Question about PBF
when playing in a forum, does a pic of the map get passed back and forth between players, or is each player to keep an updated version for themselves?
As I recently found out, you get the map, save it under a new name, make the adjustments for your turn, then pass it back.
Just to clarify too, most people here (all) are using AABattlemap software, which lets you move the pieces on the board, it’s not like we’re using a digital camera and taking snaps of the board.
thanks. i have abattlemap dl’d. just needed some info before my first PBF game.
how do i start a game, find people, etc?
There are 2 find FIND PLAYER tabs further down. One is listed under the findplayers section the other under PBF. You would probably want the latter. This thread may get moved there anyway. Btw, what are you looking to play?
dont really care. this would be my cherry game so…i dont expect much other than a learning expierence. hmm, how similar. lol
I’m thinking about popping my cherry as well. Maybe a theatre size game like AAP may be good for testing out pbf as the game length is limited an there essentially 2 turns /round.
How is your pbf game going?
now now, lets not make fun of virgins. i’m playing joe cold, i think i’m doing alright, but its just about to be rnd 3, and this is where the allies usually get it together. we’ll see.