UK could move to Okinawa for the IPC and the NO. But honestly, with 10 fighters in range of everything, you should have invited the allies to land in Carolines and sent all their boats into the drink at the cost of a few fighters.
When I’m playing Japan I don’t really worry too much about the UK taking it’s Pacific NO because that extra money is rarely spent against Japan. At best, it can be used to convert inf into arm at an India IC but I usually assume that the UK is always building armor there, anyway.
My focus is strictly on the US in KJF. If I have a chance to reclaim my territory from the UK and take away their NO without sacrificing units then I’ll do it, but I won’t go out of my way to deal with them.
It wasn’t just the NO, it was the strategic location. Had I allowed UK to take that undefended and then the us followed up, Japan would have had to divert forces to deal with that, placing those forces there made it an unactractive move and now I can concentrate forces elsewhere.
Well the point is moot now so I can comment on that turn.
First, the UK should have built 3 SS in India to force you to move your sz37 fleet and keep it from landing units on your turn or you would risk an attack of 3 SS, 1 fig, 1 bmb against your fleet of 2 fig, 1 BB, 1 CV, 2 TP. Assuming 2 hits for each side, if she took her first 2 casualties as the aircraft it would have rendered your fighters useless against the subs most likely leaving you with 1 BB(dmgd), 1 CV, 1 fig v. 3 SS. Even if you did an unorthodox move and took your 2 fig as your first 2 casualties and left the BB undamaged she could instead lose 1 or 2 of the subs and save her aircraft to still have an advantage.
The UK would follow it up with a landing in Iwo Jima and the W Can inf to AK.
On the US turn, they build 1 CV, 2 fig, 1 DD, 1 SS in sz56. Next, they attack sz51 with 6 fighters and if they take no casualties they move everything to sz59 and also land in Iwo Jima. If they lose a fighter they could still go to sz59 but an all out attack would be at a small Japanese advantage so they could always just land 3 of their fighters to protect Iwo Jima from a landing and put the rest of their fleet in sz57. And last, they move the 4 bmb from the UK. 2 into AK with the W Can inf to try to sucker you into attacking there and the other 2 into W Can. Sz62 is now under threat from 4 bmb, 7 or 8 fighters, 2 DD, and 3 CV.
With those 2 turns, they get the NO, clear sz51 stranding the ground units in the Carolines, and force both of your fleets out of sz37 temporarily and, even worse, out of sz62 possibly for good.