That’s not bad too.
8 Inf hits = (1/3)^8 = 1/6561 ~ 0.00015
7 Inf hits = 8 x (2/3) x (1/3)^7 = 16/6561 ~ 0.00244
6 Inf hits = 28 x (2/3)^2 x (1/3)^6 = 112/6561 ~ 0.01707
5 Inf hits = 56 x (2/3)^3 x (1/3)^5 = 448/6561 ~ 0.06828
4 Inf hits = 70 x (2/3)^4 x (1/3)^4 = 1120/6561 ~ 0.17071
3 Inf hits = 56 x (2/3)^5 x (1/3)^3 = 1792/6561 ~ 0.27313
2 Inf hits = 28 x (2/3)^6 x (1/3)^2 = 1792/6561 ~ 0.27313
1 Inf hit = 8 x (2/3)^7 x (1/3) = 1024/6561 ~ 0.15607
0 Inf hits = (2/3)^8 = 256/6561 ~ 0.03902
Your result was to kill 40 IPCs of armor with the predicted result that you should kill 13.333 IPCs of armor. This is quite a result because it is better than three standard deviations from the mean. As you can see from the first fraction, you should not roll this well for another 6560 combat rounds (do you think this might be about 30 games?). Actually that is an incorrect statement. Just because you did it, doesn’t have any effect on when it will happen next.
Your opponent didn’t do that bad either.
8 Armor hits = (1/2)^8 = 1/256 ~ 0.00391
7 Armor hits = 8 x (1/2)^7 x (1/2) = 8/256 ~ 0.03125
6 Armor hits = 28 x (1/2)^8 = 28/256 ~ 0.10938
5 Armor hits = 56 x (1/2)^8 = 56/256 ~ 0.21875
4 Armor hits = 70 x (1/2)^8 = 70/256 ~ 0.27343
3 Armor hits = 56 x (1/2)^8 = 56/256 ~ 0.21875
2 Armor hits = 28 x (1/2)^8 = 28/256 ~ 0.10937
1 Armor hit = 8 x (1/2)^8 = 8/256 ~ 0.03125
0 Armor hits = (1/2)^8 = 1/256 ~ 0.00391
He still got a 75th percentile result, which I’d take any day. He killed 15 IPCs of infantry with the par result being 12.0 IPCs. With 8 tanks going up against 8 infantry defending, I think the overall “par result” is to lose 5/6 tanks while killing all the infantry.