The time frame must be 3 months.
Winter = decembre/january/february
Spring = mars/april/mai
Summer = Juni/july/august
Autumn = septembre/octobre/novembre
Larry has pretty much stated this in his forum. But this is more a production issue. The nations had this much income in this turn, and could build that much. The movements are another matter, since this game is abstract.
The real war on the Anniversary map. This is my take on this :
Turn 1, summer 41
G1. Strafe Karelia, attack East Poland, Ukraine and Baltic States.
Turn 2, autumn 41
G2. Attack Belorussia, East Poland and strafe Caucasus.
(Now you see why a turn cannot be 6 months, the rules dont allow to continue attacks on the next territories.)
Turn 3, winter 42
G3. Subs attack US trannies in sea zone 10
R3. Attack East Ukraine and strafe Ukraine.
J3. Attack Pearl Harbour, Hong Kong, and Philippines.
Uk3. Strafe Libya.
Turn 4, spring 42
G4. Attack East Ukraine and Caucasus, and strafe Egypt.
R4. Attack Caucasus
J4. Attack Midway
UK4. SBR Germany
Turn 5, summer 42.
G5. Attack Caucasus and strafe Egypt.
R5. Attack Caucasus.
UK5. Dieppe-Raid one inf + shore bombard France.
US5. Attack Solomons Islands.
Turn 6, autumn 42
G6. Attack Caucasus.
R6. Attack Caucasus.
Turn 7, winter 43
R7. Strafe Ukraine.
Turn 8, spring 43
UK8. Attack Libya.
US8. Attack MoroccoAlgeria.
Turn 9, summer 43
G9. Strafe Caucasus
R9. Attack Ukraine.
Turn 10, autumn 43
UK 10, attack Italy
US10, attack Italy
Turn 11, winter 44
G11. Strafe Italy
Turn 12
Turn 13, summer 44
R13. Attack Belorussia
UK13. Attack France
US13. Attack France
Turn 14, autumn 44
R14. Attack East Poland, BulgariaRomania and Finland
UK14. Attack Northwestern Europe
US14. Attack Northwestern Europe
Turn15, winter 45
G15. Strafe Northwestern Europe
R15. Attack CzechHungary and Poland.
US15. Attack Iwo Jima
Turn 16, spring 45
R16. Attack Germany
US16. Attack Okinava
Turn 17, summer 45
R17. Attack Manchuria.
US17. Get Heavy bomber Tech and SBR Japan.
War end