• i have been thinking about a rule which allow’s all the player’s from one side, axis or allies, make their combat moves at the same time, here is how it work’s, before the start of the first round, all player’s build their reinforcement’s, the first national power that is attacked place’s their reinforcement’s, all the opposing player’s make their combat move against the defending player, at the end of the round, the defending player build’s reinforcement’s for the next round, the reinforcement’s could be placed at that time for combat, or at the start of their defensive round, multi-national attack’s could be executed with all axis player’s and allies player’s making their combat move at the same time

  • all the player’s place their reinforcement’s before the start of the game, at the start of the first defending player’s round that player may build the reinforcement’s which can be placed at the end of the defensive round or at the start of their next defensive round

  • @d142:

    all the player’s place their reinforcement’s before the start of the game, at the start of the first defending player’s round that player may build the reinforcement’s which can be placed at the end of the defensive round or at the start of their next defensive round

    reinforcement’s can be saved and placed at the next round if the defending player has control of an I.C.
    i.e. if the I.C. is lost, the reinforcement’s are lost

  • what do you mean by “the first national power that is attacked”?
    does this still use standard OOB rules’s round sequence?

  • it uses the same part’s of the sequence, except in a different order

    i.e. 6 player game, russia / germany / u.k. / italy / u.s. / japan

    russia would be the first to defend,

    all 3 axis player’s would have a chance to attack russia,

    before the start of the game all player’s reinforce from their i.c.

    round 1 / axis attack russia

    turn sequence

    russia collect income / axis place reinforcement’s ( after round 1 ) / axis combat move / axis combat / axis non combat move / russia build reinforcement’s / russia non combat move / russia place reinforcement’s, or wait to place reinforcement’s at a combat round /

    axis vs russia / allies vs germany / axis vs u.k. / allies vs italy / axis vs u.s. / allies vs japan / check for victory

    there are 6 round’s, each player with the option to use the reinforcement’s over a number of round’s

    a player has one collect income phase, and 1 build reinforcement turn per round

    all other box rules / or house rule’s are used

  • So US could use the noncombat moves from Allies vs. Germany and Allies vs. Italy to send their fleet to Japan?  I think it would make more sense to limit Noncombat Moves to the Defending player only.  Also, units like Bombers that could easily attack two nations would be abused.

    Unless units only get to move once regardless, in which case it becomes a book-keeping nightmare instead.

  • yeah, non combat move’s are allowed as of the turn order, a national power can only be attacked when it is their defensive round,

    this gives unit’s at most 4 non combat move’s a round,

    the rule for unit’s that were in combat is the same, whether it is a defending round or attacking round,

    in theory an aircraft could attack, land, attack, land, non combat move, attack, land,

    for moving once per round i would use the defending non combat move,
    except in the situation where reinforcement’s are placed at the start of a combat round, in which case i would allow these reinforcement’s to be moved at the non combat move,

    for using the 1 move per round, i would use combat marker’s and movement marker’s to identify what unit’s had attacked or moved that round, at the check for victory phase remove all the marker’s,

  • @d142:

    this gives unit’s at most 4 non combat move’s a round,

    in theory an aircraft could attack, land, attack, land, non combat move, attack, land,

    Which is abusive, and completely changes the logic of the game.  For starters, British Bombers would SBR Italy and Germany, German Bombers would SBR Britain and Russia, while Japanese Fighters would get multiple attacks.  Air units would become tremendously overpowered.


    for using the 1 move per round, i would use combat marker’s and movement marker’s to identify what unit’s had attacked or moved that round, at the check for victory phase remove all the marker’s,

    Which is a book-keeping mess.

    Here’s my proposal for a variant that would allow Multi-National Attacks to work, but result in the least change to game logic to minimize the need to rebalance.

    Given Nation’s Turn:
    1. Defending Nation Collects Income
    2. Defending Nation Buys Units
    3. Defending Nation lands Air Units
    4. Enemy Nations Attack
    5. Defending Nation does Non-Combat Move
    6. Defending Nation Places Units
    Air units, upon completion of an attack, remain there and can’t be moved

    While I like the idea, and think its quite innovative, no matter how you try, this is probably going to unbalance the game to the extent it has to be completely rebuilt.  Even in my simplified variant, you’ll have stuff like this happening:
    Turn 1: Axis takes the Karelia, Caucasus, Baltic, Poland, Ukraine, and Soviet Far East with 3 Transports
    Turn 2: Allies take Western Europe, Algeria, Libya, and sink the entire German Fleet while consolidating the British one, recapturing Caucasus and Ukraine.
    Turn 3: Axis take Egypt, Trans Jordan, Burma, Kwantung, East Indies, Borneo, and West Canada with 3 Transports
    Turn 4: Nothing
    Turn 5: Axis sinks American fleet as normal, takes Philipines, West US, Central US, and god knows what else
    Turn 6: Like it matters anymore.
    Japan will be able to use a transport to launch an attack 3 times (Russia, UK, and China/US

  • yeah, i can understand where there may be some problem’s, i think that 1 round of reinforcement’s at the start of the game could rebalance the starting strenght of forces,

    another way to use multi national attack’s would be to use a variant of the lend lease rule from the revised edition of axis and allies,

    i.e. if the italy player moves’ some armor to poland at the non combat move at round 1, these can be controlled by the germany player at the next round,

    to stay within the logic of 1 move per round, some book keeping would be required, though only in the incidence of a germany > italy / russia > u.k. / italy > japan / u.k > u.s. /

    the player who has controlling influence at the territory, has control of all the friendly forces at that territory,

  • also if there is a germany > japan / russia > u.s.

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