I saw your post sitting so long I registered to give you a few pointers on maps. Most if not all the WotC map packs are themed in some way. Originally they were 2" hexes but were changed some time ago. The map packs you mentioned are themed as follows: North Africa - 3 Desert maps and on reverse side 3 jungle maps. Eastern Front - 3 town/factory maps and on the reverse side 3 Russian steppes maps. There are two starters, the one in the cardboard box is the old one and contains 12mm mini’s and 2" hex maps. the new starter is in a blister pack and has 15mm mini’s and 3" hex maps. The maps in the new starter are mixed forest/hills/clear. The rules and revised cards are downloadable through the WotC site.
Grizzled veteran or heroes question
since heroes ignore face up disrupted counters do they simply ignore defensive fire against them?
Heroes are not stopped by defencive fire, but they do not ignore it either.
Special abilities such as Covering Fire and Flamethrower will still effect the Hero; so covering fire can prevent him from attacking, or Flamethrower can still destroy him immediately on three 6’s.
grizzled vet is adjacent a non friendly and moves to another adjacent hex. since he is immune to the disrupted markers, can he still be stopped in his original hex by the defensive fire (ie it says immune to face up disrupted counters but defensive fire states to place a disrupted counter and stop the unit from moving in a hex chosen by the defensive firee)?
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