China - infantry numbers and national objectives question

  • 2 questions
    1. china receives 1 infantry per 2 territories they control. so if china controls 5 territories do they get 3 infantry or 2?

    2. national objectives - do you calculate bonus income at the end of every turn? because in the first round  i found that you normally have all your objectives still if not majority of them. so for USA they would get their normal income plus 20 IPC??

    thanks in advance for your response. S

  • Official Q&A


    1. china receives 1 infantry per 2 territories they control. so if china controls 5 territories do they get 3 infantry or 2?



    2. national objectives - do you calculate bonus income at the end of every turn? because in the first round  i found that you normally have all your objectives still if not majority of them. so for USA they would get their normal income plus 20 IPC??

    Yes, you get them at the end of every turn, and some powers start out already in possession of some Objectives.  As for the USA in the 1941 scenario, hopefully (for the Axis) the Axis powers will have eliminated some of that bonus money before the USA player’s first turn.

  • @Krieghund:


    2. national objectives - do you calculate bonus income at the end of every turn? because in the first round  i found that you normally have all your objectives still if not majority of them. so for USA they would get their normal income plus 20 IPC??

    Yes, you get them at the end of every turn, and some powers start out already in possession of some Objectives.  As for the USA in the 1941 scenario, hopefully (for the Axis) the Axis powers will have eliminated some of that bonus money before the USA player’s first turn.

    Please define a ‘turn’

    Do you mean country turn (like Germany or UK)

    ~ OR ~

    game round (all 6 countries have played a turn)

  • '10

    you receive bonus during the collect income phase of the individual country’s turn.

  • Official Q&A

    Thanks, JohnnyMarr.

  • '10

    just trying to save you some time, when i know the answer to the question

  • Krieghund - The US fighter in China doesn’t count as one of the three units per territory does it?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, it’s a Chinese unit, so it counts.

  • '10

    I hope I’m not going too far of topic with this:

    Just say I have 3 infantry to place in China.  If one territory already has 2 infantry, would I be able to place all 3 reinforcements in that territory (since it had less than 3 units), or would I only be able to place one unit in there (bringing the total to 3) and have to place the other 2 elsewhere?

    The latter is the way my playgroup has been doing it, but we just want to make sure that’s the way the rule is intended.


  • Official Q&A

    As long as there are less than three there to start with, you can place any number of new units in a territory.

  • Oh, guess I have been playing wrong. I have been collecting NO money after entire round after all countries have moved. Wouldn’t that make sense because the different countries can take back objectives during there turn so it’s more back in forth?

  • @Krieghund:

    As long as there are less than three there to start with, you can place any number of new units in a territory.

    Whoa!  I didn’t know that!  I thought that the maximum number of Chinese units in a territory could not exceed 3?

  • Official Q&A


    Oh, guess I have been playing wrong. I have been collecting NO money after entire round after all countries have moved. Wouldn’t that make sense because the different countries can take back objectives during there turn so it’s more back in forth?

    Bonuses are collected when income is collected.  The trading of territories here is no different than two different powers collecting regular income for the same territory during the same round.

  • I assume any other allied units would also count towards the 3 when placing Chinese INF.  Is this correct?

  • Official Q&A


    I assume any other allied units would also count towards the 3 when placing Chinese INF.  Is this correct?

    No, only Chinese units count.

  • That should be another FAQ, since the rules on China do not make that point clear about the units nationality. 
    It just says “that already contain three or more units”

  • Official Q&A

    It’s already in there.

  • @Krieghund:

    It’s already in there.

    Thanks man!
    When playing the game we surely will find more issues. But hey, we will cover them!

  • Am I correct in saying that Chinese units can only be placed in territories that were under Chinese control at the beginning of China’s turn? That is to say, they cannot capture a territory during the combat phase and then immediately place a unit in the newly captured territory.

    Also, can China build in a China-controlled Japanese territory?

    Do China-controlled Japanese territories each count as “1 territory” in determining the number of units to be placed? That is to say Japanese territory IPC’s don’t matter to China.

    Determination of how many units is before combat phase, correct? Any territories acquired during the combat phase don’t count toward determining the number of inf. built that turn.

    Finally, I’ve read something before in this thread but I just want to make sure. if I have two Chinese inf. in a Chinese territory. And I have 6 territories at the beginning of China’s turn (3 inf. to build), then I will be able to place all three inf. in the territory that already has two, making a total of five? Is there no limit to the number of units that can be placed in a territory? This is contrary to how I have been playing, and I just want to make sure.

    I apologize if any of these are redundant; I just got on the forum and haven’t read everything, yet.

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, TexCapPrezJimmy!


    Am I correct in saying that Chinese units can only be placed in territories that were under Chinese control at the beginning of China’s turn? That is to say, they cannot capture a territory during the combat phase and then immediately place a unit in the newly captured territory.

    They can be placed on any Chinese-controlled territory, including newly captured ones.


    Also, can China build in a China-controlled Japanese territory?

    The territories of Manchuria and Kiangsu are considered to be original Chinese territories, so they’re treated like any other Chinese territory when they’re under Chinese control.


    Do China-controlled Japanese territories each count as “1 territory” in determining the number of units to be placed? That is to say Japanese territory IPC’s don’t matter to China.

    The IPC value doesn’t matter to China - a territory is a territory.


    Determination of how many units is before combat phase, correct? Any territories acquired during the combat phase don’t count toward determining the number of inf. built that turn.

    The infantry are awarded (but not placed) during the Purchase Units phase, so only territories China owns at the beginning of the turn count.


    Finally, I’ve read something before in this thread but I just want to make sure. if I have two Chinese inf. in a Chinese territory. And I have 6 territories at the beginning of China’s turn (3 inf. to build), then I will be able to place all three inf. in the territory that already has two, making a total of five? Is there no limit to the number of units that can be placed in a territory?

    That’s correct.

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