I bumped across this one while reading the official errata here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/faqs/axisrevised
“Must I offload all the units from a transport?
No. Units may stay on board when other units offload. For example, one unit may offload during an amphibious assault, while another may offload into the same territory during the noncombat move.” -emphasis mine.
Now I know that a transport doesnt have to offload all its cargo at once (tho its turn will end and it will have to wait the next turn to offload the rest, so might as well dump it for safety and more freedom of choice next turn…), but this quote seems to be in direct contradiction to what I assumed was a main rule.
That being, that units cannot be moved during the noncombat move phase into a territory which was just captured during combat. Its perhaps a moot point, as you really ought to send them all in during the attack if you want them there in the first place, but it does come into play in the cases where a player has made a grave human error (which they should be punished for, naturally) or where they are just trying out some wierd tactic or cannot make up their mind.
Do I have it all wrong?