@Wittmann Thanks :)
Scramble rules question when Japan is attacked.
For the last two tuesdays we have been playing with the Alpha setup and rules. During the session today a fleet from India attacked the Japanese fleet in sea zone six. The Japanese scrambled three planes from Japan and three planes from Korea where I had built an air base. The Brits were wiped out. Then on the ANZAC turn (the same round) a small ANZAC fleet made the same attack. So all six of these same Japanese planes scrambled again. My question is whether this is a legal move? We plan to start a game next Monday using the new Alpha+1 setup. So I need to know if we played these two battles correctly. If any are interested I am going to post my thoughts on the huge pre-war U.S. income under house rules.
Yes, Japan could do that. However, note that if there were no Jap ships being attacked in Z6 and the UK was amphibiously invading either Japan or Korea, only the 3 plans from the attacked territory can scramble, unless both are being invaded.
Yes, Japan could do that. However, note that if there were no Jap ships being attacked in Z6 and the UK was amphibiously invading either Japan or Korea, only the 3 plans from the attacked territory can scramble, unless both are being invaded.
Yes in my example Japanese ships were being attacked both times.
I assume because you are posting in this section, it is for the new game, global 1940.
If you are, then no, it is not a legal move. Planes may not fly up from Korea, even with an air base. It is not considered an island. Even United Kingdom’s fighters may not fly up in the event of a amphibious assault. It says so in the rule book. Read the scrambling fighters section.
Sorry, I just saw “Alpha”… Not sure what that means or is, so depending on that…
He’s playing with Alpha rules, which allows Costal Sea zone scrambling with up to 3 Ftrs/Tacs.
Oh ok. My bad then… Thanks… Didn’t know there was Alpha rules, etc. :|
No worries :-D It’s in a bunch of other threads, but here’s the latest Alpha+1. Frankly though I like Alpha+ the best so far. I think it’s the most balanced. Haven’t tried +1 yet though.
Alpha+1 here: