• @Brain:


    Canadian skating infantry :

    Has 2 movement during uneven turn :) (snow!)

    What happens when they go on the power play?

    We beat the Americans for Gold!  As the Canadian troops in Afghanistan put it: “Brothers in arms, but not on the ice!”

  • Customizer

    Hockey inf can get an assist from tanks for a hat trick.

  • @allworkandnoclay:

    As long as we’re on sports, here’s a list:

    • Canada gets Hockey: Goalie Inf get an attack of 2 when a combat movement involves an area Canada lost during the last full game phase.

    • America gets Football: Linebacker Inf can declare two combat movements in one turn (both attacks must be declared before first combat is resolved, only survivors continue through to next one).

    • Japan gets Judo: Judoka Inf get +1 attack if opposing force is composed of only enemy Infantry.

    • Germany gets Soccer: Attacking Midfielder Infantry get +1 attack if they were involved in a defensive battle during the last game phase.

    • France gets Cycling: Cyclist Inf may retreat to an adjacent French region after any full round of defensive combat (heh sorry France - a hit below the belt).

    • UK gets Cricket: Batsmen Inf get +1 defense if the attacking force contains an air force unit (1 Infantry per each attacking air unit).

    • Russia gets Gymnastics: Gymnast Inf get +1 movement if Russia successfully won a combat movement involving ground forces this turn.

    • Italy gets Rowing: Watermen Inf may participate in a defensive Naval battle when aboard a transport (but are reduced to 1 defense).

    • China gets Ping Pong: After winning a combat movement, Rally Inf can be moved back to the area they came from if desired.

    • ANZAC gets Rugby: Forward Inf get +1 attack and defense when grouped as exactly 8 infantry (Scrum time!).

    absolutely love them, the Italians would have to be my favourite

  • @finnman:

    absolutely love them, the Italians would have to be my favourite

    I like the french one the best.

  • On a more serious note, Canada is out–I repeat, out–as the most likely candidate for the second UK economy. That honour goes to India.

    Canada can only be played as a separate power via house rules, as per LH. Read all about it:


  • @Dylan:

    Yes what all of you have said, but in Pacific BC and Yukon Territory have the Canadian symbol not a British one. I am pretty sure Larry Harris said every Canadian province will be on the bored. If you play the full version with both games, it would look really stupid with a British logo for everything else. Also to make things more confusing, what about Newfoundland, it was just another place in the British Empire not part of Canada yet. And about India and South Africa, they were still fully part of the British Empire.

    Then they will all have a British symbol.

  • Whether they are Canadian or British symbols, they will all belong to the UK.

  • @cminke:


    So…… The Canadian roundels are there purely for the recognition of Canada’s contribution to the Allied effort.

  • Stop Echoing BD. I hate it.

    Its only there because Canada has less action that South America, and their rondel is cool, and because they had the largest production of Maple Surip in the world.

  • I haven’t kept a graph of the Canadian votes. But is it just me, or is Canada starting to increase noticeably? And I can’t seem to be able to revote (not that I would want to). Are people able to revote?

  • @The:

    I haven’t kept a graph of the Canadian votes. But is it just me, or is Canada starting to increase noticeably? And I can’t seem to be able to revote (not that I would want to). Are people able to revote?

    I can’t figure out how to re-vote so I am gonna guess that you can’t.

  • Well. Even since the time I asked the question, Canada has gone up in percentage. Being the staunch supporter of having Canada as a separate power, I think that it’s time now that it’s been discussed, for a revote so that we can get an updated opinion. Canada supporters, Rally!  :-D

  • @The:

    Well. Even since the time I asked the question, Canada has gone up in percentage. Being the staunch supporter of having Canada as a separate power, I think that it’s time now that it’s been discussed, for a revote so that we can get an updated opinion. Canada supporters, Rally!  :-D

    Well then start a new poll, but the real person you need to ask is Larry Harris.

  • Customizer

    i thought i would add
    that i would not mind Canada as a power

    if their units were controlled by the UK

    (in other words, their units got to attack with UK units)

  • I think Canada as a separate power is unnecessary.  I’m not too thrilled with ANZAC as a separate power, but I think I know why the designers did it:  1.)  play balance, and 2.)  historical accuracy.

    Right now, Japan has to face 3 weak powers (Commonwealth, China, and ANZAC) and one strong power (US).  If Commonwealth and ANZAC were allowed to act as one unit, they could pool their forces and attack together.  I don’t think that would affect play balance very much.  It’s also NOT historically accurate to keep them separate.  ANZAC, British, Indian, South African, Rhodesian, and Canadian troops worked together in joint commands frequently, particularly in North Africa.  And, colonial griping about “those arrogant Pommies” aside, they generally worked quite well together.

    But allowing ANZAC and Commonwealth to pool their income would mean Australia and India could build bombers, battleships, and aircraft carriers, which would not be historically accurate. Also, allowing ANZAC income to be spent in India would allow them to crank out large numbers of infantry and tanks.  Again, not historically accurate.  Yes, India had a huge population, but that doesn’t equate to being able to build a huge army overnight.  India had a fair amount of industrial capacity, but not for building capital ships, combat aircraft, and tanks.  And the technical expertise needed for expanding such activities was concentrated in Britain and Canada.  Also, large numbers if Indian troops were committed to North Africa, Sicily, and Italy.  And India was a huge country at that time, and included Pakistan, Bangledesh, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and, I believe, parts of Afghanistan.  Much of the Indian army was committed to keeping the peace and discouraging rebellions among the various factions, and would therefore not be available to commit to the fight against Japan.

    Now, for my own house rules, I plan to have Britain, ANZAC, and Free French forces be combined in a single turn.  They can operate together for combat purposes, but have to keep their incomes separate.  ANZAC income can only be spent in ANZAC factories.  Commonwealth income can only be spent in Commonwealth factories (Britain, Canada, India, South Africa, and any new factories built in Commonwealth controlled territory).  I think I’ll allow Free French (I’m lumping Dutch and Belgians in with them) to use the income from their colonies to build units in British factories.

  • @almashir:

    Now, for my own house rules, I plan to have Britain, ANZAC, and Free French forces be combined in a single turn.  They can operate together for combat purposes, but have to keep their incomes separate.  ANZAC income can only be spent in ANZAC factories.  Commonwealth income can only be spent in Commonwealth factories (Britain, Canada, India, South Africa, and any new factories built in Commonwealth controlled territory).

    Bingo! I had the same idea! With all the commonwealth building separately but being able (and also not able) to attack together. I think that i will be using it after i play one game of normal global (although Canadian troops would kind of help). I’m still working out exactly how I will make the U.K. rules, but one thing is for sure, they won’t be blunt and half-assed like the simple split board line that this game is using. I will try to make them as realistic as possible.

  • @The:

    I’m still working out exactly how I will make the U.K. rules, but one thing is for sure, they won’t be blunt and half-assed like the simple split board line that this game is using. I will try to make them as realistic as possible.

    Please post your UK rules when you are done.

  • mostly except for the Canada part.

  • @Brain:


    I’m still working out exactly how I will make the U.K. rules, but one thing is for sure, they won’t be blunt and half-assed like the simple split board line that this game is using. I will try to make them as realistic as possible.

    Please post your UK rules when you are done.

    Will do. But be prepared to wait until a couple of weeks after Europe. I will have to play the original game a few times first with my friend.

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