if enemy masses submarines you have to get ASW tech (if sea control is important to your strategy)
Imperious Leader’s “happy time” is heavily represented here
the odds are in favour of submarines, but thats ok
submarine is supposed to be a cheap naval unit
but remember they don’t do as much as destoyers!
*can’t kill air
*can’t kill submarines
*can’t 100% block sea zones
*can’t do shore bomardardment
also remember selective-fire is both an advantage and disadvantage
it means you could waste hits depending on the numbers
subs: proposal
if submarines are unrealistically powerful we could do this
consider undetected submarines can sneak in and hence selectively-fire
but they give away position after firing
that means under Phase 4: Conduct Combat -> Naval Combat: Anti-SubmarineWarfare (ASW) ->
In the main-round these units may perform an ASW “attack” roll instead of normal combat roll. Each roll destroys one detected Submarine on its hit value.
In the main-round these units may perform an ASW “attack” roll instead of normal combat roll. Each roll destroys one enemy Submarine on its hit value.
naval air
in naval combat air units do not fire first
they always fire in main round
in fact, the listing makes the cycle seem complex
Main Round
1. Detected Submarines fire.
2. ASW attack.
3. Naval units fire.
4. Air units fire.
5. Remove casualties.
we could change that to
Main Round
1. Detected Submarines fire.
2. Air and Naval units fire.
3. Remove casualties.
Tekkyy: this is a function of the way the rules are written. The language is too professorial and dry.
I want to make it a clear cut alternative for AAR and segway it to adaptability for AA50.
hehe “professional”
I am just trying to sound like the original rule
yeah I am aware you disagree with the language
but when I was writting it I didn’t see how I could use an “unprofessional” tone while being precise or concise
if you are thinking of adding lots of examples it’ll only add more pages
but please don’t make it into another language for AARHE yet
how about you do it for AA50HE and we’ll see how it goes
Id like to get a copy of the rules in Microsoft office ( non PDF) I will make a new version in user friendly language and something easier.
please email
anyway you’ve asked before and I answered already but I guess you forgot
I don’t have it in MSWORD format anymore (like ever since we start releasing it in PDF)
we can only copy and paste the lastest pdf (November) from my homepage and paste it into MSWORD
alternatively, you could learn to use Lyx
its a GUI for Latex, the professional publishing format
for Windows, MikTek is a popular Latex provider
Lyx, with GUI, is a popular WYSIWYM processor for Latex