• Assuming a time frame of 1 Turn = 6 months or there abouts,

    Could anybody post a round by round simulation of WWII using the Axis and Allies rules?

    Do you think it’s possible to simulate on the map what happened in the war, turn by turn…?

    Volunteers? LOL ! :lol:

  • The biggest problem would be the scale of the units and the IPCs as far as what was produced. If I recall correctly the AVG (flying tigers) consisted of 100 P-40s yet the other fighters on the board represent far larger numbers of aircraft. Also there are quite a few Allied Naval units not represented on the map as well. I have no problems with all this as these decisions were made from a game play standpoint. To reflect the real war Japan should probably be restricted to infantry and Fighters with possibly 1 or 2 ships allowed (again due to the scale) along the way. Which doesn’t make for a fun game.

  • Hehe hell we can’t even do operation torch correctly. Sicily would have to be its own zone so that we could invade it separately and Italy would be divided into more zones.

  • Axis and Allies is not meant as a real wargame.  Quit trying to ruin it for the rest of us.  Thank you.


  • @TG:

    Axis and Allies is not meant as a real wargame.  Quit trying to ruin it for the rest of us.  Thank you.


    could be done

    no wait cant

    nuff said

  • The time frame must be 3 months.
    Winter = decembre/january/february
    Spring = mars/april/mai
    Summer = Juni/july/august
    Autumn = septembre/octobre/novembre

    Larry has pretty much stated this in his forum. But this is more a production issue. The nations had this much income in this turn, and could build that much. The movements are another matter, since this game is abstract.

    The real war on the Anniversary map. This is my take on this :

    Turn 1, summer 41
    G1. Strafe Karelia, attack East Poland, Ukraine and Baltic States.

    Turn 2, autumn 41
    G2. Attack Belorussia, East Poland and strafe Caucasus.
    (Now you see why a turn cannot be 6 months, the rules dont allow to continue attacks on the next territories.)

    Turn 3, winter 42
    G3. Subs attack US trannies in sea zone 10
    R3. Attack East Ukraine and strafe Ukraine.
    J3. Attack Pearl Harbour, Hong Kong, and Philippines.
    Uk3. Strafe Libya.

    Turn 4, spring 42
    G4. Attack East Ukraine and Caucasus, and strafe Egypt.
    R4. Attack Caucasus
    J4. Attack Midway
    UK4. SBR Germany

    Turn 5, summer 42.
    G5. Attack Caucasus and strafe Egypt.
    R5. Attack Caucasus.
    UK5. Dieppe-Raid one inf + shore bombard France.
    US5. Attack Solomons Islands.

    Turn 6, autumn 42
    G6. Attack Caucasus.
    R6. Attack Caucasus.

    Turn 7, winter 43
    R7. Strafe Ukraine.

    Turn 8, spring 43
    UK8. Attack Libya.
    US8. Attack MoroccoAlgeria.

    Turn 9, summer 43
    G9. Strafe Caucasus
    R9. Attack Ukraine.

    Turn 10, autumn 43
    UK 10, attack Italy
    US10, attack Italy

    Turn 11, winter 44
    G11. Strafe Italy

    Turn 12

    Turn 13, summer 44
    R13. Attack Belorussia
    UK13. Attack France
    US13. Attack France

    Turn 14, autumn 44
    R14. Attack East Poland, BulgariaRomania and Finland
    UK14. Attack Northwestern Europe
    US14. Attack Northwestern Europe

    Turn15, winter 45
    G15. Strafe Northwestern Europe
    R15. Attack CzechHungary and Poland.
    US15. Attack Iwo Jima

    Turn 16, spring 45
    R16. Attack Germany
    US16. Attack Okinava

    Turn 17, summer 45
    R17. Attack Manchuria.
    US17. Get Heavy bomber Tech and SBR Japan.

    War end

  • Here’s an old one that uses Classic:


  • I would add 1-bomber US strategic bombing in France starting in Turn 9 continuing through Turn 13 (until France is taken by US/UK), and US/UK strat bomb raids to Germany starting in Turn 12 continuing through Turn 16, ramping up the bomber numbers each turn a little to simulate the growth of the various bomber forces historically.

  • A&A is very unrealistic compared to WW2 and real wars generally. Japan can occupy Madagascar  :roll:
    US & UK can send infantry to Russia  :roll:

  • You are not helping

  • Aldertag  +1

    very nice, great effort.

    Subotai- it’s a game.  and though unrealistic, your examples were not impossible to have occurred.
    besides… that is not the point of the thread, start that somewhere else.

  • @Adlertag:

    You are not helping

    We should look at A&A as a GAME. There are some similarities with WW2 though…

  • Thanks Murraymoto, + 1 to you too, now you are at 9 and climbing.

    King Subotai. Trust me on this one. War IS a GAME.

  • @Adlertag:

    You are not helping

    Thanks Aldertag ! :mrgreen:

    Respect !  :-D

  • hey, cool timeline aldertag.

    we try and recreate the war in some fashion about how we’d do it better and so on in AA, but i’ve seen the movies, dirty dozen and such, they were always generals in bunkers with those little sticks pushing little miniatures around on maps of europe.  if we can’t recreate the war, then we can recreate them recreating it.  -ow, my head from the thinking.

    Mr. Morden, excellent photo and title.  I’d give you +1 just for that, so here’s a pre-emptive +1.

  • @Unknown:

    Here’s an old one that uses Classic:


    Interesting, this log use 3 months turns, winter, spring, summer and fall.

  • @Mr:

    Assuming a time frame of 1 Turn = 6 months or there abouts,

    Could anybody post a round by round simulation of WWII using the Axis and Allies rules?

    Do you think it’s possible to simulate on the map what happened in the war, turn by turn…?

    Volunteers? LOL ! :lol:

    Turn 1:  Russians build 10 tanks, 30 inf.
    Turn 2:  Russians build 11 tanks, 30 inf.
    Turn 3:  Russians build 14 tanks, 30 inf…

  • @Comassion:

    Turn 1:  Russians build 10 tanks, 30 inf.
    Turn 2:  Russians build 11 tanks, 30 inf.
    Turn 3:  Russians build 14 tanks, 30 inf…

    Turn 4:  Germany destroys them all
    Turn 5:  Germany runs out of gas, supplies, winter coats & saurkraut freezes.
    Turn 6:  Siberian troops arrive, destroy Germans.

  • haha…  palooka… that’s great, and most history classes would be sooo much more interesting and actually conducive learning environments if it had a bit more of that.

    Germany needed the Hitler mustache though.

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