• OK, so much for the “generic” infantry. Here are some 1/72 scale German troops with a more detailed job. I had to, they are SS, cant skimp on those. I used several guys in winter uniforms, and had to “cheat” and paint them in camo smocks, so I know the uniforms on some are not “correct”, but I am more worried about having the right weapons and poses for my game. This time I mixed in a few of the field grey uniforms, for diversity. All troops have the insignia on the upper arm, and collars. The field grey uniforms have the shoulder straps painted. No skimping on equipment - the entrenching tools have 3 diff colors, the water flasks also have 3 different colors. Mess kits have a distinct color, as do the bread bags and gas mask cannisters. I think I used about 5 different shades of field grey. I also rotated different shades of brown. Spade handles are one shade, gun stocks are another, grenade handles are a 3rd shade, belts use a 4th shade, etc. Too much of the same shade of any 1 basic color on a piece will make them look like “clones”. I also used a completely diufferent shade of brown for the camo spots. All in all, I think thier are about 30 different colors used on these. Now all I need is for those silly Americans to come after me with Hellcats, Jacksons, halftracks, and trucks so these guys can blow them to ribbons. I am not surte why, but the “kills” that give me the most pleasure are not tank shots, but rather when I manage to get infantry close enough to lob a grenade down the turret. MANY of these fine SS grenadiers will die trying to get that close, but its worth it when you hear that grenade clink down into the belly of one of those open-topped US tanks. My mian opponent knows my love for hand grenades (especially when tossed by a more accurate SS troop) so I am sure I will be countered with tansk like Shermans, which dont fear grenades, so I beefed up my Germans with all these panzerfausts and panzershrieks.

    PS - I know that the ends of a rifle scope are NOT silver. But I needed these camo-covered snipers to be easily recognizable from my camo-covered riflemen (in my previus batch).
      Also, my machine-gunners do NOT have correct bipod legs. The guys came with NO bipods, and they looked WAY too much like my German AT rifles. I glued some extra tripods legs, cause bi-pods would have never stayed on.

  • I think Ceasar 1/72 are the best looking Germans around they have winter uniforms in one box and normal in another.

  • The camo looks pretty close to the Italian camo that the SS used late in the war.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







