• I have 2 questions about the rules for Global War 1936 v3:

    1. Is an Allies attack on Aquitaine, after France surrenders and Vichy is established, considered an attack on Vichy France or on Germany. Does in invoke the rule of alliance and Vichy troops in Southern France become German?
    2. when technology is complete does the acquiring of tech become retroactive? Example, if I obtain long ranch aircraft or Jet power, does that apply to all of my planes already on the board?

  • @timothy-gengarella

    1. Aquitaine becomes German after the French surrender
      2 . Yes on long range aircraft no on jet power you have to build them they are more expensive and better than regular fighters you just have to read the rules a bit more cheers

  • @timothy-gengarella
    To expand upon what @Linkler said, tech is not retroactive.
    Most techs grant you the ability to build a new, more powerful unit, such as jets, rockets, advanced mech etc…
    Other like Wartime economy grant you a bonus, but that does not apply to units.
    The only techs that have a retroactive effect are Long Range Aircraft, Imp. Factories, and Imp. Construction.
    LRG gives all planes a bonus in movement.
    Imp. Factories upgrades all facoties,
    and Imp. Construction upgrades all shipyards.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    @Timothy-Gengarella glad you found your way to the forums! Hopefully the link I sent you on Facebook the other day was helpful in finding this! I’m sure you’re already noticing a lot of useful info here!

  • @chris_henry Yes, thanks. My son-in-law and I are just learning the game. We are hoping to get familiar with the rules and strategy enough so that in the fall I can host a game.

  • @timothy-gengarella Exciting! Yeah, a lot of the basic concepts can hopefully come quickly. They aren’t so unlike A&A where you can’t adjust.

    The biggest thing will just be remembering some of the intricacies from turn to turn. Remembering recruitment rolls, remembering tech rolls, remembering the terrain feature penalties/bonuses, etc.

    Also, try and get out of the A&A mindset of taking the capital wins the game. It’s truly more focused on the victory conditions needed. I know our first few games it was hard to not just focus on taking on capitals as the primary goal, when it doesn’t necessarily need to be that way here!


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