• '10


    I’ve had so many rare outcomes from dice rolls I don’t know where to start, and an average human brain is not capable of remembering all those rare dice rolls.

    One word…LL…!

    I’ve had some terrible dice in my last 3 games  latest example : 3 ftrs attack a lone dd. It takes 3 rounds before I roll a 3  and lose 2 of the 3 planes.

    Still not ready for LL  Dice is part of the game

  • The outcome of any battle is never a sure thing so the dice reflect that.

  • Great point, Brain Damaged, but back to the topic, please.
    Looking for strange, rare outcomes of dice rolls (not necessarily about the times you got “diced”)
    For example, you attacked with 3 1’s, 4 2’s, 6 3’s, and 2 4’s, and hit nothing.  Then in the second round, everything hit.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    1. My first Axis and Allies Roll.

    the 1984 version, I was America, bought 3 tech Dice.

    6 6 6.

    Back then, the rules were you got a tech for each successful dice :)  gotHB, Industrial Production, jet fgt

    Not too damn bad I thought, i was instantly hooked to the game! :)

    1. America again, several years later, 1984 version, A lone transport succesfully sinks both attack Japanese Battleships ! And Lives! :) :) :) that was game.

    2. Operation Sea Lion Gone Wrong.

    playing my 2nd game of Europe, as UK, So concerned for Russia, missed the Sea Lion! :s (noob mistake I know) Germans came in, hit 5/6 with anti air.  Not 100% like some of you other people, but again not bad.

    1. Revised, the Moscow Disaster.

    Playing as Germany, doing ok, a tight game. Finally got a decent shot at Russia, with decent odds. Go all in, roll sub-par with tanks, :/ figure my 9 fgt’s will make up for it. Right? Roll 9 dice.


    NO HITS!



    Game. :s

  • Thanks, Gargantua, those were great!  Exactly the kind of things I was hoping to draw out from people.  Thanks again.
    BTW those 100% AA’s were only 3 or 4!  5 for 6 - that’s freaking awesome!
    But I loved the triple 6 on your first time as America.  Hahaha - that’ll never happen again thanks to rule changes!
    HB, Jets and Industrial prod, holy cow!  Game over!
    With the 2 Jap battleships - that was 1-hit battleship days, right?  But still!  One 1 beats out 2 4’s?  Hahaha - that would have been great.  I wish I could have peeked in on your games when these things happened.

  • Customizer

    played 1942 recently, as russia first turn, attacked Ukraine with everything that could reach it, attacked Western Russia with everything else.
    I’m attacking west rus with 9 infantry, 1 art, 1 tank…  I miss with all my rolls, he hits will all of his.  I go again, i get 1 hit, to his all but 1 hit.
    Ukraine i managed to win with just a fighter and tank left.

    immediately conceded and proceded to bitch the rest of the night

    ps: four 1s for those AA hits is a 0.0772% chance, which is lowest so far mentioned.

  • For those battles I’ve calced the odds afterwards, I’ve had 1 of 500, in AA50 once, some (probably 4) ftrs vs the American battleship J1. But I’ve read elsewhere on the web that someone once got 12 of 13 aircraft shot down in one roll….!

  • Thanks veqryn. I didnt realize it was almost 3/4’s of a one percent chance. Those are insane odds.

  • @CanadianSpitfire1:

    Thanks veqryn. I didnt realize it was almost 3/4’s of a one percent chance. Those are insane odds.

    3/4 of one percent is 0.75%
    He calculated .0772% which is 8/100’s of one percent chance!  :wink:
    And I calculated it too - he’s right!
    7.72% of 1%, in other words.  :-)

  • I have a friend who took UK on G1. The Allies re-took it with a small land force. On G2 he attacked again with 2 inf and 5 fighter’s. You guessed it, 5 1’s on AA. Game over!

  • Was that AA50?  Did he get LRA on G1 or something?

    Thanks for sharing, Todd.

  • It was revised when it first came out, and he did tech for LRA on G1.

  • Recent game of 1942 edition.

    After having played dozens of games of AA50, we decided to try out 1942 just for fun.  I was playing the UK and USSR.
    USSR was getting hammered, the US was taking France (finally) and the UK, having no fleet and no ground forces to speak of, I decided to go heavy on air power.

    Sending in 4 bombers to Germany, along with a couple fighters to take out the germans latest small homeland build, I figured that I would be able to cripple their production round after round at the very least.  Considering the previous dozens of games I had only ever seen ONE bomber taken out by AA.

    ALL 4 Bombers were taken out by AA!  And then my fighters proceeded to get demolished by a couple of infantry.

  • Never underestimate the devastation AA can wreak!  :evil:

  • we were playing a tight game of '41. I was Germany and was doing a bomber strat. UK saw an opening so they tried a berlin assault. I took a chance and left my bombers, taking inf as casualties then proceeded to roll three ones with my three bombers! back breaker.

    years earlier in a game of classic moscow had fallen but germany was being bombed to oblivion by my fleet of 10 uk bombers, then his AA got hot and hit 8 of 10! game.

  • 8 of 10???  In one attack?  Wow!!!

    Who needs radar? :D

  • It was indeed an eyepopping (and game ending) experience!

  • OK, I just had one in a PBF game.

    G2, attacked England with 2 infantry, 2 armor, 4 fighter, 1 bomber, 1 cruiser
    Defending was 1 bomber (Russian) 3 infantry, 1 armor, 4 fighters (but due to my clerical error, I thought there were 3, or I might not have attacked!)

    It started out normal - I lost one fighter to AA fire.

    Then my round one attack - 8 out of 9 hits, with one of the 3’s missing.  Yes, both attacking infantry hit - snake-eyes!

    The defense was average to good, and with that extra unanticipated (my bad) fighter, I did pay the price.  But with 98 IPC’s going into G3, well, no price is too high!  :-)

  • The most memorable move I ever saw went like this :

    It was on the 84 version, the axis players are dominating, in a last ditch effort the american load up 1 tank on a transport and start moving toward europe, the german player dosnt even give this lone transport a second look and go on his busness as usual, then the tank is dropped on western europe, defended with 4 infantry and 2 figther. The maerican steamroll over that defense and take control of western europe. Next turn, the german send 3 tanks 2 bomber to retake his land, AA takes out the 2 bomber and the lone tank resist and humiliate the german army once more. Next american move, he tried to get southern europe but was wrecked.

    Dont remember if it turned the tide of the war, but was real funny. In that game i played the japs.

  • Thanks for sharing, Kilu, that is indeed very, very rare.

    Desperation often produces the strange results, because things are attempted that would never be attempted in a game that is close.

    Beware, when your foe becomes desperate!  :wink:

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