I must say that I am very lucky for the comments that I received and want to be grateful for them again.
On the other hand I am not a businessman so I will speak with absolute honesty, the manufacture of the board has pros and cons
Cons: the printing cost is not cheap, because i use very high quality paper, but the cost diminishes according to more boards be printed. Only I can send the map printed but not mounted in a wood´s frame because it would increase the shipping and handlig cost.
Pros: It can be done in any size that is wished.
It can be translated into any language or even any territory be renamed (for example instead of French Indo-china/Thailand I preferred only French Indo-china). There can be removed the German and Italian roundels, etc.
Definitively many aspects of the board can be modified according to the requirements of the case.
Please if there are some interested parties contact me to mapboard_upgrade@yahoo.com.ar and I will answer personally any doubt.
I request do NOT do it using this forum because it not related to the purpose for the one that was created and it is my intention to respect this rigorously.
Thank you once again for all commentaries because I estimate them sincerely.