• Mech. Inf. With a move at 2, and 2/2 they become very good units and dominate to much. They are fast cheap fooder with a punch per cost only slightly below the armor.

    I’ll just comment on your techs.

    Land Tech.

    IC repair and underground factories are way to limited as written, cuz for most contries these two has NO effect.
    Might be nice for germany, but probably useless for Japan, US, Italy, UK and russia (probable unless Germeny gets rockets)

    Super Armor, or heavy tanks or whatever.
    This is the missing tech in AA50, however your versus is very little usefull.
    For 14points you get 2 Super Armor, which gives 4x2=8 in punch!
    For 15points, you get 3 ARMOR which gives 3x3=9 in punch, but you also get one extra cassulty.
    I would take 3 normal armor any time.

    The only slightly nice thing about super armor is that you can build heavyer land units in a smal factory,
    and that you can instantly upgrade your armor at the front. Since a unit requiering a technology to build should be BETTER, I thinkt super armor should cost 6points. Maybe you could still keep the rule about upgrading tanks for 2points.

    Why take out heavy artellery? Its a wonderfull technology. What it does is that you need less artellery to do the same job.
    2 artellery + 2 infanteri=1 heavy artellery +3infanteri.
    A balanced great technology which should be kept.

    Sea tech:
    I enjoy many of these.

    AA cruisers. Lovely :)

    heavy carriers: Just a bit unclear what you mean by following turn. Is it suppose to take two-hits but only once?
    +3 fighter capacity is nice however.

    Dont enjoy the anti sub tech, as generally I admit I have a fetish for these subs :)
    Realy, I think subs are better in AA50, but at a defence of 1 I still think they will still be easy to destroy.

    I realy enjoy the addition to the radar. Makes sence.

    Atomic bomb: this IS a game breaker, but I guess you know this.

    Limiting HB to only SBR helps in the way that bombers now dont get become the supperior with regard to navy fights.

  • Mech. Inf. With a move at 2, and 2/2 they become very good units and dominate to much. They are fast cheap fooder with a punch per cost only slightly below the armor.

    They don’t boost infantry like Artillery. The only tradeoff is move +1 but lose the Infantry boost, for a buck more you got a 3/3 tank which gives you 2 points. So i dont see the ‘domination’ aspect. I use these in many other games and they just have their place as a filler unit to go with the armor or they work well in places like africa, where you need to cover space quickly.

    IC repair and underground factories are way to limited as written, cuz for most contries these two has NO effect.
    Might be nice for germany, but probably useless for Japan, US, Italy, UK and russia (probable unless Germeny gets rockets)

    Well as its written its saying now it will take double the damage to damage it the way it was before, which is significant. I will look into the IC repair however.

    Super Armor, or heavy tanks or whatever.
    This is the missing tech in AA50, however your versus is very little useful.
    For 14points you get 2 Super Armor, which gives 4x2=8 in punch!
    For 15points, you get 3 ARMOR which gives 3x3=9 in punch, but you also get one extra casualty.
    I would take 3 normal armor any time.

    Ill look into this. perhaps make them 4-5 units

    The only slightly nice thing about super armor is that you can build heavier land units in a small factory,
    and that you can instantly upgrade your armor at the front. Since a unit requiring a technology to build should be BETTER, I think super armor should cost 6 points. Maybe you could still keep the rule about upgrading tanks for 2points.

    yes good idea.

    Why take out heavy artellery? Its a wonderfull technology. What it does is that you need less artillery to do the same job.
    2 artillery + 2 infantry=1 heavy artillery +3infanteri.
    A balanced great technology which should be kept.

    It makes no sence whatsoever to have a technology the better coordinates Artillery fire for Infantry at double the efficiency, unless we are talking modern warfare with guided missile/projectile technology. Its really like they made this Technology out of thin air with no correspondence to the actual war. It would be a much better thing to allow tanks a boost with planes present in battle and acknowledge that battlefield doctrine of warfare, than to assign this bogus mystery technology that didn’t exist.

    heavy carriers: Just a bit unclear what you mean by following turn. Is it suppose to take two-hits but only once?
    +3 fighter capacity is nice however.

    takes 2 hits like BB.

    Dont enjoy the anti sub tech, as generally I admit I have a fetish for these subs Smiley
    Realy, I think subs are better in AA50, but at a defence of 1 I still think they will still be easy to destroy.

    IN AA50 subs require a destroyer present so the plane can roll against it. IN this planes cannot ever roll against subs regardless, unless they get this technology. IN AA50 planes could not really aid in ASW until better spotting and tactics were established, along with some equipment upgrades. Under the 1941 scenario this is ignored that the subs enjoyed the ‘Happy time’ before the allies could counter with better technology and thats what this tech is representing. So i am giving the subs more power until the tech is achieved.

    Atomic bomb: this IS a game breaker, but I guess you know this.

    The game needs this weapon and remember you only get one per turn. It helps end the game. I suppose i can make a rule where if you get it its not available until a certain turn, so the other side can make adjustments to try to win before it appears. I just tired of the PC in these games. The A-Bomb is the major factor for ending the war, and it should be the factor in ending the game. I really should add manpower shortages, because adult males were scarcely replacing the armies by 1945.

  • Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition ( AA50) House Rules:

    Alternative bidding system: The axis player starts with a cash fund of IPC which grows by the rate of one IPC each turn. It can be used once and when that occurs it’s used in its entirety and the fund stops growing. The fund can be used at any time even if it’s not your turn and you immediately place pieces equal to its value in any controlled territory. Unspent IPC are lost.

    Bidding system option #2: The Italian player can control a number of German units equal to the bid amount expressed in IPC. The Italian player can use these German units in any manner of his choosing and if some of these units are lost in combat, new forces up to the bid amount in IPC can be reallocated. Procedure: German player moves the forces in Italian controlled territories and on Italy’s turn they can be used as needed.

    Russia Restricted: ON the first turn of each scenario Soviet infantry defends at 1 for the first round of combat.

    Soviet Winter: Once per game the Soviets can declare a sever winter just prior to the German player rolling for attacks and it effects the game as follows: All Soviet land units defend at +1 for the first round of combat, and all German units rolling a 5 or 6 must withdraw from further combat that turn.

    Both players can retreat: Either player can retreat after any full combat round. Retreat can be in full or in part.

    Partisans: If the German/ Italian player controls soviet territories but does not garrison them with at least one land unit, Partisans can attempt attacks on the IPC value as follows:  Roll D6 1-2= 1 IPC lost, 3-4= 2 IPC lost 5-6= 3 IPC lost.

    Mechanized Infantry as standard pieces:  Any nation can now build Mech. Infantry at attack/defend 2 move 2, cost 4. They are considered Infantry for transport purposes.

    Dogfights: When planes fight in land battles they are rolling against each other and allocating other air units before land units can be hit. AS such they have different air dogfight values as follows:

    Fighters: 3
    Fighter- Bomber: 2
    Bomber: 1
    Heavy Bomber: 2
    Jet fighters: 4

    Fighter Defense/Escort: During SBR attacks the defending player can bring in planes to fight against bombers defending at a 2. The attacker can bring in escorts to protect his bombers and they attack at 1. Only one round of air combat occurs prior to SBR rolls. The AA gun rolls only against the bombers and not against the escorting fighters.

    Fighter-Bomber/ Interceptor as standard pieces: Any nation can build them for 8 IPC and they attack at 3 and defend at 2 and move 4 spaces. They can be placed on carriers at same capacity as fighters. These have a special ability on defense. If they are adjacent to attacked land territories they may assist in combat starting on the first combat round.

    German SS Panzers: The German player can build up to 6 elite Armor units (attack/defend at 4 move 2) costing 8 IPC and taking 2 hits. A damaged tank can be repaired for 3 IPC. Only one of these tanks can be built per turn.
    Soviet Shock Armies: The Soviet player can build up to 6 special Army units (attack/defend at 4 move 2) costing 8 IPC and taking 2 hits. A damaged tank can be repaired for 3 IPC. Only one of these units can be built per turn.

    Cruisers: can attack subs are considered full ASW units (they negate subs first strike just like Destroyers.

    Wolf pack rule: 2+ German subs attacking together gain a +1 attack modifier for the first round of combat.

    Chinese forces: Chinese forces are rounded up for placement determination. Example: If China has 3 territories it may place 2 infantry rather than 1. See optional Chinese rules.

    Stalin Xenophobia: NO USA/UK units of any type allowed in Soviet territories. NO mixing of any units with Soviet units (including naval). Soviet Units can liberate Japanese occupied Chinese territories and that’s the only time they can enter China. Soviet units can also liberate European Axis occupied nations and keep them as their own even if they were originally UK owned.

    Lend Lease: US player rolls 2 D6 = result equals IPC that can be sent to Russia. (I recommend you use coins) Procedure: place whatever you rolled under transports and each transport can carry up 6 IPC. The transports are allocated for lend lease are ones located in the Eastern USA SZ. They then lose ONE IPC for each German U-boat in the Atlantic. The transports allocated for Lend Lease transfer can only be attacked for their IPC for one turn. The following turn they are returned to Eastern USA SZ.

    Neutral forces: all neutrals have a value of 1 IPC, except the following:

    Spain: 3 IPC
    Turkey: 3 IPC
    Sweden: 2 IPC

    Procedure: roll ONE D6 for each IPC= equals starting forces. Until you conquer the nation is an ally of your enemy, but the enemy does not gain income.

    Income collection changes for western allies: Axis players keep income for neutral conquests, but the western allies do not collect when they liberate, the Soviet player does collect for ‘liberated’ territories. Example: British player captures France and the IPC is subtracted from German totals and not added to British total. The Allies do not gain from taking territories.

    Axis Aid: Germany gets 1 IPC each from Spain and Sweden if they are neutral.

    Soviet-Japanese non-aggression pact: The Soviet player cannot attack Japanese territories until Berlin falls. The Japanese player can do as he pleases. But if he chooses to cross into Russia, the Russian player gets a fund of up to 12 IPC to be used immediately to place forces adjacent to Japanese and this fund is subtracted from the Russian players next turns income.

    Turkey: Conquest of Turkey allows a land bridge from Black sea, so land units can move across.
    D-Day: once per game the British and American player can make a joint attack in any one combat situation. It can be during either players turn. On the next UK or USA turn those units will still be able to be moved again.

    Denmark/Turkish straights: No naval units can cross unless both sides are under control by the same player or his ally.

    National Unit purchase changes:
    Germany: Can build one sub for 5 IPC per turn or 2 Infantry for 5 IPC. Additional cost normal prices
    Soviets: Can build two tanks for 8 IPC once per turn or two Mechanized Infantry for 6 IPC each turn. Additional cost normal price. Must be bought in pairs.
    Japan: They can build one fighter or Destroyer for two IPC less per turn.
    Italy: They can build two Infantry for 5 IPC, additional cost 3 IPC each
    UK: They can build one Destroyer, Cruiser or fighter for 1 IPC less each turn.
    USA: They can build one Transport for two IPC less or two Mechanized Infantry for 6 IPC each turn.

    Tech Tree:

    Procedure: Same as AA50 except you assign your researcher to one of the following three categories: Land, Sea or Air. Further, you can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time. Germany and USA can assign up to two researchers per category. All other OOB rules are in effect.

    Land Technology:

    1. Radar- AA guns fire at planes at 2.
    2. War Bonds- add one die to IPC total each turn
    3. IC Repair- ( one IPC removes two points of damage)
    4. Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down
    5. Self-Propelled Artillery-You can form anti-tank forces by building one from scratch for 6 IPC attack and defend at 3, move 2. These units hits go first against other Artillery, Mechanized, or Armor unit before an infantry unit can be selected. Only one per turn can be built.

    Sea Technology:

    1. ASW- your fighters, bombers can now negate the submarines first strike capability and attack these units.
    2. Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
    3. Super subs- same as revised OOB
    4. Improved Carriers- if you pay 4 IPC per carrier they now take 2 hits, plus have a 3 fighter capacity. New Carriers of this type can also be created and they costing 4 IPC extra.
    5. Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.
    6. AA cruisers, your cruisers get an AA roll if any planes attack hitting at 1 prior to the first round of combat. Each plane is rolled and if hit is removed before shooting back.

    Air Technology:

    1. Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls.
    2. Long Rang Air- same as OOB
    3. Rockets- Same as OOB
    4. Jet Fighters- same as OOB, except they don’t get rolled at by defending AA guns.
    5. Heavy Bombers- Roll one die= lost IPC, roll second die= damage to factories capacity to place new units.
    6. Atomic Bomb- one bomber per turn can perform one SBR run where the damage is permanent reduction in capacity to place units. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7.

    Spies: These cost 10 IPC each and can be assigned in secret to any specific enemy player’s technology. If that player decides to develop the technology and it succeeds, the spy may be revealed and the spy gets to roll obtaining technology on a roll of 4-6. Note: the Soviet player is the only player that can send spies to his own allies and they cost 5 IPC.

    Counter Spy: Each player may buy a super spy which can be used to eliminate the enemy spy but this is not assigned globally to all technologies that can be developed, but must instead be assigned to a land, sea, or air technology category.

    Universal National Advantages:

    Procedure: roll D12 or select one NA per turn until the chosen number is reached.

    1. Paratroopers: Each Bomber can now carry one infantry from the territory it started movement from to any friendly or enemy controlled territory. If dropped in hostile land zone the unit attacks at 2 and must fight to the death.
    2. Fast Warships: Carriers and Cruisers now move 3 sea zones.
    3. Blitzkrieg: Your Armor units moving one space in combat movement and successfully clearing the enemy land zone can perform either: A) attack a new enemy territory from the captured territory, or B) retreat to an adjacent territory during NCM and avoid possible enemy counterattack.
    4. Dug in Defenders: You infantry in originally controlled land territories surrounded by water defend at 3. Note: includes all small islands plus Japan, England and New Zealand, but not Australia.
    5. 5th Column: Convert one neutral per game in the future by rolling a D6= number of turns you wait before conversion (keep roll secret).
    6. Mechanized Infantry: You may freely replace one infantry with a mechanized infantry each turn.
    7. Manpower reserves: You may build infantry for 2 IPC for one turn in the game, but any infantry built after costs 4 IPC.
    8. Total War: you may elect to build one factory for free per game, or destroy one enemy factory, or move one factory to another originally controlled territory.
    9. Trained Pilots: your original fighters you start the game with attack at 4 for the rest of the game, but once each is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. (Write T on chip to designate them.
    10. Foreign Aid: one ally can loan another up to what you roll on a D6 each turn.
    11. Mobile Warfare: Your fighters attacking with Armor or Mechanized Infantry boost these units +1 each combat round at a matching 1/1 basis.
    12. Combined forces: Once per game you and one ally can make your turn together performing movement, combat and non-combat together. The player moving up does not buy or place new units, and he still gets his own turn, so it’s essentially a double movement and combat action. This would be in addition to the D-Day  rule.

  • Well as its written its saying now it will take double the damage to damage it the way it was before, which is significant. I will look into the IC repair however.

    It is significant, but only if the enemy has bombers and is bomging you.

    Now I doubt that US, Japan, Italy, UK and Russia ever will be bombed in the first place.
    Ok, there is a small probability that UK and Russa will get bombed, but the probability is small I would say.

    I recommend to keep the +2 production limits as this will make the tech generaly usefull for every nation.

  • And on thing more.

    About super carriers: I would say giving them  fighter capacity of 3 is good enough.
    The problem of giving them two hits is that it realy takes too much glory away from the battleships. Cuz in reality its the two-hits which makes the battleship extremly powerfull. Not its fighting capasity.

  • Ideas from elsewhere under consideration:

    Bonus: When defending a victory city (that has never fallen), you can choose one round (per battle) where your infantry defend on a three. (dig in and hold to the last man).
    When defending a victory (that has never fallen), on each round of battle after the first, you may add a virtual infantry to the fight (If you control at least one infantry and not a virtual infantry already). This one makes them much harder to kill if you don’t bring in a significant force. I really like the Stalingrad effect on this one.

    Penalty: When you lose a victory city that has never fallen, for your next turn, all your units have an attack factor one lower than usual (ones still hit). This one seems brutal, but really interesting. Talk about codifying national despondency.

    How about an idea stolen from some other games where you have some sort of national morale? When you lose a victory city that you start the game with you lose 2 national morale points, lets say. When you capture one back you gain 1 morale point (the city has been devastated). You also get 1 national morale point for capturing an enemy objective and lose 1 if you lose it again. Each nation has a track and when their morale drops below a certain point their nation sues for peace and leaves the war.

    The point is over time your national morale would drop if you weren’t defending your home territory very well, and eventually your nation would withdraw from the war. This is more or less what happened historically, after all we never did invade Japan. Given the ahistorical balanced setup of the game, if the real war had been more like that severe war weariness would have been much more likely to set in and the war would have been more likely to end in a settled peace. Even many of the Allied economies were shattered by the end of the war, let alone the Axis powers.

    This would force players to defend victory cities “to the death” because they can’t afford the drop in national morale. If you wanted to flesh out the system further you could add addtional effects after morale has dropped below certain points but before a nation has left the war, similar to the situation with Italy at the start of 1943 where its troops had virtually no motiviation to fight anymore.

  • Optional Rules for China:

    China is now made up of two military/political entities:

    1. The Nationalist Kuomintang- KMT
    2. The Communists- CPC.

    Set up: the starting Chinese units remain in place and are considered KMT. Add one infantry in Chinghai, Ningxia and Sikang to represent CPC units. If the KMT leaves any of their starting territories or is removed from them, the KMT may attack or occupy these by breaking the truce.

    Placement change: KMT units are placed at the rate of one infantry per territory under control as long as the territory has a 1 IPC value. The KMT receives additional aid each turn of 1 IPC from USA, USSR, and Germany (3 IPC total) and this money is not subtracted from those nations totals. It can be saved or spent to buy any type of unit and placed in a KMT controlled territory. The KMT conducts its turn functions as per the out of the box rules and is considered the official Chinese player as per the rules. The KMT can attack the CPC and break the truce, but loses its 1 IPC aid from USSR.

    KMT/CPC Truce: These entities pledge to avoid combat with each other and fight the common enemy of Japan. Either side may break the truce, or the penalty for each is as follows:

    KMT: loses 1 IPC in aid
    CPC:  Gains 1 IPC in aid from USSR

    The US player can always replace the lost Chinese starting fighter if it’s destroyed. They can also fly one bomber to China to be used as needed on the USA turn. No other US/UK forces are allowed in Chinese territories.

    The CPC conducts its turn functions during the Soviet players turn.

    Greater China: China (both KMT and CPC) may only enter the following additional territories of greater China which consist of French- Indo China, Manchuria, Kwangtung, and Kiangsu.

  • recent updates to these rules.

    Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition ( AA50) House Rules:

    Alternative bidding system: The axis player starts with a cash fund of IPC which grows by the rate of one IPC each turn. It can be used once and when that occurs it’s used in its entirety and the fund stops growing. The fund can be used at any time even if it’s not your turn and you immediately place pieces equal to its value in any controlled territory. Unspent IPC are lost.

    Bidding system option #2: The Italian player can control a number of German units equal to the bid amount expressed in IPC. The Italian player can use these German units in any manner of his choosing and if some of these units are lost in combat, new forces up to the bid amount in IPC can be reallocated. Procedure: German player moves the forces in Italian controlled territories and on Italy’s turn they can be used as needed.

    Russia Restricted: ON the first turn of each scenario Soviet infantry defends at 1 for the first round of combat. Soviet tanks defend at 2 if attacked.

    Soviet Winter: Once per game the Soviets can declare a sever winter just prior to the German player rolling for attacks and it effects the game as follows: All Soviet land units defend at +1 for the first round of combat, and all German units rolling a 5 or 6 must withdraw from further combat that turn.

    Both players can retreat: Either player can retreat after any full combat round. Retreat can be in full or in part. The attackers retreat must be to at least one of the territories the attacker can from. The defender can retreat to any controlled space.

    Partisans: If the German or Italian player controls soviet territories but does not garrison them with at least one land unit, Partisans can attempt attacks on the IPC value as follows: For each un-garrisoned territory the German player rolls one D6 1-2= 1 IPC lost, 3-4= 2 IPC lost 5-6= 3 IPC lost.

    Mechanized Infantry as standard pieces:  Any nation can now build Mech. Infantry that attack or defend at 2, move 2, cost 4. They are considered non-infantry for transport purposes.

    Dogfights: When planes fight in land battles they now are rolling against each other and allocating other air units as hits before land units can be hit. AS such they have different dogfight values as follows:

    Fighters: 3
    Fighter- Bomber: 2
    Bomber: 1
    Heavy Bomber: 2
    Jet fighters: 4

    Fighter Defense/Escort: During SBR attacks the defending player can bring in planes to fight against bombers defending at a 2. The attacker can bring in escorts to escort his bombers and they attack at 1. Only one round of air combat occurs prior to SBR rolls. Note: The AA gun rolls only against the bombers and not against the escorting fighters.

    Fighter-Bomber/ Interceptor as standard pieces: Any nation can build them for 8 IPC and they attack at 3 and defend at 2 and move 4 spaces. They can be placed on carriers at same capacity as fighters. These have a special ability on defense. If they are adjacent to attacked land territories they may assist in combat starting on the first combat round. They can retreat with other defending units after any complete combat round.

    Strategic Movement: Each player’s capital territory has a value equal to half its IPC value, which can facilitate additional movement of a players land forces. Every time the Home territory is bombed by SBR the total movement of Strategic Movement is reduced one point for every 2 points of damage to the home factory. For example: Germany has 5 SR points because it has a 10 IPC home territory. If it was bombed for 5 points of factory damage, it could only now move 2 units by strategic redeployment. Procedure: after placement move one land unit a total of 2 spaces for each SR point. Units moved can be new created units or units involved in combat or any unit whether it moved already or attacked. Units can even move across one sea zone to another controlled territory as long as you control the sea zone with one warship.

    Cruisers: These units can attack subs and are considered full ASW units (they also negate subs first strike just like Destroyers).

    Wolf pack rule: 2+ German subs attacking together gain a +1 attack modifier for the first round of combat.

    Convoy Zones: Each nation begins in control of specific sea zones that can be attacked by enemy naval forces or bombers. When the listed territory is occupied by the opposing side the convoy center is replaced with a new convoy token of the controlling player. Anytime the enemy enters this sea zone with a warship (not transport) they roll one D6:
    1-2= 1 IPC lost, 3-4= 2 IPC lost, 5-6= 3 IPC lost. The convoy zone can only be attacked up to the full value of 3 IPC per turn. The following convoy centers are in the game:

    Sea zone #5-Convoy removed if Germany loses two of the three: Sweden, Finland, or Norway.

    Sea Zone #14- Convoy removed if Italy loses Libya or Balkans.

    Sea Zone #62- Convoy removed if Japan loses Manchuria.
    Sea Zone #36- Convoy removed if Japan loses French-Indo China.

    Soviet Union:
    Sea Zone #4- Convoy removed if Soviets lose Karella S.S.R.

    United Kingdom: 
    Sea Zone #8- Convoy removed if UK loses any part of Canada.
    Sea Zone #2- Convoy removed if UK loses England.
    Sea Zone #33-Convoy removed if UK controls less than 6 IPC in Africa.
    Sea Zone #35-Convoy removed if UK controls loses India.
    Sea Zone #12-Convoy removed if UK controls loses Gibraltar.
    Sea Zone #39-Convoy removed if UK controls loses Australia.
    Sea Zone #38-Convoy removed if UK controls loses East Indies or Borneo.
    United States:
    Sea Zone #10- Convoy removed if USA loses Eastern USA.
    Sea Zone #50- Convoy removed if USA loses Western United States.
    Sea Zone #54- Convoy removed if USA loses Alaska.
    Sea Zone #56- Convoy removed if USA loses Philippine Islands.
    Sea Zone #65- Convoy removed if USA loses Hawaii.

    Note: In each case when the sea zone is occupied a new convoy zone is established by the side that captures the listed territories and the new player can now be attacked in the same manner.

    Chinese forces: Chinese forces are rounded up for placement determination. Example: If China has 3 territories it may place 2 infantry rather than 1.

    Stalin Xenophobia: NO USA/UK units of any type allowed in Soviet territories. NO mixing of any units with Soviet units (including naval). Soviet Units can liberate Japanese occupied Chinese territories and that’s the only time they can enter China. Soviet units can also liberate European Axis occupied nations and keep them as their own even if they were originally UK owned.

    Lend Lease: US player rolls 2 D6 = result equals IPC that can be sent to Russia. (I recommend you use coins) Procedure: place whatever you rolled under transports and each transport can carry up to 6 IPC. The transports are allocated for lend lease are ones located in the Eastern USA SZ. The transports allocated for Lend Lease then just move immediately to the Soviet Lend lease box located in Sea Zone # 4. These can be subject to attacks and should be protected. The following Soviet turn the IPC are added to the Soviet player’s treasury. On the following American players turn, they are returned to Eastern USA Sea Zone #10

    Neutral forces: all neutrals have a value of 1 IPC, except the following:
    Spain: 3 IPC
    Turkey: 3 IPC
    Sweden: 2 IPC

    Procedure: roll ONE D6 for each IPC= equals starting forces. Until you conquer the nation is an ally of your enemy, but the enemy does not gain income.

    Income collection changes for western allies: Axis players keep income for neutral conquests, but the western allies do not collect when they liberate, the Soviet player does collect for ‘liberated’ territories. Example: British player captures France and the IPC is subtracted from German totals and not added to British total. The Allies do not gain from taking territories.

    Axis Aid: Germany gets 1 IPC each from Spain and Sweden if they are neutral.

    Soviet-Japanese non-aggression pact: The Soviet player cannot attack Japanese territories until Berlin falls. The Japanese player can do as he pleases. But if he chooses to cross into Russia, the Russian player gets a fund of up to 12 IPC to be used immediately to place forces adjacent to Japanese and this fund is subtracted from the Russian players next turns income.

    Turkey: Conquest of Turkey allows a land bridge from Black sea, so land units can move across.

    D-Day: once per game the British and American player can make a joint attack in any one combat situation. It can be during either players turn. On the next UK or USA turn those units will still be able to be moved again.

    Denmark/Turkish straights: No naval units can cross unless both sides are under control by the same player or his ally.

    Naval Ports: These can be purchased for 6 IPC and placed in your controlled territories adjacent to a sea zone. They protect ships in port from naval attack, but not from air attack. If the land territory is captured, the naval units are considered dislodged and must be placed in the sea zone. If any enemy ships pass thru the sea zone adjacent to the port they cannot be intercepted. New units built can also be placed in ports rather than the open sea zone as long as the territory contains a factory.

    National Unit purchase changes:
    • Germany: Can build one sub for 5 IPC per turn or 2 Infantry for 5 IPC.
    • Soviets: Can build two tanks for 8 IPC once per turn or two Mechanized Infantry for 6 IPC each turn. Must be bought as a pair.
    • Japan: They can build one fighter or Destroyer for two IPC less per turn.
    • Italy: They can build two Infantry for 5 IPC.
    • UK: They can build one Destroyer, Cruiser or fighter for 1 IPC less each turn.
    • USA: They can build one Transport for two IPC less or two Mechanized Infantry for 6 IPC each turn.

    Tech Tree:
    Procedure: Same as AA50 except you assign your researcher to one of the following three categories: Land, Sea or Air. Further, you can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time. Germany and USA can assign up to two researchers per category. All other OOB rules are in effect.

    Land Technology:

    1. Radar- AA guns fire at planes at 2.
    2. War Bonds- add one die to IPC total each turn
    3. IC Repair- ( one IPC allocated removes two points of damage)
    4. Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down.
    5. Elite Armor- You can form elite armor forces by converting one tank each turn for 1 IPC or build one from scratch for 6 IPC attack at 4 and defend at 5, move 2

    Sea Technology:

    1. ASW- your fighters and bombers can now negate the submarines first strike capability and also attack these units w/o having a Destroyer or Cruiser present.
    2. Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
    3. Super subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.
    4. Improved Carriers- if you pay 4 IPC per carrier they now take 2 hits, plus have a 3 fighter capacity. New Carriers of this type can also be created and they costing 4 IPC extra to purchase.
    5. Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.
    6. AA cruisers, your cruisers get an AA roll if any planes attack hitting at 1 prior to the first round of combat. Each plane is rolled and if hit is removed before shooting back.

    Air Technology:

    1. Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls.
    2. Long Rang Air- fighters and bombers now move 2 extra spaces.
    3. Rockets- Your antiaircraft guns are now rocket launchers. In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces of it. This attack does 1d6 damage to that complex.
    4. Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5, also they don’t get rolled at by defending AA guns.
    5. Heavy Bombers- roll one die= lost IPC, roll second die= damage to factories capacity to place new units.
    6. Atomic Bomb- one bomber per turn can perform one SBR run where the damage is permanent reduction in capacity to place units. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7.

    Spies: These cost 10 IPC each and can be assigned in secret to any specific enemy player’s technology category (land, sea or air). If that player decides to develop a technology in this category and it succeeds, the spy may be revealed and the spy gets to roll obtaining technology on a roll of 4-6. Note: the Soviet player is the only player that can send spies to his own allies and they cost 5 IPC.

    Counter Spy: Each player may buy a super spy which can be used to eliminate the enemy spy but this is also assigned to a specific technology category (land, sea or air) to any technologies that can be developed.

    Universal National Advantages:

    Procedure: roll D12 or select one NA per turn until the chosen number is reached.

    1. Paratroopers: Each Bomber can now carry one infantry from the territory it started movement from to any friendly or enemy controlled territory. If dropped in hostile land zone the unit attacks at 2 and must fight to the death.
    2. Fast Warships: Carriers and Cruisers now move 3 sea zones.
    3. Blitzkrieg: Your Armor units moving one space in combat movement and successfully clearing the enemy land zone can perform either: A) attack a new enemy territory from the captured territory, or B) retreat to an adjacent territory during NCM and avoid possible enemy counterattack.
    4. Dug in Defenders: You infantry in originally controlled land territories surrounded by water defend at 3. Note: includes all small islands plus Japan, England and New Zealand, but not Australia.
    5. 5th Column: Convert one neutral per game in the future by rolling a D6= number of turns you wait before conversion (keep roll secret).
    6. Mechanized Infantry: You may freely replace one infantry with a mechanized infantry each turn.
    7. Manpower reserves: You may build infantry for 2 IPC for one turn in the game, but any infantry built after costs 4 IPC.
    8. Total War: you may elect to build one factory for free per game, or destroy one enemy factory, or move one factory to another originally controlled territory.
    9. Trained Pilots: your original fighters you start the game with attack at 4 for the rest of the game, but once each is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. (Write T on chip to designate them.
    10. Foreign Aid: one ally can loan another up to what you roll on a D6 each turn.
    11. Mobile Warfare: Your fighters attacking with Armor or Mechanized Infantry boost these units +1 each combat round at a matching 1/1 basis.
    12. Combined forces: Once per game you and one ally can make your turn together performing movement, combat and non-combat together. The player moving up does not buy or place new units, and he still gets his own turn, so it’s essentially a double movement and combat action. This would be in addition to the D-Day  rule.

    Optional Rules for China:

    China is now made up of two military/political entities:

    1. The Nationalist Kuomintang- KMT
    2. The Communists- CPC.

    Set up: the starting Chinese units remain in place and are considered KMT. Add one infantry in Chinghai, Ningxia and Sikang to represent CPC units. If the KMT leaves any of their starting territories or is removed from them, the KMT may attack or occupy these by breaking the truce.

    Placement change: KMT units are placed at the rate of one infantry per territory under control as long as the territory has a 1 IPC value. The KMT receives additional aid each turn of 1 IPC from USA, USSR, and Germany (3 IPC total) and this money is not subtracted from those nations totals. It can be saved or spent to buy any type of unit and placed in a KMT controlled territory. The KMT conducts its turn functions as per the out of the box rules and is considered the official Chinese player as per the rules. The KMT can attack the CPC and break the truce, but loses its 1 IPC aid from USSR.

    KMT/CPC Truce: These entities pledge to avoid combat with each other and fight the common enemy of Japan. Either side may break the truce, or the penalty for each is as follows:

    KMT: loses 1 IPC in aid
    CPC:  Gains 1 IPC in aid from USSR

    The US player can always replace the lost Chinese starting fighter if it’s destroyed. They can also fly one bomber to China to be used as needed on the USA turn. No other US/UK forces are allowed in Chinese territories.

    The CPC conducts its turn functions during the Soviet players turn.

    Greater China: China (both KMT and CPC) may only enter the following additional territories of greater China which consist of French- Indo China, Manchuria, Kwangtung, and Kiangsu.

  • Italian Surrender:
    If the Italian player’s land forces are removed from Africa and at least one other territory they roll a die each turn and surrender on a roll of 6. If that happens, the Italian player removes his fleet and air forces and the remaining Land units are split equally along IPC costs and the German player chooses how this is done. Lastly, the German player replaces his Italian units with his own color, and the balance of these forces becomes under allied control as independent Italian forces. If surrender occurs when the axis control the territory of Italy, consider the territory split in 2 parts ( north and south) and allow opposing sides to coexist. No IPC are awarded until the territory is under the control of one side and the other side is destroyed.

  • WAAHHHHHHHH i though then the italians could switch sides like in 1943 come on man swicth that

  • There are no set turns… Italy didn’t wait till 43 to surrender, instead the allies too Libya, Sicily, and the southern half of Italy and the king asked Il Duce to leave and they reformed the government. These rules model this in a very simple way.

  • after italian surrender i beleive that italiasn may use ther elike 6 incoem from italy + 4 and fight germany (this can be taken away if italy becomes dumb and make a massive army and takes ipcs away from the westerna llies/russia


    WAAHHHHHHHH i though then the italians could switch sides like in 1943 come on man swicth that

  • They do they use whatever they occupy as IPC to buy Italian units to fight germany.

  • O ok then i am more happy and italy is 6 ipc’s plus lybia 1 ipc and greece if taken so italy would get at least 6 ipcs plus how many other territories it gets!

  • Upgraded after playtests and commentary- NOte new tech changes and sub interactions similiar to AARHE but streamlined.

    Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition ( AA50) House Rules:

    Alternative bidding system: The axis player starts with a cash fund of IPC which grows by the rate of one IPC each turn. It can be used once and when that occurs it’s used in its entirety and the fund stops growing. The fund can be used at any time even if it’s not your turn and you immediately place pieces equal to its value in any controlled territory. Unspent IPC are lost.

    Bidding system option #2: The Italian player can control a number of German units equal to the bid amount expressed in IPC. The Italian player can use these German units in any manner of his choosing and if some of these units are lost in combat, new forces up to the bid amount in IPC can be reallocated. Procedure: German player moves the forces in Italian controlled territories and on Italy’s turn they can be used as needed.

    Russia Restricted: ON the first turn of each scenario Soviet infantry defends at 1 for the first round of combat. Soviet tanks defend at 2 if attacked.

    Soviet Winter: Once per game the Soviets can declare a sever winter just prior to the German player rolling for attacks and it effects the game as follows: All Soviet land units defend at +1 for the first round of combat, and all German units rolling a 5 or 6 must withdraw from further combat that turn.

    Both players can retreat: Either player can retreat after any full combat round. Retreat can be in full or in part. The attackers retreat must be to at least one of the territories the attacker can from. The defender can retreat to any controlled space.

    Partisans: If the German or Italian player controls soviet territories but does not garrison them with at least one land unit, Partisans can attempt attacks on the IPC value as follows: For each un-garrisoned territory the German player rolls one D6 1-2= 1 IPC lost, 3-4= 2 IPC lost 5-6= 3 IPC lost.

    Carriers: These units now attack at 0 and defend at 2. No other changes from standard rules.

    Mechanized Infantry as standard pieces:  Any nation can now build Mech. Infantry that attack or defend at 2, move 2, cost 4. They are considered non-infantry for transport purposes.

    Dogfights: When planes fight in land battles they now are rolling against each other and allocating other air units as hits before land units can be hit. AS such they have different dogfight values as follows:

    Fighters: 3
    Fighter- Bomber: 2
    Bomber: 1
    Heavy Bomber: 2
    Jet fighters: 4

    Fighter Defense/Escort: During SBR attacks the defending player can bring in planes to fight against bombers defending at a 2. The attacker can bring in escorts to escort his bombers and they attack at 1. Only one round of air combat occurs prior to SBR rolls. Note: The AA gun rolls only against the bombers and not against the escorting fighters.

    Fighter-Bomber/ Interceptor as standard pieces: Any nation can build them for 8 IPC and they attack at 3 and defend at 2 and move 4 spaces. They can be placed on carriers at same capacity as fighters. These have a special ability on defense. If they are adjacent to attacked land territories they may assist in combat starting on the first combat round. They can retreat with other defending units after any complete combat round.

    Strategic Movement: Each player’s capital territory has a value equal to half its IPC value, which can facilitate additional movement of a players land forces. Every time the Home territory is bombed by SBR the total movement of Strategic Movement is reduced one point for every 2 points of damage to the home factory. For example: Germany has 5 SR points because it has a 10 IPC home territory. If it was bombed for 5 points of factory damage, it could only now move 2 units by strategic redeployment. Procedure: after placement move one land unit a total of 2 spaces for each SR point. Units moved can be new created units or units involved in combat or any unit whether it moved already or attacked. Units can even move across one sea zone to another controlled territory as long as you control the sea zone with one warship.

    Cruisers: These units can attack subs and are considered full ASW units (they also negate subs first strike just like Destroyers).

    Wolf pack rule: 2+ German subs attacking together gain a +1 attack modifier for the first round of combat.

    Naval Ports: These can be purchased for 6 IPC and placed in your controlled territories adjacent to a sea zone. They protect ships in port from naval attack, but not from air attack. If the land territory is captured, the naval units are considered dislodged and must be placed in the sea zone. If any enemy ships pass thru the sea zone adjacent to the port they cannot be intercepted. New units built can also be placed in ports rather than the open sea zone as long as the territory contains a factory.

    Submarines:  Submarines mat move into or pass any groups of enemy ships and attack any sea zone in range. ON the first round of combat they can make a preemptive strike on enemy surface units. Subs can’t never attack or be attacked by other submarines. After making the attack any surviving Destroyers or Cruisers ( hereafter referred to ASW) can attempt to locate the submarine with each rolling a d6 and getting a ‘1’ result has located any subs in the sea zone. Note: with advanced technology this is increased to a ‘2’ and all planes can also participate in search/attack. If the search is successful then all surface ships can conduct attacks on the subs using their attack factor. (Planes cannot attack unless they have ASW technology).
    If the ASW search is unsuccessful the submarine can either submerge or retreat or conduct another round of combat, but doing this makes ASW search automatic, allowing for full retaliation.  If the submarine elects to end combat, then no further action takes place. Destroyers and Cruisers (and latter carrier based planes) do not negate the subs first strike until the second round of combat.

    When you decide to attack enemy subs on your own turn, you use eligible ASW units to do this in the same manner as before, with the sub still having the ability to submerge or retreat. Submarines no longer block movement of surface naval units, except for transports. In combat with subs and other naval units, submarines are not involved. That’s to say they now perform as totally independent forms of naval combat. Once the surface naval combat is resolved, further combat with submarines can occur.

    Convoy Zones: Each nation begins in control of specific sea zones that can be attacked by enemy naval forces or bombers. When the listed territory is occupied by the opposing side the convoy center is replaced with a new convoy token of the controlling player. Anytime the enemy enters this sea zone with a warship (not transport) they roll one D6:
    1-2= 1 IPC lost
    3-4= 2 IPC lost
    5-6= 3 IPC lost.

    The convoy zone can only be attacked up to the full value of 3 IPC per turn. The following convoy centers start in the game:

    Sea zone #5-Convoy removed if Germany loses two of the three: Sweden, Finland, or Norway.

    Sea Zone #14- Convoy removed if Italy loses Libya or Balkans.

    Sea Zone #62- Convoy removed if Japan loses Manchuria.
    Sea Zone #36- Convoy removed if Japan loses French-Indo China.

    Soviet Union:
    Sea Zone #4- Convoy removed if Soviets lose Karella S.S.R.

    United Kingdom:  
    Sea Zone #8- Convoy removed if UK loses any part of Canada.
    Sea Zone #2- Convoy removed if UK loses England.
    Sea Zone #33-Convoy removed if UK controls less than 6 IPC in Africa.
    Sea Zone #35-Convoy removed if UK controls loses India.
    Sea Zone #12-Convoy removed if UK controls loses Gibraltar.
    Sea Zone #39-Convoy removed if UK controls loses Australia.
    Sea Zone #38-Convoy removed if UK controls loses East Indies or Borneo.
    United States:
    Sea Zone #10- Convoy removed if USA loses Eastern USA.
    Sea Zone #50- Convoy removed if USA loses Western United States.
    Sea Zone #54- Convoy removed if USA loses Alaska.
    Sea Zone #56- Convoy removed if USA loses Philippine Islands.
    Sea Zone #65- Convoy removed if USA loses Hawaii.

    Note: In each case when the sea zone is occupied a new convoy zone is established by the side that captures the listed territories and the new player can now be attacked in the same manner on your own next turn.

    Convoy Raid Attack: Submarines can elect to attack these convoys in addition to other attacks in the same sea zone if other ships are also present.

    Following the Convoy Raid each submarine has the option to attack enemy ships located in the sea zone.

    Chinese forces: Chinese forces are rounded up for placement determination. Example: If China has 3 territories it may place 2 infantry rather than 1.

    Stalin Xenophobia: NO USA/UK units of any type allowed in Soviet territories. NO mixing of any units with Soviet units (including naval). Soviet Units can liberate Japanese occupied Chinese territories and that’s the only time they can enter China. Soviet units can also liberate European Axis occupied nations and keep them as their own even if they were originally UK owned.

    Lend Lease: For each transport in the Atlantic the US player rolls one d6 = result equals IPC that can be sent to Russia and deducted from US IPC total. (I recommend you use chips) Procedure: place whatever you rolled in the Soviet Lend Lease box. The convoy box can be subject to attacks and should be protected. The following Soviet turn the IPC generated is added to the Soviet player’s treasury.

    Neutral forces: all neutrals have a value of 1 IPC, except the following:

    Spain: 3 IPC
    Turkey: 3 IPC
    Sweden: 2 IPC

    Procedure: roll ONE D6 for each IPC= equals starting forces. Until you conquer the nation is an ally of your enemy, but the enemy does not gain income.

    Income collection changes for western allies: Axis players keep income for neutral conquests, but the western allies do not collect when they liberate, the Soviet player does collect for ‘liberated’ territories. Example: British player captures France and the IPC is subtracted from German totals and not added to British total. The Allies do not gain from taking territories.

    Axis Aid: Germany gets 1 IPC each from Spain and Sweden if they are neutral.

    Soviet-Japanese non-aggression pact: The Soviet player cannot attack Japanese territories until Berlin falls. The Japanese player can do as he pleases. But if he chooses to cross into Russia, the Russian player gets a fund of up to 12 IPC to be used immediately to place forces adjacent to Japanese and this fund is subtracted from the Russian players next turns income. The Japanese player also receives a bonus of 5 IPC for each turn he does not attack.

    Italian Surrender: If the Italian player’s land forces are removed from Africa and at least one other territory they roll a die each turn and surrender on a roll of 6. If that happens, the Italian player removes his fleet and air forces and the remaining Land units are split equally along IPC costs and the German player chooses how this is done. Lastly, the German player replaces his Italian units with his own color, and the balance of these forces becomes under allied control as independent Italian forces. If surrender occurs when the axis control the territory of Italy, consider the territory split in 2 parts ( north and south) and allow opposing sides to coexist. No IPC are awarded until the territory is under the control of one side and the other side is destroyed.

    Turkey: Conquest of Turkey allows a land bridge from Black sea, so land units can move across.

    D-Day: once per game the British and American player can make a joint attack in any one combat situation. It can be during either players turn. On the next UK or USA turn those units will still be able to be moved again.

    Denmark/Turkish straights: No naval units can cross unless both sides are under control by the same player or his ally.

    National Unit purchase changes:
    • Germany: Can build one sub for 5 IPC per turn or 2 Infantry for 5 IPC.
    • Soviets: Can build two tanks for 8 IPC once per turn or two Mechanized Infantry for 6 IPC each turn. Must be bought as a pair.
    • Japan: They can build one fighter or Destroyer for two IPC less per turn.
    • Italy: They can build two Infantry for 5 IPC.
    • UK: They can build one Destroyer, Cruiser or fighter for 1 IPC less each turn.
    • USA: They can build one Transport for two IPC less or two Mechanized Infantry for 6 IPC each turn.

    Tech Tree:
    Procedure: Same as AA50 except you assign your researcher to one of the following three categories: Land, Sea or Air. Further, you can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time. Germany and USA can assign up to two researchers per category. All other OOB rules are in effect.

    Research & Development
    In this phase, you may attempt to develop improved military technology.  To do so, you buy researchers that give you a chance for a scientific breakthrough.  Each researcher token will grant you one die that provides a chance for a breakthrough.

    Research & Development Sequence
    1. Buy researcher tokens
    2. Roll research dice
    3. Roll breakthrough die
    4. Mark development

    Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
    Each researcher token costs 5 IPCs.  Buy as many as you wish, including none.

    Step 2: Roll Research Dice
    For each researcher you have, roll one die.

    -Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.  Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.

    -Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed.  Keep all your researcher tokens and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn.

    Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
    If you rolled a “6” on any research die, choose one of the two breakthrough charts and roll a die to see which technological advance you get.  You can only receive one advance each turn.  If you have already received the same result on a previous turn, reroll until you get a new technological advance.  Once you have received all the advances on a chart, you cannot gain any more advances from that chart.

    Step 4: Mark Development
    If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart.  Your development becomes effective immediately.

    Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.

    Land Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • Radar- AA guns fire at planes at 2.
    • Elite Armor- You can form elite armor forces by converting one tank each turn for 1 IPC or build one from scratch for 6 IPC attack at 4 and defend at 5, move 2
    Tier #2:
    • War Bonds- add one die to IPC total each turn
    • IC Repair- (one IPC allocated removes two points of damage)
    Tier #3:
    • Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down.
    • Heavy Artillery- Your artillery rolling a 1 can choose the land target on either attack or defense.

    Sea Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • ASW- your fighters and bombers can now negate the submarines first strike on the second round, plus perform ASW search and attacks. They can also attack subs without having a Destroyer or Cruiser present.
    • Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
    Tier #2:
    • Improved Carriers- if you pay 4 IPC per carrier they now take 2 hits, plus have a 3 fighter capacity. New Carriers of this type can also be created and they costing 4 IPC extra to purchase.
    • Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.
    Tier #3:
    • Super subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.
    • AA cruisers: your cruisers get an AA roll if any planes attack hitting at 1 prior to the first round of combat. Each plane is rolled and if hit is removed before shooting back.

    Air Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls.
    • Long Rang Air- fighters and bombers now move 2 extra spaces.
    Tier #2:
    • Heavy Bombers- roll one die= lost IPC, roll second die = damage to factories capacity to place new units.
    • Rockets- Your antiaircraft guns are now rocket launchers. In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces of it. This attack does 1d6 damage to that complex.
    Tier #3:
    • Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5, also they don’t get rolled at by defending AA guns.
    • Atomic Bomb- one bomber per turn can perform one SBR run where the damage is permanent reduction in capacity to place units. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7.

    Procedure: allocate researcher to develop a tier #1 technology in any of three categories. Once you have developed a technology you can choose one of the two choices. If you elect to develop further research in the same category and succeed, you may then either elect to choose a Tier #2 technology or pick something from a LOWER tier technology.

    Spies: These cost 10 IPC each and can be assigned in secret to any specific enemy player’s technology category (land, sea or air). If that player decides to develop a technology in this category and it succeeds, the spy may be revealed and the spy gets to roll obtaining technology on a roll of 4-6. Note: the Soviet player is the only player that can send spies to his own allies and they cost 5 IPC.

    Counter Spy: Each player may buy a super spy which can be used to eliminate the enemy spy but this is also assigned to a specific technology category (land, sea or air) to any technologies that can be developed.

  • second part:

    Universal National Advantages:

    Procedure: roll D12 or select one NA per turn with each nation choosing a number of them equal to what was agreed by all players.

    1. Paratroopers: Each Bomber can now carry one infantry from the territory it started movement from to any friendly or enemy controlled territory. If dropped in hostile land zone the unit attacks at 2 and must fight to the death.
    2. Fast Warships: Carriers and Cruisers now move 3 sea zones.
    3. Blitzkrieg: Your Armor units moving one space in combat movement and successfully clearing the enemy land zone can perform either: A) attack a new enemy territory from the captured territory, or B) retreat to an adjacent territory during NCM and avoid possible enemy counterattack.
    4. Dug in Defenders: You infantry in originally controlled land territories surrounded by water defend at 3. Note: includes all small islands plus Japan, England and New Zealand, but not Australia.
    5. 5th Column: Convert one neutral per game in the future by rolling a D6= number of turns you wait before conversion (keep roll secret).
    6. Mechanized Infantry: You may freely replace one infantry with a mechanized infantry each turn.
    7. Manpower reserves: You may build infantry for 2 IPC for one turn in the game, but any infantry built after costs 4 IPC.
    8. Total War: you may elect to build one factory for free per game, or destroy one enemy factory, or move one factory to another originally controlled territory.
    9. Trained Pilots: your original fighters you start the game with attack at 4 for the rest of the game, but once each is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. (Write T on chip to designate them.
    10. Foreign Aid: one ally can loan another up to what you roll on a D6 each turn.
    11. Mobile Warfare: Your fighters attacking with Armor or Mechanized Infantry boost these units +1 each combat round at a matching 1/1 basis.
    12. Combined forces: Once per game you and one ally can make your turn together performing movement, combat and non-combat together. The player moving up does not buy or place new units, and he still gets his own turn, so it’s essentially a double movement and combat action. This would be in addition to the D-Day  rule.

    Historical Suggested starting NA’s:
    Germany: Paratroopers, Blitzkrieg, 5th Column, Mechanized Infantry, Mobile Warfare, Total War.
    England: Fast Warships, Trained Pilots, Foreign aid, combined forces.
    Japan: Dug in Defenders, Trained Pilots
    Soviet Union: Mechanized Infantry, Manpower reserves, Total War.
    United States: Mechanized Infantry, Total War, Foreign Aid, Combined Forces.
    Italy: combined forces

    Optional Rules for China:

    China is now made up of two military/political entities:

    1. The Nationalist Kuomintang- KMT
    2. The Communists- CPC.

    Set up: the starting Chinese units remain in place and are considered KMT. Add one infantry in Chinghai, Ningxia and Sikang to represent CPC units. If the KMT leaves any of their starting territories or is removed from them, the KMT may attack or occupy these by breaking the truce.

    Placement change: KMT units are placed at the rate of one infantry per territory under control as long as the territory has a 1 IPC value. The KMT receives additional aid each turn of 1 IPC from USA, USSR, and Germany (3 IPC total) and this money is not subtracted from those nations totals. It can be saved or spent to buy any type of unit and placed in a KMT controlled territory. The KMT conducts its turn functions as per the out of the box rules and is considered the official Chinese player as per the rules. The KMT can attack the CPC and break the truce, but loses its 1 IPC aid from USSR.

    KMT/CPC Truce: These entities pledge to avoid combat with each other and fight the common enemy of Japan. Either side may break the truce, or the penalty for each is as follows:

    KMT: loses 1 IPC in aid
    CPC:  Gains 1 IPC in aid from USSR

    The US player can always replace the lost Chinese starting fighter if it’s destroyed. They can also fly one bomber to China to be used as needed on the USA turn. No other US/UK forces are allowed in Chinese territories.

    The CPC conducts its turn functions during the Soviet players turn.

    Greater China: China (both KMT and CPC) may only enter the following additional territories of greater China which consist of French- Indo China, Manchuria, Kwangtung, and Kiangsu.

  • now i have made cards so when you get technology you get a card to indicate the tech and what it does. The format is Avery labels #8395 which are decals that fit perfectly on EAI education blank playing cards #530658.
    these decks cost like $2 bucks each and the decals are sold for a package of 160 badges for about $20 bucks.

    18 cards total with extras on sheet 3

    sheet 1

    sheet 2

    sheet 3

    I will change the color of the fonts to white eventually but these look fine.

  • Impressive i love the idea of how that russia units (tanks and infantry decrease in 1 defense value for 1 turn!)

    Nice touches seriously

  • I got some mind blowing ideas developed while sleeping. I cant believe how good they are. Posting them tonight.

  • good. It is people like you who find out these good ideas to keep the game going

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