Roger, thanks Perry!
TripleA standardization
Karma +1 for AxisOfEvil and Woodstok! :-)
I have only tried to give my contribution!
Note: I have edited my post to solve some grammar errors i found (debug) … now I have “released” the version 1.1 of it… :-D
Anyone could contribute to improve the quality of my posts. Thanks in advance!!! :):wink:
Karma +1 for AxisOfEvil and Woodstok! :-)
I have only tried to give my contribution!
Note: I have edited my post to solve some grammar errors i found (debug) … now I have “released” the version 1.1 of it… :-D
Anyone could contribute to improve the quality of my posts. Thanks in advance!!! :):wink:
:oops: :oops: :oops:
Thank you!
And whilst reading page 2 of this topic…which I didn’t before…I can’t help but to respond to these bogus accusations:
I just want people to have realistic expectations.
Here’s an realistic expectation for you:
“Dear fellow A&A gamers, members of a great community, looking for ways to play A&A online, listen!
A couple of hobbyists and enthusiasts have created a program that easily allows you to play A&A in multiple variants by e-mail, or live online. It even has a lobby to find opponents easily.
Mind you, this is no high-tech stuff, does not have a billion dollar company behind it like other games. So, you could encounter some problems.
but hey, it never hurts to try. And if you do encounter problems, come ask us for help!”TripleA is not conducive to house rules, it’s difficult to edit when you do need to edit it,
Yes. That “Edit Mode” button is very hard to find, and all the other actions you need to perform do indeed require a university grade in programming.
Come on Jenniffer, what’s so had about the editing? You accuse Axis ofEvil for making claims backed on nothing, yet to do the other words, it is very inflexible. You get what you get, in this case, you get exactly what you paid for. (What really sucks is that because it is very inflexible, it won’t even allow you to follow the rules!)
As stated before: What rules!?!?
Yes, some house rules, but frankly, I don’t care. And so far, none of my opponents didn’t either.TripleA has SERIOUS issues with D-Link and Cisco Routers, especially ones with built in firewalls.
Portforwarding, that’s all you need to enable. Works perfect on my Cisco, Sitecom and Linksys router (yes, I have three houses, so that’s 3 different comps, three different houses, and three different Windows’s. Score: 3/3. )
If you have your Windows optimized (I suspect it is because I optimized it so it wouldn’t crash at all, even when some program does something stupid, it won’t crash like Mac OS will crash or an unmodified Windows will) then odds are good you won’t be able to load someone else’s saved games. (note, you should also ensure that everyone is using the same flavor, there’s a couple dozen flavors of TripleA out there, unlike Battlemap or Mapview.)
Define “optimized”?
Define “odds”?
See above my 3/3 score. And I have played about 10 different opponents by mail.The dice seem to be very skewed. Seems to me the first couple to first dozen AA shots seem to have a very high hit rating with the AA Guns. Not sure, but it would be interesting to actually count them, now that I do a lot of SBRs against the computer (because the computer is an idiot.) I’d be willing to make a small wager that the AA Gun hits are around the 80% mark though at least in the first few to dozen shots.
I hope you are not working at some statistics department…of any company.
Or play poker… :S
Check the dev’s site, where a similar claim was made, and how it was bashed with FACTS, not FEELINGS.Basically, if I was forced to use TripleA, I’d require my opponents to roll their dice at Frood or another proven statistically neutral dice server because TripleA dice don’t have a good track record of being accurate. 1/6 does not = 80%. It doesn’t even =30%. It’s less than 20% but it seems like 5 bombers attacking result in 3-4 bombers being shot down by the TripleA dicey.
The experience of 1 player =/= 100 % untrustful program.
Top this all off with the absolute ease of use and ability to modify the game you find in programs like Mapview and Battlemap and you really should wonder why anyone would use TripleA for online game play.
Ease of use?
- TripleA: Download, extract, begin. Very natural feel of menu and navigation, I immediately knew what I was doing.
- Batlemap: A friend sent it to me this week, and I looked at it the first time. First I had to download a program, and then a separate module. (Already 1 point for AAA).
And what do I get? A map. With tiny icons. And no clue what to do.
It’s an okay program to kick around ideas or to waste some time fighting the computer. (I like to see what happens when the AI plays me and I have a rule of no more than 1 infantry purchase per nation per round for myself….normally, you’d lose in a heart beat, but the AI is SOOO STUPID it can’t win even when you handicap yourself!)
See earlier post of Axis. Why bash a stupid AI, when Battlemap doesnt even have any?
And yes, it is indeed a perfect program to kick ideas around. But guess what? it even has a nice feature to allow you to play versus other people aswell!! OMG!!All in all, if you could only put one system on your computer, hands down, without hesitation, I would recommend Battlemap. It’s the standard for online game play at all the major gaming clubs (though they permit other mapping utilities if all sides agree) for a reason. It’s 100% reliable. It’s 100% compatible with the rules. And it’s 100% easier to adapt to rule changes like LHTR, LHTR 2.0, house rules like AARe, AARHE, and custom house rules.
“All in all, if you could only put one system on your computer, hands down, without hesitation, I would recommend Battlemap.”
Good for you! That’s 1 person. Who is entitled to it’s opinion.
And so are we. And we recommend TripleA.But at least we do have some decent claims to back up our recommendation….sigh
The only downside, if you can consider it one and I don’t, is that Battlemap does not have a built in dicey. (Which means your opponent can’t crack the server like they can with the TripleA dice servers.)
Crack the server? What?
I enjoyed using Triplea for Revised and I felt it worked well, but I have been using battlemap for AA50.
one question : is Abbatlemap available for Linux users ?
I mean without using a windows simulator (which need to be installed, and so root access)
no answers ?
because I am in such case, and I do not know Abbatlemap very well so…
one question : is Abbatlemap available for Linux users ?
I mean without using a windows simulator (which need to be installed, and so root access)
no answers ?
because I am in such case, and I do not know Abbatlemap very well so…
Whe are speaking of standardizing TripleA and you ask for ABattleMap? TripleA will works for sure on any Linux system that have a JVM installed.
ABattleMap? Maybe using Wine it seems that the 0.79f should work: stronger is not the Dark Side er… AbattleMap , only quicker and more seductive, it is! TripleA the real strenght have! :-D
I already use Triple A ;)
This question is here because there was comparison between the two softwares ;)
Karma +1 for AxisOfEvil and Woodstok! :-)
I have only tried to give my contribution!
Note: I have edited my post to solve some grammar errors i found (debug) … now I have “released” the version 1.1 of it… :-D
Anyone could contribute to improve the quality of my posts. Thanks in advance!!! :)Thanks for the Karma. But apparently the powers that be didnt appreciate my post as you have. Jen must have some pull. You call out her flaming of a product like TripleA as unreasonable, and then your post get yanked. Funny.
Id also appreciate a response from a moderator who yanked my posts. You would think i would have gotten a message or something about what line I crossed, or protocol I broke.
I already use Triple A ;)
This question is here because there was comparison between the two softwares ;)
All that I know about ABattleMap and Linux is that it requires Wine to work, and the link I provided should give some explanations. Try to make a comparison and after, please, make a report. I have both of them installed, for evaluation, on my laptotp with Windows XP. I have installed also MapView, that IMHO is also better than ABattleMap.
For what I have seen on ABattleMap, it lacks a lot of feature included in TripleA, for example game history, IPC are mantained using flag (control markers) in some particular territory etc. I hope you will able to check on your own.
You may also read the ABattleMap description in a sticky thread in this forum. -
I was not flaming TripleA. I did give it props for some features like changing the territory color when conquered and the artistry of the pieces. I did however slam it for short comings I perceive that seem to outweigh the benefits.
1) High overhead maintenance compared to other mapping utilities (if you use it only as a mapping utility.)
2) It does not follow the rules of Axis and Allies in some regards.
3) The Artificial Intelligence sucks
4) You get a much smaller picture of the board in each “screen” forcing you to scroll around. To some, like myself, who are used to seeing almost the entire board at a time or just using the board, this can cause fundamental problems with getting a strategy together or reacting to situations.
5) It seems that the AA Defense against SBR runs is artificially high for the first half dozen to dozen shots. As one who engages in routine SBR campaigns, it is my professional opinion (professional SBR Campaigner using many different dice servers including TripleA, AAMC, FoE, DAAK, and Frood) that the TripleA is the least friendly to SBR runs.As for my pull around here, AxisOfEvil, I have none. Never did have pull.
If your only ding against using Abattlemap is that it does not have a history feature, which has a work around I will tell you of in a moment, you can use a program called Mapview. Mapview allows you to have every previous map attached (which is a much better history than even TripleA provides) and this is VERY informative. Mapview allows you to put text notes on the board (can’t do that with TripleA) and you have arrows you can drag and drop so that your opponent knows what came from where (again TripleA can’t do that.)
The work around for Abattlemap is to rename your map files each round. Emperor Mollari, myself, and a few others who have picked up on it, like to go with names like “Opponent1 v Opponent 2 01Ar” with:
Eu=USA(The first letter is to keep the maps in order, the second is the first letter of the nation. The number 01……infinity represents the round.)
This allows you to put all the maps in a folder to open at a later time if you need to know the history. This is more cumbersome, so you might be happier using Mapview which allows all the maps to be opened at the same time and the user just clicks on the tab they want (Russia 1 Combat, Germany 15 Non-Combat, America 37 Final, whatever.)
I am not againist ABattleMap. I have ABattleMap and Mapview installed on my laptop, I have evaluated both of them comparing with TripleA, for online gaming and PBEM purposes on my A&A italian forum. Me and my friends there have selected TripleA. We have taken this decision for several motivations, and we are fine with TripleA.
The principal difference that I see is that they are two different types of programs. ABattleMap and Mapview are map utilities while TripleA is a game engine. It is like comparing a word processor with a database, for example. There is no best one. There is always a specific tool for making a particular work.
Any way TripleA is ordinarily improved, by the community, and contributing signaling them the problems is a way to have them solved. -
The problem with triple A i have encountred is that it does not allow me to host the game. Any ideas what could be the
problem? -
it says there is a problem with the router or with the firewall. I use the standard java windows xp platform.
You have to enable the port forwarding in your router.
On this web site you may found a brief explanation of the operation you have to do (and why :-D):
simply follow the link to port forwarding in the home page.
it worked, many thanks! I am just hosting my first game on triple A. After 4 rounds for allies against bid of 7 it actually looks i might win… increadible. Many thanks!
You are welcome Granada!
I am only trying to give a hand! :-)
I have another but really substantial problem with TripleA. It does not want to log me in under my name claiming i have a wrong password which is a nonsens. When I try to find any address of an admin or support it appears to me there is none. Can anybody please help?
If you intend the password for accessing the lobby it is not a question of TripleA.
Or maybe a problem while writing your password.
Try to create a new username and check! -
Well i tried, it worked for a while but now it seems the only “reward” i got is that since today i cannot connect with the explanation that reads “Could Not Connect to Lobby : Connection Refused : No further information”. Any idea what that means?