Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    • Units

    o Black Shirt MilitiaI know these were removed from the V2 base game, but I thought they’d be a great unit to add back into this “Italy Expansion”.
     A:2 D:2 M:1 C:2
    • Black Shirt Militia can move outside of Italian Home Country.
    • Maximum of 2 can be built per turn.
    • Must be built in Home Country.

    o BersaglieriDebated making this mountain infantry but didn’t want to make them too strong.
     A:3 D:5 M:1 C:4
    • Elite Italian Infantry.
    • Maximum of 2 can be built per turn. Only 6 can be on the board at any given time. Can be rebuilt if destroyed.
    • Must be built in Home Country.

    • Abilities

    o The Italian 8th Army (Italian Army in Russia (ARMIR))
     At the beginning of their turn, the Italian player may decide to send up to 3 Italian land units to make up the Italian 8th Army. – Similar to what HBG has for a rule for the CEF in the China at War Expansion. Thought this would be a good way to show Italian efforts on the Eastern Front.
    • These units would move and fight with the German player as if German units in USSR Home Country, and Germany would choose what casualties are taken in combat.
    • On the Italians’ non-combat movement phase, they may decide to take control of their units again. The units could not move in that non-combat movement phase but would be retained under Italian control for the next player turn.
    • This rule can happen any time during the game.
    • This ability cannot be used outside of USSR Home Country. If the units leave USSR Home Country at any point, they automatically revert to Italian control.

    • Campaigns
      o France
      Italian Intervention in France
      • Italy may build a submarine base in Bordeaux and may build one submarine a turn, separate from Germany’s factory per turn limits.

    Corp Aereo Italiano (CAI)
    • After the fall of France, Italy may lend Germany the use of one Fighter, Tactical Bomber, or Medium Bomber.
    o This unit is controlled by Germany and attacks/defends with German units as if German owned.
    o The plane must always end its movement within originally French Home Country territories, Belgium, or the Netherlands.
    o The Italian player may recall the plane at any time during his Non-Combat Movement Phase.

    o The Balkan CampaignI thought making an Italy Expansion have a heavy focus on the Balkans region was a good idea. This brings Yugoslavia and Greece into the game a bit more. I worked in some negative affects for Italian units, while also some bonuses to Axis units as well. I didn’t want to overpower the Axis abilities too much. So, while Italy gains a couple units, and the Germans can get a free blitzing maneuver in here, there’s also a handicap to the first Italian combat phase, and the Allied chance to send some immediate reinforcements to Greece.
    Background: Italy decided to attack Greece in haste and started the Greco-Italian War. Angry with Hitler for not informing him of German plans, Mussolini wanted to show that he was an equal partner and decided to attack Greece without forward warning to Germany that it was doing so. The Italians attacked from Albania and were ill-prepared with not enough men or supplies available for rugged mountain fighting. In the first couple months, with Bulgaria having declared neutrality in the war, the Greek forces were able to concentrate on the Italians and pushed them back and even occupied Albanian territory. At this point Germany launched Operation Marita, the dual assault on Yugoslavia and Greece. Greek resistance soon collapsed under threat of being flanked from German forces moving from Bulgaria, and proper resistance was not able to be restored with the retreat south.

    • After the fall of France, and on Italy’s turn, the European Axis powers have the option to pay 10 IPP to the bank. Italy is required to pay at least 4 IPP.
    • Place 2 Italian Mountain Infantry in Albania.
    • On the first turn Italy attacks Greece, all Italian land units that attack in originally Greek territory suffer a -1-attacker penalty.
    • Germany may blitz through Yugoslavia to Greece and ignores the terrain features that ordinarily limit blitzing. This blitz ability must begin in Yugoslavia and end in Macedonia.
    o If the German attack is successful on this first turn, Bulgaria will automatically align with the Axis. This replaces the base-game rules for Bulgarian alignment and does not count towards the per-turn limit to activating Romania or Hungary. – Not 100% sold on this being something that can happen.
    • Immediately upon implementation, the Commonwealth (including ANZAC) has the option of paying 3 IPP to the bank. This allows for 2 Commonwealth infantry class units stationed in originally Commonwealth controlled territories bordering SZ 53 or SZ 81 to be immediately placed in Peloponnese territory without need to transport, as part of the British Expeditionary Force (Force “W”).

    • The Fall of Italy

    o Italian Surrender to the AlliesSimulating the Italian surrender and the ensuing German takeover seemed like a good place to go here too. Tried to get some fun parts to make this worth it to Germany to implement, while still giving an Italian player, who by now would have been close to defeat, a chance to play on a bit longer with a new capital and some partisans.
    Italian Social Republic (Operation Axis)
    Background: After the invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky) in July 1943, the Italian Government arrested Benito Mussolini, and soon after entered negotiations in September with the Allies to end the war. After the Allies landed in Southern Italy, the Italian Government formally surrendered to the Allies. At the same time, Hitler had been planning Operation Axis, the German takeover of Italy.
    • On the turn the Allies invade Southern Italy, the Italian Government surrenders to the Allies. The German player may choose to create the puppet state of the Italian Social Republic. This costs 8 IPP to do.
    o Northern Italy becomes the new Italian Capital. Italy does not lose it’s IPP when Rome is taken. Italy Surrenders when Northern Italy falls.
    o All other Italian Home Country territories not under Allied control are moved to German control. Germany collects the IPP for these territories.
    o Italy gets 2 Black Shirt Militia, 1 infantry, 1 artillery and 1 Mountain Infantry on Northern Italy for free.
    o Place 1 Italian Partisan in each Allied occupied Italian Home Country territory, and 2 Partisans in Rome once it falls.
    o Roll a D12 for every remaining Italian unit in Italian Home Country. Italian units in other non-Home Country territories surrender like normal and are removed from the board.
     On a roll of 1-3 that unit joins the new Italian Social Republic.
     On a roll of 4-6 that unit is converted to a German unit.
     On a roll of 7-10 that unit is removed from the board.
     On a roll of 11-12 that unit is removed from the board and replaced with a US Partisan (representing Italian guerilla forces against Germany).
    o Roll a D12 for each Italian naval unit that borders an Axis occupied land zone.
     On a roll of 1-4 that unit joins Germany and is converted to the German equivalent piece.
     On a roll of 5-8 that unit is sunk by Germany planes.
     On a roll of 9-12 that unit escapes to Allied territory and is converted to the US equivalent piece.
     All Italian naval units that do not border an Axis occupied land territory are converted to US naval units.

  • @chris_henry I think that the invasion of southern Italy would give too much of an advantage to the Allies. they will only have to invade southern Italy

  • @david-06 That’s just me.

  • @david-06 Also, why do you do the “invisible” thing.

    Sorry if I’m offending you in any way.

  • @david-06 said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    @chris_henry I think that the invasion of southern Italy would give too much of an advantage to the Allies. they will only have to invade southern Italy

    That’s funny, I think of this in the exact opposite context. I think this is a negative for the Allies. Remember, I say the Germans may enact this. Not that it automatically happens when Italy is invaded. The Germans have the choice. But by doing this, they’re making it harder for the Allies to take out Italy’s capital by moving it north. Also, if this scenario is playing out, clearly Italy is close to defeated anyways. This now allows for the possibility of some Italian units to convert to German control, and gets some Partisans in there for the Italians too. But if the Axis think they’re better off keeping Italy as is, they have the option of doing that!

    @david-06 said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    @david-06 Also, why do you do the “invisible” thing.

    Sorry if I’m offending you in any way.

    I don’t follow what the “invisible thing” is?

  • @chris_henry OH, I didn’t see that. I think this is a great expansion. The invisible thing is when you click your profile and you have a couple of circles Green-Online, Orange-away, Red-do not disturb, and gray-which is invisible. Gray is also when you’re are offline, basically not on

  • @chris_henry said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:



    You have to include the Decima Flottiglia MAS: Italian Commando Frogmen who were responsible for sinking or damaging numerous Battleships, warships and merchant ships throughout the Mediterranean. My favourite scheme of theirs was to use a “neutral” merchant ship with a submarine pen built into its hull to launch midget subs at ships docked at Gibraltar.

    Also infantry units that can sabotage naval units is a great and unexplored mechanic for GW36.

  • @insanehoshi How would they do so?

  • @chris_henry How do you send in proposals? Of Expansions to HGB?

  • @david-06 said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    @chris_henry OH, I didn’t see that. I think this is a great expansion. The invisible thing is when you click your profile and you have a couple of circles Green-Online, Orange-away, Red-do not disturb, and gray-which is invisible. Gray is also when you’re are offline, basically not on

    Thanks! Yeah, I just thought it might be a fun little optional rule if Italy is in some serious dire straights. Will prolong them a bit more. They run the risk of losing troops in the D12 roll, but that would be the risk to surviving a bit longer!

    Ha, I actually forgot about that invisible thing. I think I set it that way years ago and frankly forgot about it! I’ll change it now!

    @insanehoshi said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    @chris_henry said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:



    You have to include the Decima Flottiglia MAS: Italian Commando Frogmen who were responsible for sinking or damaging numerous Battleships, warships and merchant ships throughout the Mediterranean. My favourite scheme of theirs was to use a “neutral” merchant ship with a submarine pen built into its hull to launch midget subs at ships docked at Gibraltar.

    Also infantry units that can sabotage naval units is a great and unexplored mechanic for GW36.

    Interesting. I hadn’t consider that at all! I do also wonder, like @David-06 how this might be implemented? My gut reaction is it would be too powerful for a small unit to straight up destroy an enemy ship, right?

    What if they operated similar to my ruleset for the LRDG in the North Africa portion? What about this:

    -Have it be an infantry class unit that can operate behind enemy lines.
    -Cost 2, Defend 1-2, Attack 0, Move 1.
    -Maximum of 1 on the board at a time, but can be rebuilt.
    -It would serve similar to a partisan in that it can fade away instead of making a defensive roll.
    -Only infantry class units can attack it.
    -It can move one, and can move freely in enemy possessed territories, but cannot ever capture a territory.
    -It can move one on coastal water territories, and doesn’t require a transport to do so, like they have their own build in boats.
    -Maybe the rule is if they’re in a territory with an enemy dockyard/shipyard/etc. they get to roll 1D6 of damage to the facility? Something like that?

    While this wouldn’t hit ships themselves directly, it would affect them by damaging shipping facilities. What do you think?

  • @chris_henry I see that it’s green. Maybe their are like the Partisans that CCP could buy and they basically do what Partisans do except that they can’t recruit. I think the should do guerilla attacks, on a 1 for one round only and they can’t be shot back at. Maybe add in some target selection.

  • @david-06 I got to go now.

  • @chris_henry

    @david-06 said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    How would they do so?

    I would model them after the Devil’s Brigade in the Canada At War Expansion

    Decima Flottiglia MAS

    • A:2 D:2 M:1 C:3 or 4
    • Counts as Marines
    • Special Rule: Naval Saboteurs: May make raids against enemy naval units with a range of 1:
      A Decima Flottiglia MAS may make a combat move against an enemy naval unit within range. A single round of combat occurs with the commandos having first strike. They make a single attack at [4-6] (Naval Target Selection @1). [1/2/3] defending units may return fire. If the commando survives, return it to an italian territory within range (1).
    • Special Rule: Commerce Raider: As a combat move, may raid convoy lines. Range 1. No modifier.
    • Naval Assets: May make a non-combat move across seasons. Normal non-combat movement restrictions apply. +1 movement from major naval facilities as normal.
    • Unit Limit: 1

    Italian auxiliary ship Olterra

    • The Olterra was an italian merchantman partial sunk while at anchor at Gibraltar at the outbreak of the war. It was later towed to the nearby spanish port of Algeciras for “repairs” and evental “sale,” in fact from that port it would serve as a midget submarine hanger and base of operations for Commando attacks against merchant ships anchored at Gibraltar.
    • Once at war with the allies, Italy may pay 4IPP to activate this scheme.
    • Once Active this unit may make an unmodified convoy raid roll against any convoy line in SZ [XX: I forget the number]
    • No Defence Rolls are to be made by escorts or Adv. ASW representing these attacks occurring at port. However each time a convoy attack is made, the UK player rolls a d12. On a [1/2] the Olterra is identified and removed from the game
    • May only Convoy Raid if Gibraltar is possessed by the Allies.
    • Unit Limit per Game: 1

  • @david-06 said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    @chris_henry How do you send in proposals? Of Expansions to HGB?

    I just emailed them haha. I emailed Doug and just their general email address. They say they like getting emails with ideas, but who knows how much they really do hahaha.

    They have said in some of their videos in the past that they don’t like when people send them things that they themselves haven’t play tested in some capacity. I think they get a lot of things sent their way, and I’m sure it’s hard to parse through every idea to see if something that hasn’t even been tried is viable! That’s why I didn’t send the Italy rules in, as I really haven’t attempted that in any real way. The Africa/Med rules though I have. Sometimes in parts, or I solo’d a game with only units in that region or something. Just to get an idea of how they played.

    Even that might have been too little for them, who knows. They said they thought it was cool looking, but I didn’t really hear back after that haha.

  • @insanehoshi That’s really cool! I especially like the idea of them being able to convoy raid, I think that’s a great way to simulate their raids.

    I’m having a harder time grasping a small unit like this being able to destroy a whole in-game ship. Just realizing how many ships a destroyer or cruiser represents in the game makes me balk a bit. But on the flip side, the cost of this unit being 4 IPP and having a maximum of 1 on the board makes me think it’s also a bit of a cost for the Italians as well to buy it!

  • @chris_henry said in Italy at War & North Africa/Mediterranean at War "Expansion" Ideas:

    I’m having a harder time grasping a small unit like this being able to destroy a whole in-game ship. Just realizing how many ships a destroyer or cruiser represents in the game makes me balk a bit. But on the flip side, the cost of this unit being 4 IPP and having a maximum of 1 on the board makes me think it’s also a bit of a cost for the Italians as well to buy it!

    You may also wish to portray it as if it scores a hit the ship is damaged. Capital Ships with 2 hp are damaged as normal, otherwise the unit is crippled (Reduced to 2 movement, -2 to attack and defence). Can be repaired as normal.

  • @insanehoshi That would be my thoughts. Something like this:
    A: 2
    D : 2
    M: 1 (may move without transport up to 2 spaces)
    C : 3 (or 4)
    may attack one ship in an adjacent sea zone per turn. No other combat movement allowed. Roll a d12. 1-2, sunk, 3-8 damaged, 7-9, no effect, 10-12, attacking returns to home country.
    If Damaged, a ship must be repaired by normal means (dockyard or shipyard) and cannot combat move or conduct combat. If attacked, it defends at 1.

  • @trig You mean 3-6 damaged.

  • Banned

    I putthe Decima units in theSpecial Operations Forces so there is a marker for them. Also a marker for the manned torpedoes there. You could house rule them.

    I like the ideas of the expansion you sent to Doug. It is expansion material. But I would simplify it if I were you. How? Well, take away the need for an air unit to be on the islands and replace it for a free convoy raid period. Remove the +1 and have a maximum damage of 2 or less!? Have to think about that.

    If you would like to ping pong more on this then send me a PM. I have a bit more time on my hands.

  • @delaja Thanks! Yeah, I thought it had a decent base to it. Just as you said, I was trying to think specifically in terms of an HBG expansion. I wanted it to stay localized to the area at hand.

    My thought for requiring the planes on the islands was to force the player to have to do something to get the bonus convoy raid other than just possessing the territory. True, the overall goal is to bring those islands into the conflict in some way, and by eliminating the need to have a fighter present on either Malta or Sicily you’d still want to defend the islands with troops. But I figured this way either side would have to “give” something to “get” something. You want the convoy raid? Place a fighter in these spots, even if not optimal for potential offensive operations!

    I’m certainly happy to chat more about it if you’d like as well! Will and Doug both implied they liked it. But like I said, they said it looked great, and asked if I play tested, and I didn’t hear anything after that. Not saying they had to or anything, but I don’t know how much stock they may have really put in it in the end!

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