Here are the rules for the Axis Minors Power:
The Axis Minors represent the nations that were either allied to or directly supported Germany and Italy during the war. These nations are:
Nation Game Territories
FINLAND Northern Finland, Southern Finland
ROMANIA East Romania, West Romania
VICHY FRANCE Vichy, South Morocco, North Morocco, Oran, Maghreb, Tunisia, Corsica
The Axis Minors (AM) do not have their own economy and cannot control territories. Any territories captured by the AM count towards Germany’s IPC production. If the AM capture an enemy territory, place a German control marker on it and adjust Germany’s income on the IPC chart (if necessary).
The German player may purchase AM combat units and installations, if desired, but may only place them in the original AM territories; normal restrictions apply. German combat units may only be built at German ICs.
AM combat units cannot be upgraded by technology and cannot share technology with Germany or Italy (all AM unit models begin the game with varying levels of technology - either 1 or 2 star - but they will remain that way for the duration of the game).
If the German player builds an Industrial Complex in any eligible original AM territory, that IC will be considered to belong to the AM nation in whose territory it now sits (i.e. if Germany builds a Minor IC in the territory of West Romania, then the IC will belong to Romania - AM). Any units produced at an IC in an AM territory will be AM units (use the dark blue German pieces; not the black ones). These units are placed in exactly the same way as normal.
The AM are restricted to certain combat unit types: They cannot build Battleships or Aircraft Carriers.
Germany controls all AM forces during her turn in exactly the same way as her own German forces. She may move them during the Combat and Non Combat Move phases, just like her own units. Germany may attack an enemy territory or sea zone with a mixture of German and AM units.
AM forces operate in exactly the same way as German units; however, there is one exception: AM Infantry cannot be paired one for one with German Artillery. AM Artillery cannot be paired with German Infantry.