The situation is it is July 1939 and France just surrendered to Germany. Italy hasn’t taken Abyssinia, but Abyssinia hasn’t captured Eritrea.
Palious13 wrote, “Abyssinia can’t become French unless it wins the war. page 58 of rulebook If Abyssinia wins, they align to France when France is at war with a major power. If France is subsequently captured, Abyssinia becomes Free French. Abyssinia has not won therefore do not align or become Free French. They have to conquer Eritrea to win.”
Fighting Irish responded, “I was thinking that France surrendered. Abyssinia became Free French regardless if the war with Italy is still going on. I took the line France is subsequently captured, Abyssinia becomes Free French. I took it as the war was now over with the Italian as well.”
I wrote, “This is a tricky situation. Abyssinia is Controlled by France at the start of the game (Page 58, 13.2 Italian Campaign in Abyssinia). Palious13 is correct that Under Resolution, “If Abyssinians win, Abyssinia Aligns to France as soon as France is at war with a Major Power. If France is subsequently defeated Abyssinia becomes Free France.” But what if Abyssinia has not yet won the war? Then Abyssinia is NOT Aligned and is only Controlled. This might make Palious13 feel that Abyssinia isn’t going to necessarily go Free French. However, Fighting Irish is correct that on the Vichy France Quick Reference Sheet it states, “All French Controlled/Aligned Minor Powers (e.g. Abyssinia) become Aligned to Free French.” So that is definitive. Abyssinia does NOT have to win the war to guarantee it will become Free French. All Abyssinia need do is fight to a tie. You have played it correctly, Fighting Irish. 8 )”
Adalwolf wrote, “So two points here. 1) Italy needs to try to defeat Abyssinia before France falls or Abyssinia becomes controlled by the Free French. 2) Is Italy now at war automatically with the Free French? Or technically the war is over with Abyssinia and now if Italy wants Abyssinia it must DOW on the Free French? What is the repercussions of Italy doing so?”
I responded, "Excellent questions, Adalwolf! Here’s the way I think about it (and I’m not an official source, just an enthusiast): Once France surrenders, Abyssinia is “absorbed” by the Free French. They basically have loyalty to the French for supporting them and they see that politically, by joining the Free French, they will put the Italians in a strange position. Remember that when a minor country goes from controlled to aligned, you replace the units, so the Abyssinian units are removed from the board and replaced with Free French. If the Italians want to try and take Abyssinia, they will have to declare war on the Free French. Abyssinia has basically ceased to exist.
Italy is not yet at war with the Free French. The Free French National Reference Sheet states that Free France is at war with all nations France was at war with. Vichy France wanted to stay out of the war, but Free France wanted to continue fighting the Germans. This means Free France is part of the Allies’ alliance. If Italy declares war on Free France, they are then going to war with Great Britain."
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