Thanks, Lynxes. However, I haven’t exactly been “recruited”. I volunteered. At the time, I didn’t know that “lightning rod” was in the job description. :wink:
After finally fixing HB with LHTR, you couldn’t see this firestorm coming? :-D
I honestly don’t see what the big deal is. (ducks)
Heavy Bombers needed to be nerfed from Revised because they were too powerful. The drastic steps taken in LHTR were needed because you could specifically go for Heavy Bombers. With tech acquisition back to being random, they can be a bit more powerful, as the chances of getting them is much smaller and thus more risky.
The bottom line is that techs are an optional rule. If you don’t like them, don’t use them. The idea that the use of an optional rule is needed for game balance is a bit silly.
I said this at the time, and I’ll say it again now. HB were overpowered, not because you could “target” them (which was bad enough) but because only ONE country could realistically take advantage of them.
Take a look at the board. Japan is not going to benefit from HB. They cant use them on USSR or USA. Germany requires land units. Italy is cash poor.
USA has a safe area (UK) from which to launch HB and its own capital is safe from invasion. This makes HB, in the hands of USA, disproportionally powerful. And since USA has the income to be able to “waste” some on tech, it benefits.
And I care if tournaments (or online play) allow tech use. Which was why people cared about LHTR, as they were the ruleset used for those situations.