• well i was wondering if there was a way to not get raped with uk in early rounds……i have tried to put ic in india and it, no matter how much a reinforce it evenually falls… and as far as africa i usually  build a ic in SA and that keeps it from getting to crazy…with a little amercian help…so basically i need a good uk strat…thanks in advance

  • What I have seen a lot of players do lately is move the Aussy sub to attack the Japanese sub in the Solomon Islands SZ and have the Indian Navy (- the fighter) attack the Japanese transport next to Kwatintang (I know that’s not spelled right.) Then move the fighter onto the US Carrier in Hawaii.

    This disrupts the Japanese start in the pacific a great deal.

    I only put a IC in India when I know the Japanese player is a novice.  I think that S Africa is your best bet but I would wait until your 2nd or 3rd turn.  By then you will know where Germany is planning to go. (Canadian Sheild [US], Sea Lion [UK] or the olde classic Vodka run to Moscow.)


  • lol this may show my inexpirence but ……i must know …what is canadain shield?.. i have hear it talked about but not ever explain that i can find

  • A Canidian Shield is when Japan moves to Alaska on J1 or J2 and Germany moves to E Canada on turn 3.  Japan will then move to W Canada and with steller dice move into W US.  The goal is to force the US player to back petal for several rounds and retake N America wile Germany could possibly take the UK.

    It’s not a highly recomended strategy, but it can work with the right conditions.


  • ok thanks for all your help

  • You are very welcome, and welcome to the forum.  There is a lot of information here for A&A players at every level and variation.  There are also a series of strategies for each game as well you may want to take a look.


  • Hi malleberserker,

    In most games, even ones that the Allies win, the UK income will take a hit for a couple rounds before coming back up.  Don’t worry, it’s no cause for alarm.  A few thoughts:
    –-Your forces in the Indian Ocean area (south coast of Asia, the SZ 35  and 40 fleets, and your African and Australian troops) are enough that you can make a play either in Africa or against Japan, but not both.  So you have to pick one.  I usually go after Germany in Africa.  At best you can slow Japan down a little (unless you’re playing KJF–whole other topic–in which case UK is VITAL), whereas you can actually help bring Africa under Allied control for the long haul.
    —Germany usually takes Egypt on turn 1.  If they take it with fewer than 4 ground units remaining, I almost always counterattack on UK1.  You can get 3 inf (2 by transport, 1 from Trans-Jordan), 1 fighter, and 1 bomber to the battle.  Even if you only take it over with planes, you’ve stopped the Panzers from blitzing the heck out of sub-Saharan on round 2.
    —It’s good for both the Brits and Americans to get involved in Africa in the first couple of rounds.  Often you go for a combined move to SZ 12 on either round 1 or 2.  From there your forces can march across North Africa, or you can send a transport or two down to SZ 23 to hit whatever Germans are reachable from there.  If I do make the latter move I usually prefer to do it with the Americans, so the Brits can get back up to Europe ASAP and take Norway and start pressuring the German coastline.
    —If you managed to retake Egypt on turn 1 you can usually stop the bleeding in Africa without too much problem.  Germany retakes it on G2, but you may be able to re-retake it on UK 2 (if your transport survived J1) and either way, by the time Germany starts heading south from there your troops from Algeria are close on their heels.
    —Even when going after Germany in Africa, I still send the destroyer to SZ 59 to take out the Japanese transport.  Not much else to do with it, and it does help slow them down.
    —If Egypt is taken with too much to retake on UK1, my favorite alternate start is to take Borneo with the transport from India, and still send the destroyer to SZ 59.  I usually also move the carrier to the Borneo sea zone and land the fighter on it (after the fighter helps attack Borneo).  It annoys the heck out of Japan, and if they decide they need it back immediately then they have to concentrate a lot of their first turn on that.  I’ve seen some J1’s practically end the game because they made a risky attempt to recapture Borneo and lost a lot of expensive hardware in the naval battle.  You create a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong.
    —Overall: Don’t bother with India or Australia, you’ll lose them anyway (again, assuming KGF rather than KJF); South Africa complex is not bad, but you can get Africa without it; and don’t think you’re necessarily doing something wrong if it takes a few rounds to get your income back up to healthy levels.

  • i’m sorry uffishbongo, but given my gameplay experiences you seem to be playing a very different way than me and my friends do, if they (the ones playing japan) allow you to have a transporter near india that you are able to use for taking back egypt. Maybe i’m just missing something here, but if I am, then please explain why japan would let the indian transport and destroyer live?

  • I’m talking about UK’s first turn, before Japan moves.  If Germany takes Egypt on its first turn, UK can transport 2 guys from India to help take it back.  As far as what happens after that, it depends on Japan’s first move; some Japanese players may not want to send their fleet to SZ 34 on the first move if they think they need them somewhere else.  If so, UK still has its transport on its second turn and might be able to hit Egypt with it again if necessary.

  • ah, s… i’m really sorry… i forgot to look which subforum this was in… i must be too tired, because i think i saw the sub forum as anniversary  :roll:

    better hit the sack

  • Ufishbongo has many good points-

    UK does normally get busted up at first, it’s just how the game works because the Axis have the early advantage of troops and they expand-it’s the historical outcome too.

    Don’t get too buried in the little part of the picture where UK gets knocked down, focus on the big picture where they retool and fight back. You chip away for awhile and then hopefully slam them back.

    If the game was set so that UK could immediately stonewall the axis at the start then the game would be very, very short.

  • Here’s a little trick me and my friends have been using. Do not use a russian fighter on any attacks rd 1. Park it in Egypt on non combat. Only one of them can reach. This should deter any expansion into Africa by Germany on the first round. It’s just too costly for them to try and take Egypt now. That will save Africa and a fighter. This opens up a lot of options for UK.

    An extra plane can help them take Japanese islands or protect India or the US Hawiian navy.

  • Actually, if I was Germany and saw a Russian fighter in Egypt I would start watering at the mouth…anytime I get a chance to kill a Russian fighter I become very happy.  Russia’s fighters are essential to its ability to trade territories and keep its income up, and it generally can’t afford to replace them.

    With a bid in Africa the Germans can bring up to 6 ground units and 2-3 planes into Egypt on turn 1.  There’s no way you can withstand that.  Even without the bid they can get 4 ground units and 2 planes for almost a 90% chance of winning.  I would go for that pretty much every time with the Germans.

  • @uffishbongo:

    Actually, if I was Germany and saw a Russian fighter in Egypt I would start watering at the mouth…anytime I get a chance to kill a Russian fighter I become very happy.  Russia’s fighters are essential to its ability to trade territories and keep its income up, and it generally can’t afford to replace them.

    With a bid in Africa the Germans can bring up to 6 ground units and 2-3 planes into Egypt on turn 1.  There’s no way you can withstand that.  Even without the bid they can get 4 ground units and 2 planes for almost a 90% chance of winning.  I would go for that pretty much every time with the Germans.

    We never play with bids. Pretty sure they can only get 3 ground units (1 inf + 2 tanks) and two planes plus bomber. But that destroyer has to be taken out as well. It’s a winnable fight but no ones been willing to commit to it yet. Because the allies could very easly get three returns first round and start eating into german planes and the germans could very easily only get a couple hits, delaying them from African money by rounds they can’t afford. The risks aren’t worth the reward since that russian fighter isn’t that big a threat, defensively or offensively.

  • @Col.Stauffenberg:


    Actually, if I was Germany and saw a Russian fighter in Egypt I would start watering at the mouth…anytime I get a chance to kill a Russian fighter I become very happy.  Russia’s fighters are essential to its ability to trade territories and keep its income up, and it generally can’t afford to replace them.

    With a bid in Africa the Germans can bring up to 6 ground units and 2-3 planes into Egypt on turn 1.  There’s no way you can withstand that.  Even without the bid they can get 4 ground units and 2 planes for almost a 90% chance of winning.  I would go for that pretty much every time with the Germans.

    We never play with bids. Pretty sure they can only get 3 ground units (1 inf + 2 tanks) and two planes plus bomber. But that destroyer has to be taken out as well. It’s a winnable fight but no ones been willing to commit to it yet. Because the allies could very easly get three returns first round and start eating into german planes and the germans could very easily only get a couple hits, delaying them from African money by rounds they can’t afford. The risks aren’t worth the reward since that russian fighter isn’t that big a threat, defensively or offensively.

    Germany can get 4 ground units to Egypt (2 from Lybia and 2 via transport), plus a fighter and a bomber.  Odds of winning the battle are 87.5%, with a 5% chance of mutual destruction.  Germany may or may not lose a fighter, but as Germany, I would certainly trade a fighter of my own for a Russian.  So I think your friends are overly cautious.

    Also, bids are a fact of life in serious games, as, if you play enough against expert players, you will find out that Allies do start with an advantage.

  • @eatenbyagrue:



    Actually, if I was Germany and saw a Russian fighter in Egypt I would start watering at the mouth…anytime I get a chance to kill a Russian fighter I become very happy.  Russia’s fighters are essential to its ability to trade territories and keep its income up, and it generally can’t afford to replace them.

    With a bid in Africa the Germans can bring up to 6 ground units and 2-3 planes into Egypt on turn 1.  There’s no way you can withstand that.  Even without the bid they can get 4 ground units and 2 planes for almost a 90% chance of winning.  I would go for that pretty much every time with the Germans.

    We never play with bids. Pretty sure they can only get 3 ground units (1 inf + 2 tanks) and two planes plus bomber. But that destroyer has to be taken out as well. It’s a winnable fight but no ones been willing to commit to it yet. Because the allies could very easly get three returns first round and start eating into german planes and the germans could very easily only get a couple hits, delaying them from African money by rounds they can’t afford. The risks aren’t worth the reward since that russian fighter isn’t that big a threat, defensively or offensively.

    Germany can get 4 ground units to Egypt (2 from Lybia and 2 via transport), plus a fighter and a bomber.  Odds of winning the battle are 87.5%, with a 5% chance of mutual destruction.  Germany may or may not lose a fighter, but as Germany, I would certainly trade a fighter of my own for a Russian.  So I think your friends are overly cautious.

    Also, bids are a fact of life in serious games, as, if you play enough against expert players, you will find out that Allies do start with an advantage.

    They have to make it past the destroyer though. Sure, the destroyer would have to hit twice but if you’re only using the battleship to fight, this could happen.

    I’ve been playing for years and we’ve never needed to use bids. Obviously the allies have an advantage since it’s 3 against 1 but the axis still win the majority of our games.

  • @Col.Stauffenberg:

    They have to make it past the destroyer though. Sure, the destroyer would have to hit twice but if you’re only using the battleship to fight, this could happen.

    I’ve been playing for years and we’ve never needed to use bids. Obviously the allies have an advantage since it’s 3 against 1 but the axis still win the majority of our games.

    The battleship alone will likely win against the destroyer, and with a fighter assisting it is almost certain.

    I think you meant 3 to 2, but either way, that is not an advantage.  Seeing as you cannot combine attacks, it is actually a disadvantage.  The Allies’ advantage lies in their greater starting income.

  • @eatenbyagrue:


    They have to make it past the destroyer though. Sure, the destroyer would have to hit twice but if you’re only using the battleship to fight, this could happen.

    I’ve been playing for years and we’ve never needed to use bids. Obviously the allies have an advantage since it’s 3 against 1 but the axis still win the majority of our games.

    The battleship alone will likely win against the destroyer, and with a fighter assisting it is almost certain.

    I think you meant 3 to 2, but either way, that is not an advantage.  Seeing as you cannot combine attacks, it is actually a disadvantage.  The Allies’ advantage lies in their greater starting income.

    The greater income is implied when there’s an extra country. And they can combine attacks. UK, US and Russia can all go before Germany. Not on the same turn obviously, but in the same round.

  • 17 replys! i really started a good thread here…  :-D …

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