?

  • Customizer

    A very good effort.

    My suggestions for improvement are:

    Agree with others about the width of the Atlantic.  There should not be just one SZ  between England and West Germany; the line west of Denmark should be straightened to run into Low Countries.

    IPC values: Finland and Norway each worth more than Belgium/Netherlands combined? Low countries needs to be 3-4, Norway and Finland really not worth more than 1 each.  Kazakh = desert = 0.  Caucasus oil is mainly in the south, i.e. the “Georgia” territory (Baku).

    Naval bases: add Sevastopol, Oran (Algeria) for Tunis, Wilhelmshavn (WG), Alexandria (Suez) should be on Med, not Red.

    Urals factory maybe better in middle ? area (Chelyabinsk), giving Japan a realistic target in USSR?
    I’d also put a factory in East Ukraine (Kharkov?)

    “South West Africa” should be French Equatorial Africa; “French Equatorial Africa” should be British West Africa.
    Belgian Congo should be impassable, certainly for armoured units.

    Brazil, Mexico and Panama neutral; Cuba can be US control, but I’d have the eastern part as British West Indies.

    Roundels: (you knew this was coming) Italy should be Fasces symbol, Ireland at this time had only orange and green sections, Yugoslavia had a cross design similar to the one currently used by Serbia


    (note the inverted orange triangle of the Dutch East Indies air force)

    “Vichy” should be Southern France; at this time Vichy was an insignificant little town.

    Someone mentioned Calais, of course on this map Calais is in “Low Countries”.

    I would make Iran 2 territories north/south, each with at least 2 IPCs (oil output).

    You haven’t marked the convoys; shouldn’t there be 2 French convoys in the west Mediterranean?

    Won’t all neutrals have IPC values?  If they can be invaded, they should be worth their equivalent economic value.

  • Is this what you want the map to look like, or how you think it will look?

    Larry has confirmed that Iran will be a pro-allied nation and be named Persia. And Bulgaria will not be German controlled it will be pro-axis neutral.

    He has also mentioned that Southern Germany, Austria and Czech will all be one territory and be called somthing like Greater Germany

    Also, technically, Yugoslavia was pro-axis at this time, except they had a coup in early 1941 which was anti-German. So I would run them as a pure neutral. I would also run Spain as a pure neutral, since Mussolini’s absurd campaigns had and would further cause Franco too doudt the axis alliance.

    Great work! +1

  • The map looks great.  I dont have any complaints and I assume that the final version will end up looking very much like this.

  • Mongolia has no IPC values, and it is a true neutral
    True neutrals have garrisons, Pro-neutrals have special rules

    True neutrals have no ipc value so thay deter needless invasion, only invade them for strategic puroposes, not economic

    Pro-neutals are like the dutch in pacific, they have special rules, and I predict for europe, infantry spawn there if some conditons are met

    Brazil, yucatan, and West Indies will likeley be US from the start….mexico is US controled in pacific, I doubt larry complicated south america

    I will likely squeeze another sea zone in betwaeen US and UK if I can

    One Territory US seems to be the plan, its one territory in Pacfic, I expect it to be one in europe

    I was actualy going to make finland MORE powerful, perhaps even pro-axis neutral, and when its attacked it gets german units…the winter war and all…but remember, larry wants simplicity, so it’ll just be german

    I knew about the other roundels flashman, im not a stickler for 100% accuracy, remeber im no MSPaint Rembrant so i opt for the simpler designs…if it was up to me it’d be faces for italy and swasticas for germany

    Remember…this isnt how I would do it…its how i “think” larry did it
    if it was up to me id have the old convoys in the atlantic
    a 3rd axis minors power (finland, iraq, iran, romaina)
    some other fixins

    russia and africa are a little wonked out in this map…but, the UK african territores are from a list of african territories posted by larry himself…so those are the names of all the territores the UK has in africa, their locations may be incorrect

  • Map is coming along very well (have seen each upgrade). I would like to see some of the islands in the middle of sz’s for scrambling purposes, especially in the Med. Like Crete in the SZ adjacent to Greece, or Cyprus in the sz off the coast of Egypt (minor line change).
    I was also wondering if Zealand (island in Danish straight) will be a playable space (separate from Denmark peninsula). If you moved the sz dividing line above the island then you could scramble from Copenhagen to give fleet protection in the Baltic. This would kinda create a close the straight rule for the Baltic. I think that would be good for the game. Just my 2 cents.

  • Your map looks pretty good, but what does it matter unless you work for WOTC

  • The Winter War is over when this game starts…

    But I think Finland should be NEutral/Axis leaning and get a full ally (GErmany controlled) when Germany attacks Russia  - Same as Romania - Bulgaria should “acivate” when Germany attacks Greece.

    Concerning “value” of territories…

    I don’t think its “real world production” alone that determines the “worth” of a territory.

    Finland had a small GDP (Comparably), but an excellent Army, so in the game a high “production” value is OK

    Belgium/The Netherlands had a good industrial base, but the Army was either small or ill equipped, so a low IPC output is OK

    Norway is difficult, I assume low IPC is OK based on history, but Germany should get NO-bonus points while occupying as Norway provided Germany with Swedish ore and also was a great base for air/ship based convoy harrassment.

  • German NO-Controls all of the flowing territories-Norway, Finland and Sweden must be pro-axis or axis.

  • Customizer


    The Winter War is over when this game starts…

    But I think Finland should be NEutral/Axis leaning and get a full ally (GErmany controlled) when Germany attacks Russia  - Same as Romania - Bulgaria should “acivate” when Germany attacks Greece.

    Concerning “value” of territories…

    I don’t think its “real world production” alone that determines the “worth” of a territory.

    Finland had a small GDP (Comparably), but an excellent Army, so in the game a high “production” value is OK

    Belgium/The Netherlands had a good industrial base, but the Army was either small or ill equipped, so a low IPC output is OK

    Norway is difficult, I assume low IPC is OK based on history, but Germany should get NO-bonus points while occupying as Norway provided Germany with Swedish ore and also was a great base for air/ship based convoy harrassment.

    I fail to see the relevance of army strength, surely IPC values should reflect economic value; in any case the NL/B armies are already defeated.  By all means give Finland enough units to reflect it’s army establishment, but economically it was a midget.

  • @Flashman:

    I fail to see the relevance of army strength, surely IPC values should reflect economic value….

    Well, IMHO  :wink: once again we get mired by the charming vagueness of the game, IPCs really being Military Production Certificates capturing the ability to field units which involves a myriad of factors outside the scope of the game mechanics that we love despite failing to differeniate between endless horde infantry mills and tech savvy arsenals of democracy.


  • my sea zones are way off……i have a gut feeling

  • Sicily should be worth 1 to make it worth attacking
    also Ottawa is totally in the wrong place  :mrgreen:

  • Do you work for WOTC?

  • I work at a junkyard

    Im going to rework the map tomorrow more than likely

    Things I know are 100% right

    The names of the UK territories in Africa
    UK is two territores
    5 territores between Berlin and Moscow territores (need to fix on map)
    “some” neutrals will have IPC values in europe (need to fix)

    thats all i have gathered from Larry and Krieghound….

    I bet my seazones are wrong…i bet it takes more moves to get to UK from US
    russia is all messed up stillm thgere where threads on larrys board where he said how many moves from one city to the other (lenningrad to rostov is 2 territioreis away(
    seazones in mediteranian need reworked (1 island per zone)

  • I bet your map will probably be better than what WOTC puts out and with less typos too

  • new template
    No IPC values just yet

    Euro names.PNG

  • @oztea:

    new template
    No IPC values just yet

    Great job!

    Minor points:
    Sweden has too many ee’s!
    Canadian capital should be on Ontario side of Quebec border.
    And Nunavut should be Northwest Territories.

  • i also forgot to lable cyprus

    Nunavut is Nunavut because i think there is already a northwest territoreis space in pacific….or is that yukon territory…i cant remember

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