Hi @Rshewring, i dont’t know if this lot still available but i would like to propose 150$. Please let me know if interested.
Imp Games - East & West
What happened to the makers of East & West, Imp Games? I vaguely recall that they lived in the Raleigh/Durham area, as I picked up my copy of the game in a parking lot in Raleigh in 2002 or 2003. I have somehow mislocated half the control markers and wanted to replace them. Any help on locating these guys? Are the people who ran the company still on this forum today?
Is this a link to your game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/6441/east-west-global-war-1948? Is so, I suspect that Imp Games folded some time ago. Good luck finding more of those control markers.
I know that they were local to Raleigh, NC and A&A players because I bought my copy from them personally. Any chance any of these guys might be lurking here?