10. SUB Detection
A. SUB Detection Rolls and DD-to-detect values
-All attacking and defending SUBs are “Undetected” at the start of Combat. Each SUB has a DD-to-detect value, which is 3 at baseline, and represents the likelihood of being detected (a higher value means more likely to be detected)
-Only DDs can “Detect” SUBs. In the first cycle of combat, prior to Opening Fire, EACH DD in the attacking and/or defending force rolls a SUB Detection Roll. If at least ONE SUB Detection Roll is less than or equal to an opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value, Those specific enemy SUBs are considered “Detected”.
If none of the rolls are less than or equal to a SUB’s DD-to-detect value, Those SUBs remain “Undetected.” If there are no opposing DDs, then all SUBs would remain “Undetected”.
B. Detected vs. Undetected SUBs
-“Detected” SUBs have their special abilities cancelled by opposing DDs as per regular rules and combat resumes as normal.
-“Undetected” SUBs have 2 major benefits on the first cycle of combat:
1. Any enemy units hit by “Undetected” SUBs in Opening Fire are removed at the end of Opening Fire, even if an enemy DD is present.
2. “Undetected” SUBs gain the ability to submerge IMMEDIATELY after Opening Fire and thus avoid further combat. If an “Undetected” SUB chooses not to submerge at this time, it now becomes considered “Detected” for the remainder of Combat (including having its special abilities cancelled by opposing DDs). Combat resumes as normal.
C. Modifiers for DD-to-detect values
-The SUB’s baseline DD-to-detect value of 3 can be increased (positive modifier) or decreased (negative modifier) by multiple modifiers
i) AIR Modifier (+1 to all opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value) - Applies whenever there are any FTRs or BMBRs in the SZ of the same nationality as opposing DDs
ii) LRA Tech (increases the AIR modifier above to +2) - no effect if no AIR present
iii) Combined Arms Tech (+1 to all opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value)
iv) Super Subs (-1 to all your Super Subs’ DD-to-detect value)
v) Kaitens (-1 to all your Kaitens on Suicide Missions’ DD-to-detect value)
-Usually SUB detection will be straightforward, but because of modifiers, there are a couple of situations that can get tricky.
1. Groups of DDs with different positive modifiers - this can happen when defending with DDs from different nations. Roll each nation’s DDs separately if the values differ (eg. 5 Ger SUBs attack SZ containing 2UK DD, 1US DD, 1US AC, 1 US FTR. Assume US has LRA. UK DDs have no modifiers. US DDs modify enemy SUB DD-to-detect values by +2. In this case, roll their SUB detection rolls separately, ie. 2UK DD @ 3, 1US DD @ 5)
2. Groups of SUBs with different negative modifiers - this can happen when Japan attacks with Kaitens + non-Kaitens, or when defending with SUBs from different nations. In this case, its possible one group of SUBs are detected, while the other group isn’t (eg. 2 *** SUBs, 2 *** Kaitens attack SZ containing 3 US DD. Assume Japan has Super Subs. The Super SUBs will have a DD-to-detect value of 2, while the Kaitens will have a DD-to-detect of 1. The US rolls 2,4,5, thus detecting the Super SUBs, but not the Kaitens)
-as in LHTR, SUBs can pass through hostile SZs, but only if no DD is present.
1. Jet Fighters
-Your JET FTRs defend at 5
-Enemy AA-to-hit values against your JET FTRs decrease by 1 (ie. to zero, unless they have Radar). This decrease also applies to Combined Arms-BBs.
-Your JET FTRs gain the ability to “intercept” incoming BMBRs on SBR missions, Rocket Attacks and FTRs on Kamikaze missions. For EACH JET FTR in the territory undergoing SBR, Rocket or Kamikaze Attack, you may roll a single die at 1, to “intercept” (ie. immediately destroy) an incoming SBR BMBR, Rocket or Kamikaze FTR. This occurs in the Conduct Opening Fire phase, after any antiaircraft gun fire, if present. You may only intercept SBR BMBRs, Rockets or Kamikaze FTRs attacking the territory, but not those which are simply flying over. In the case of simultaneous Rocket and SBR attacks, the Attacker chooses casualties. Your FTRs are still able to defend against regular attacks this TURN.
2. Rockets
-Your AA Guns may launch Rocket Strikes against enemy ICs. Only 1 AAGun/territory fires, maximum range is 3, each IC can only be targeted once/TURN, damage is capped at a territory’s IPC value/TURN.
3. Super Subs
-Your Super SUBs attack at 3 (defense remains at 2)
-Your Super SUBs’ DD-to-detect values decrease by 1
4. Long Range Aircraft
-Your FTRs move 6. Your BMBRs move 8.
-For SUB Detection Rolls, your AIR Modifier now becomes +2 (instead of +1)
-Your LRA FTRs can now “escort” BMBRs on SBR missions. Escorts “neutralize” any enemy “Interceptors” (Enemy FTRs with JP) in the SBR territory on a 1:1 basis (meaning that each “neutralized” Interceptor does not fire it’s @1 shot against an SBR BMBR). If there are more Escorts than Interceptors in an SBR territory, SBR BMBRs gain partial AA protection. For each SBR BMBR that is hit, there is no SBR damage. However, another die must be rolled, with a 1,2 or 3 resulting in destruction of the BMBR, and a 4,5, or 6 allowing the BMBR to retreat. Escorts are not subject to AAGun fire in the SBR territory, though are still subject to any AA they fly over on the way.
5. Combined Arms
-Your DDs can now conduct bombardment at 3 during an amphibious assault
-Enemy SUBs’ DD-to-detect values increase by 1
-Your BBs now fire as AAGuns do. During any Combat Move phase where an enemy air unit enters or flies over a territory containing a BB, the BB rolls 1 die at 1 for each attacking air unit (first cycle of combat only). Casualties are removed IMMEDIATELY in Opening Fire. Only 1BB/ territory may fire. BBs still get their regular roll during the Defending Units Fire Phase.
6. Heavy Bombers
-Your HB roll2 dice in attack and SBR (as per original AH rules). SBR damage to a single territory is capped at that territory’s IPC value/TURN.
-Your HB not used in Combat, may now “Air Transport” 1-INF unit on NCM. The BMBR can move prior to loading and after unloading. INF cannot do either. The BMBR unloads into any friendly land territory (even one just taken over this TURN), and then may finish its move up to its maximum movement. As per regular rules, it must land in a territory friendly at TURN start. INF cannot end their TURN aboard the BMBR.
7. Major and Minor Techs
-Major Techs cost 5IPC/roll and include Rockets, Long-Range Aircraft, and Heavy Bombers
-Minor Techs cost 4IPC/roll and include Super Subs, Combined Arms, and Jet Fighters
8. The 4:2 Tech Rule
-The first time you roll for a particular Tech, you MUST purchase a minimum of 4 rolls that turn
-The second time you roll for that Tech, you MUST purchase a minimum of 2 rolls that turn, but you receive the Tech automatically
-You MAY purchase ALL 6 rolls in ONE turn, and receive the Tech automatically
-In all cases, Tech doesn’t come into effect until the Mobilize Units Phase you receive it (as per LHTR rules)
9. Shared Tech
-If any ally has acquired a Tech, you may roll for that same Tech at 1IPC/roll less (e.g. If Japan acquires Super Subs on J1 at 4IPC/roll, then Germany may attempt to roll for Super Subs on G2 at only 3IPC/roll). For the Allies, the benefit remains at 1IPC/roll less even if 2 Allies already have the Tech. Regular 4:2 rules still apply.