• Do we have any idea about who the top players are in the A&A/GW Scene?

    Feel free to to humble brag.

  • @Broken-Mortar

    Me 💁🏼‍♀️

  • @mrgoatcheese well of course, but who would be second best?

  • Banned

    The best player to me is someone you can trust outside the game and distrust within the game. Alas some can not be trusted outside and inside the game. When you get rid of the latter sort of players, there are only best players left and they always win regardless of victory points.

  • @delaja What do you mean by best?

  • @david-06 How do they always win?

  • Banned

    I am talking about respect, friendship, loyalty, gentlemenship, responsibility and genuine fun. You always win if you play with players under these reciprocal conditions. Alas I had some experience with backstabbers who actually are the worst players ethically and biggest losers figuratively regardless of the number of victory conditions. My definition of best is not in quantity but in quality. That is why I have recently reduced the number of people I wish to play with in the future. After a hard lesson. To me the best player is not about who wins the most games. It is about who can manage to keep a group together by comradeship instead of split them up over personal gain. Who is genuinely interested in who you are and does not fake being interested just to use you. Maybe this clarifies more what I mean? Or am I just old-fashioned?

  • @delaja Definetally

  • @delaja To me, it really shouldn’t be that hard to have a great time playing a game, and leave it there when you’re done! Sure, I’m competitive as hell. But it’s just a game at the end of the day, sucks to have people be jerks about it! It’s fun to have some backstabbing in game and what not, but that largely depends on your group I suppose.

    @David-06 I think to get back to your actual question though, I’m not sure how much anyone can really know that? I only say that because of how many different ways people play. How many people play the games specifically as the OOB rules say to? You have guys with modified maps, tournament rules people play with, bidding at the beginning of games, and obviously countless house rules! I’m not so sure it’s so easy as saying “X, Y, and Z” are the best players, when everyone seems to play a tab bit differently!

  • I’m going to put my two cents in here.

    I think you can have the best of different types of players. For instance, though Panzer King is not the best tactician or strategist, he is defiantly top of the list for customizations and being a all-around nice guy. GHG is a strong player and decent guy, though not that tacitly interesting, and then you have Jinx, who is great at the strategic element of the game. Those are just some I have seen, and feel free to put in others.

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