AAZ Rule Question: Desperate Meassures Card: DECOY TEAM

  • This issue might be related to: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/32918/aaz-rule-question-non-combat-movement-after-attacking-zs-in-an-area-you-control

    The card says: “Choose a Z occupied territory”.

    It does not say: Z controlled. So you can apply this card to ANY area that contains Zs?
    That very area does not have to be Z controlled? That area does not have to be controlled by you or an ally?
    And finally the adjacent area you may move half of the Zs to can be any adjacent area: controlled by you / controlled by an ally / enemy controlled? Or even: neutral?
    (Regarding that latter: that is probably NOT the case…)

  • Also please take a look at this situation arising:

    During the turn of the player before you the Zs were victorious in combat (that is: Phase 5). However the Zs do NOT take control of that area as that only happens during Phase 3 of a turn! So during your turn the last country that had units there (or the original owner) still controls that area. While there are Zs now.
    The question now is: does this area qualify as being ‘Z occupied’ as per DECOY TEAM card?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    I imagine it’s only territory that is owned by Zombies (i.e. has the Zombie Roundel).

    I don’t think you’re allowed to move Zombies into a still-neutral territory, as any movement into neutral territories is prohibited by the rules (before a Zombie Card “Activates” the neutral, anyway).

    Re Your Second Question: I don’t have a rulebook in front of me but I thought Zombies automatically took control (Roundel) of a territory the instant there are no non-Zombie units left in the territory.

    Could be wrong on both counts, though. The first question is probably more of a question to ask WOTC directly, given the number of other typos in the rulebook.

  • @thrasher1 said in AAZ Rule Question: Desperate Meassures Card: DECOY TEAM:

    This issue might be related to: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/32918/aaz-rule-question-non-combat-movement-after-attacking-zs-in-an-area-you-control

    The card says: “Choose a Z occupied territory”.

    It does not say: Z controlled. So you can apply this card to ANY area that contains Zs?


    That very area does not have to be Z controlled? That area does not have to be controlled by you or an ally?

    No to both.

    And finally the adjacent area you may move half of the Zs to can be any adjacent area: controlled by you / controlled by an ally / enemy controlled? Or even: neutral?
    (Regarding that latter: that is probably NOT the case…)

    Yes to all, except possibly neutral. I’m not completely sure about neutral territories. The rules say that neutral territories can only be brought into play by zombie outbreaks, so it’s probable that moving zombies into one with this card is not allowed, though this isn’t directly addressed in the rules. I’m going to submit this for the FAQ, but in the meantime I’d say that it’s not allowed.

  • @Krieghund

    Krieghund, can we rephrase this as:

    Move one Z to an adjacent area that is not neutral?


    This should read:

    Move half of the Zs to an adjacent area that is not neutral

    I was mixing up things here. See Krieghund’s anwer here: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/post/1255454

  • To quote myself:

    “During the turn of the player before you the Zs were victorious in combat (that is: Phase 5). However the Zs do NOT take control of that area as that only happens during Phase 3 of a turn! So during your turn the last country that had units there (or the original owner) still controls that area. While there are Zs now.”

    Just to be 100 % sure. This is the case? Zs do NOT take control (place a control marker) if they happen to be the only units left in an area after combat (Phase 5).
    Was this intended by the game creators?
    My experience is that new players automatically want to place a control marker there then. Immediatelly after combat (Phase 5). This will have the effect that the Zs might reach the 25 IPC level ‘faster’…

  • @thrasher1 said in AAZ Rule Question: Desperate Meassures Card: DECOY TEAM:


    Krieghund, can we rephrase this as:

    Move one Z to an adjacent area that is not neutral?

    Well, it’s half of the zombies in the territory, but essentially yes.

  • @thrasher1 said in AAZ Rule Question: Desperate Meassures Card: DECOY TEAM:

    To quote myself:

    “During the turn of the player before you the Zs were victorious in combat (that is: Phase 5). However the Zs do NOT take control of that area as that only happens during Phase 3 of a turn! So during your turn the last country that had units there (or the original owner) still controls that area. While there are Zs now.”

    Just to be 100 % sure. This is the case?

    Not exactly. They don’t take control immediately if all player units are wiped out during combat, but they will take control in phase 3 of the next player’s turn. As a result, the power controlling the territory before the zombies wiped out all player units will only control it for part of your turn. By the time you do your combat moves, it will be zombie-controlled.

    Zs do NOT take control (place a control marker) if they happen to be the only units left in an area after combat (Phase 5).
    Was this intended by the game creators?


    My experience is that new players automatically want to place a control marker there then. Immediatelly after combat (Phase 5). This will have the effect that the Zs might reach the 25 IPC level ‘faster’…

    It also gives the controller a chance to noncombat move other units in to retain the territory, as it is still friendly at that time.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Bah. Looks like I was wrong here. Sorry.

    Guess “occupied” just refers to “the presence of units” rather than total control of a territory when it comes to zombies (as they can be present in a hostile territory without owning it or being engaged in combat).

  • @Krieghund said in AAZ Rule Question: Desperate Meassures Card: DECOY TEAM:

    Not exactly. They don’t take control immediately if all player units are wiped out during combat, but they will take control in phase 3 of the next player’s turn. As a result, the power controlling the territory before the zombies wiped out all player units will only control it for part of your turn. By the time you do your combat moves, it will be zombie-controlled.

    This is exactly what I meant. And to be honest: what I wrote down. But please correct me on my writings :)

  • Krieghund wrote:

    “It also gives the controller a chance to noncombat move other units in to retain the territory, as it is still friendly at that time.”

    Very good point. If possible you can indeed non-combat move one ore more units into that area that will otherwise turn Z-controlled during Phase 3 of the next player’s turn.
    Good to focus on this specific situation. Thanks again!

  • @Krieghund said in AAZ Rule Question: Desperate Meassures Card: DECOY TEAM:

    Well, it’s half of the zombies in the territory, but essentially yes.

    Thanks. This was just a typo of mine. I corrected this in my original posting:

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