FieldMarshal The Dice look great. You mentioned above that you have currently designed dice for italy, china, and france. I understand that these dice are not in production yet.
When do you expect to put them into production?
Do you have any photos of prototype dice yet? If not some description would be nice.
Are they based on AA50 meaning brown italy and light green china with the “one” side decals matching the aa50 control markers for italy and china?
Im assuming france is blue, is that correct?
Any details or photos would be appreciated.
I look forward to purchasing these dice in a complete AA50 set!
Thank you for your Question! As mentioned above we had these on the drawing board before AA50 was announced and production started before details of ITALY and CHINA were released. We are planing to produce the ITALY, CHINA and possibly more (France, Canada, ANZAC etc…) in the future though this is probably a while off as we are still paying for the large investment these dice required to produce. As we are a small company made up of AAA and Board game players, we are just as eager to see these as everyone else (This is our #1 inquire question) but production of anything of this quality in large QTY is lengthy and expensive. We will begin when we break even on the existing COMBAT DICE project. (So please order away! :-D) We will offer these expansion dice to our existing customers at a discounted price once they are available so each player can complete their COMBAT DICE set.
We have begun to design these new COMBAT DICE however and we will post details in another thread at the appropriate time. We value the input of other AAA fans and we hope you will all take part in the design process and polls we will post on the colours and designs.
Don’t worry… I will keep you all posted on upcoming AAA projects for your input BEFORE they go to production.