Mountainous/snowy defender bonus

  • Land units defend with +1 bonus in mountainous or snowy territories.

    Southern Europe, Norway, Persia, China, New Guinea, New Zealand, Gibraltar
    (neutrals: Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Peru, Argentina)

    Soviet Far East, Alaska, Greenland

    Mountainous criterias/assessments would be:
    *% mountainous
    *% extreme mountains
    *population centres locations

    Any thoughts?

    I am thinking…

    *bonus should only apply to infantry, or first cycle of combat only
    *add Japan, Kenya, Algeria, Mexico to mountainous
    *add Evenki National Okrug to snowy

    Detailed topographic world map:

    EDIT: fixed the thumb URL

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Siberia would probably include: Soviet Far East, Yakut and Evenki National Okrug.

    Added to that Scandinavia (Norway), Karelia (Leningrad) and Archangelsk for snowy.  I don’t think I’d include Alaska, the parts invaded wouldn’t necessarily be that drastic a temperature change.

    Mountainous, dunno.  I’d rather give everyone infantry defending at 3 for the first round when defending their capitol.

  • Sinkiang should be mountians
    snowy: karerilia, norway, west russia, moscow, archanlesk, yakut, evenki,
    and maybe have tropical for like southeast asia.

  • @Cmdr:

    Siberia would probably include: Soviet Far East, Yakut and Evenki National Okrug.

    Added to that Scandinavia (Norway), Karelia (Leningrad) and Archangelsk for snowy.  I don’t think I’d include Alaska, the parts invaded wouldn’t necessarily be that drastic a temperature change.


    Yeah I am thinking the same Siberia as that list now. I was previous thinking Yakut includes enough warmer areas south but no its doesn’t.

    West of Urals (Norway, Karelia, Archangel Russia) seems to cold but not extreme enough.
    They looked to be just like the warmer parts of Canada to me.

    Mountainous, dunno.  I’d rather give everyone infantry defending at 3 for the first round when defending their capitol.

    But you at least feel every cycle is too much a defensive terrain bonus then?


    Sinkiang should be mountians
    snowy: karerilia, norway, west russia, moscow, archanlesk, yakut, evenki,
    and maybe have tropical for like southeast asia.

    I didn’t put Sinkiang as mountainous because it (like South Africa) seems to be just mostly high plains rather than mountains right?

    Do you agree with Japan, Algeria and Kenya?
    Or even Italian East Africa?

    Though IEA has plains on the coast.
    In that sense, Argentina should be removed.

  • You need something to represent the difficulty of Japan conquering China and I think that would be a great way to do it other than dividing the land up.
    but for mountainous it would be Sinkiang, Norway( in addition to snowy) , western canada  (rockies), algeria, italian east africia, Persia,  and your neutrals: Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Peru, Argentina

    the reason why those russian territories should be snowy is because of the general winter thing. Also if you have snowy then you have to have turns. like on turn 2, 5, 8, 11 etc. snowy takes place.

  • mountainous

    looking at the map again, take away the the the desert then Sinkiang is half mountains and also ones of extreme height too
    so I guess Sinkiang can be mountainous

    yeah Italian East Africa actually has more extreme height mountains then Kenya…I was just thinking it had plains
    but then I probably shouldn’t use that measure or Argentina and New Guinea wouldn’t fit
    so yes IEA instead of Kenya mountainous

    West Canada, Western US, and Mexico all seems to be 75%+ mountains
    the benchmark is also whether the population centres are in the mountainous regions
    this seems to be true for Western Canada and Mexico?

    you didn’t mention Japan
    you don’t agree with Japan being mountainous?

    we seem to be in consensus for the neutrals


    I feel regions West of Urals is not snowy for enough of the year

    for example with Moscow (wikipedia) the “Average Low” is not below 0C from Apr to Oct
    so its snowy only 5 of 12 months

    compared to Alaska, which Jen considers only a marginal candidate
    even the warmer region, where largest city Anchorage is located
    its “Normal Low” is below 0C from Oct to Apr
    so its snowy for 7 of 12 months

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, more than one round seems a bit extreme, to me.

    Here’s my rationale:

    Capitols are probably built up with bunkers, barricades, trenches, reinforced buildings, strong infrastructure for communication, closed communication lines, closed supply lines, etc.  However, on the first wave of the attack your attacker is hitting you with artillery barrages, bombers, fighters and rolling through with tanks.  That means you’ll be losing a lot of your defensive fortifications, and thus, be reduced to defending like any other territory.

    Secondly, from a mechanics stand point, having all infantry defend at 3 or less after the first round would seriously stop capitol assaults.  It’s too powerful.  Even Atlantic Wall and Fortress Europe (and Dug-In Defenders) are limited to a first round defensive boost, probably for the same reason.

    Lastly, Dug-In defenders are already a rule.  We’re just expanding that to include capitols, which makes sense because of point 1.

    Further thoughts on “snowy” terrain.  I don’t think I’d use that at all.  Instead, assuming the point was to lend Russia some aid, why not just state that only Russian tanks may blitz through red territories? (as defined as painted red on the board, not captured by Russia.)

    This would stop England and America from blitzing as well as Germany and Japan, but it would hamper Japan more (not critically) then any other nation.

  • @tekkyy:

    West Canada, Western US, and Mexico all seems to be 75%+ mountains
    the benchmark is also whether the population centres are in the mountainous regions
    this seems to be true for Western Canada and Mexico?

    you didn’t mention Japan
    you don’t agree with Japan being mountainous?

    I said western canada. I say no to western US because the major cities are on the coast.  any invader of the west could care less about Colorado, New mexico and all that.  Your right Mexico should be mountainous.  I accidently left Japan out but high it should be mountainous.

    and I love Jenn’s idea of making only Russia being able to move more than one space in red territory.

  • @cyan:

    and I love Jenn’s idea of making only Russia being able to move more than one space in red territory.

    oh whats that about?
    because others can’t handle the cold weather?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No, just that the Russians knew the terrain better so knew where to drive and where not to drive while other nations (specifically Germany) were busy getting stuck in the med and permafrost.

  • yeah
    it could have been pretty fun too if the Japanese attacked Russia
    not a walk in the park like in game

  • Shouldn’t mountainous also limit armor movement?  I think if you are going to include physical characteristics to the map that certain other characteristics should be built in…such as the sahara should no long be impassible but should eat extra movement up or something along those lines.  What about heavily forrested or jungle areas etc.?

  • @Yemble:

    Shouldn’t mountainous also limit armor movement?  I think if you are going to include physical characteristics to the map that certain other characteristics should be built in…such as the sahara should no long be impassible but should eat extra movement up or something along those lines.  What about heavily forrested or jungle areas etc.?

    umm the sahara isn’t impassible. you’ll just die of dehydration. and I don’t think tanks would really work in the desert. wouldn’t they sink? but your right tanks can’t blitz in the mountains.

  • afrika corp worked okay fairly well in desert terrain

  • @Yemble:

    afrika corp worked okay fairly well in desert terrain

    yeah thats why i wasn’t sure.

  • yeah those are all fine ideas

    AARHE has them in this form:

    *all land units must stop on entering desert/mountainous terrain
    *desert upkeep 1 IPC per unit
    *Sahara is changed from impassable to desert, Saudi Arabia is also desert

  • when do people pay for the upkeep of their units?  I would suggest at the begining of the round not their turn….and if they don’t those units are eliminated or they can’t move or defend or what?  I would suggest elimination…but i am a cold hearted bastard so.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d say at the end of their turn.  So you better save the cash, cause if you don’t then the units you don’t pay for cannot attack or defend this turn. =)

  • Well if its the begining of your turn then the unit will still be able to defend until your turn.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yup, but if you don’t have the cash for the upkeep at the start of your turn, the unit turns off until the start of your next turn.

    If it’s at the end of your turn, you could declare your combats and hope to win so you can afford the price to keep your army going.

    (I’d also say that there is no upkeep cost for YOUR units in YOUR capitol.)

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