Super submarines don’t exist in AA50e, axis. More proof you didn’t even bother to read the rules before going on your crusade.
Hmmm. Germany cannot take Wolf packs on G1? It is one of their NA’s, correct? So I mislabeled this incorrectly, but the end result is a sub attacking at a three (when undetected)
I have read the rules, I have made a post about all the problems
You have the bomber going to Egypt, so it is not available.
So you have 4 Fighters, 2 Submarines to clear SZ 9, SZ 12 and SZ 2. Sorry, impossible. Even if super submarines existed, and they don’t, you’d never have a chance in hell. Especially since you said 2 submarines and a fighter went to SZ 2 (I’ll ignore the impossible move of the second fighter to SZ 2, the one in NW Europe cannot reach, you were going for SS, not LRA.)
You don’t have the firepower. Not possible. You need the bomber to do it, and that means Egypt is probably not falling into Germany’s hands in round 1. That means you have 3 rounds with no reinforcements, you have no Egypt, England and Russia will absolutely crucify you.
This is not the move I proposed. I never suggested sinking the entire UK navy, just the key ships in sz2 (tpt) and sz9 (tpt) so as to not have to worry about not buying any ground units on G1. Also, 90% win in Egypt is pretty damn strong in my book, considering most top players believe Egypt is almost a must take for Germany on round 1.
No offense, but dumb move. It was tried during testing.
yes, you are trying to be offensive, please don’t patronize me.
Anyways, please show me the game where my proposed move was tested?
Anyway, no, in your phrasing, instant guaranteed technology is not broken. There’s no way it can be used in Round 1 to adversely affect game play to your advantage, it can be used round 1 to absolutely destroy your chances to win the game though.
Right, absolutely destroy Germanys chances of winning the game.
Again, instant guaranteed tech breaks the game. Period. I never said I would win the game in round one because of it. I didn’t say instant guaranteed tech WINS the game, I said it breaks the game.
Who wants to play a game where you have to defend against every possible tech (if your opponent has the money)? THAT sort of game is NOT the Enhanced game I know and love.
Oh yes, and America can do it alot cheaper. Tech investment for US allows guaranteed 4 dice techs. That is sickening. The US player should buy a tech a turn. $20 heavy bombers? $16 long range (yep, UK would buy long range before USA). So for $36, US will have long range heavy bombers? for USE ON US2?
THINK about that huge hole in these rules
So for $36, US will have long range heavy bombers for USE ON US2
OK, who used that in play testing?
However, if you wish to prove me wrong, we can always play a game. Unless you’re too afraid to stand behind your accusation.
Why do I want to play a beat such a weak opponent? I am not sure what crushing you, with rules I have never played, prove? Wait, in true Jenny-like fashion, how about some off the wall ultimatum:
When we play and I win, you have to remove your post about the ‘OFFICIAL’ AA50e rules?
If you are so confident that my G1 move is so “dumb”, if you are so sure that my move “can be used round 1 to absolutely destroy your chances to win the game”, put your Rule-making reputation on the line.
You have a distinct advantage:
I have never played the game of AA50Jen (I never wanted to, rules do not appear balanced to me)
You know what Germany will be doing on G1
You are so confident that my critique is “dumb” and Germany using it round 1 would “absolutely destroy your chances to win the game.”
Just to make it fair, we’ll make it a three game series.
Each player gets to play each side once. If a third game is needed, we’ll bid for what ever we agree is the weaker side for game three.
Do you accept my proposal? I win, you take down your ‘official’ rules post.
You win, I post no more about AA50Jen.