So far I think patience is the key. From G2 for several turns, I try to maximize production with Germany. With Germany, West Germany, and France, you can produce 16 units per turn. That’s 48 IPC’s if you bought straight infantry, so sometimes I’m buying mostly infantry. It takes several turns to get them to the front lines, but once there, you can start sending waves of artillery, then mech, and buy air to support them. I still think a G1 buy of a destroyer, sub, and carrier is important. It’s enough to keep the West away for a long time. The carrier is not just to “protect a transport” as someone put it, it is to greatly increase the air attack options on the North Atlantic, to keep the UK from getting anything started anytime soon.
I’m just speaking in general, of course. I have never purchased a complex in Romania, not even a minor, because it’s not forward from West Germany and Germany enough, I don’t think. If you can’t even fill your 16 production slots, I am hesitant to buy another factory except to enable building directly into the Med, which Romania does not offer. Just build more units, and patiently move them forward.
To defeat Russia, you mainly have to beat her forces in the field. Too many players focus on IPC values of territories, when the real success comes not from maximizing your income from turn to turn, but moreso from maximizing your trades. Even if you don’t trade Russia quite on a 1:1 basis, if you can headbutt Russia’s main force, Germany can normally recover much more quickly, and win from there. Japan should be taking down Russia’s income somewhat, as well.
This is just what I’ve found so far. It takes so long to play global, it will be at least a year until I feel I’m somewhat experienced at this version. At least.
I agree that having at least a little bit of Italian forces is important. Even more important than can openers, is the ability of the Italians to take a territory so that the Germans can move into that territory and LAND AIRPLANES there. This is often more important than allowing the Germans to break through with mech infantry and armor to take a little territory, an NO for one turn, or whatnot only to be destroyed. Also, the use of Italian AA guns can be useful this way, if the Italians take an infantry block territory, and move in with her AA gun, and then G can land planes along with the ground unit stack.
So far I’ve mostly played the Axis, but I stick with my initial assessment from before I ever played this game, that it looks like the Allies are unstoppable if you just have enough patience. This game’s only been out for 2 months, and I’ve only played 25-30 total game rounds (many of them team, so I was only playing 1/2) so far, so it’s early. Too early for anyone to say with any certainty what works. What DOESN’T work, now that should be easier to come up with. :lol: One example - not buying defense for London on UK1, but buying with South Africa and Canada too early. If you buy less than 5 units on London on UK1, in most cases you are begging for a sealion on G2 or G3.