Must opposing units (air, sea or land) attack if they are in the same zone after movement phase is complete?
For example:
After movement phase, Japanese (first player) have sizeable fleet and air contingent in a sea zone that is also occupied by American (second player) fleet and air cover. Does the Japanese player HAVE to attack in air and on sea? If Japanese player is not forced to attack (i.e., he simply “passes” and doesn’t roll combat dice), can American player (as second player) engage and attack? Or is only the first player able to decide whether there will be combat?
I’ve only played a few games, but in all instances we have played that enemy units occupying the same sea, air or land zone at the end of the movement phase must roll combat. If first player decides not to attack, does second player have a choice? I don’t see any advantage in not attacking. If you choose not to attack because you’re outnumbered, won’t your opponent have the same option, and wouldn’t he attack if he had an advantage?
The first player only decides the order of combats, not whether or not they occur. If enemy forces are in the same zone, they will fight. There may also be instances of units attacking adjacent zones, such as ships doing shore bombardment without an accompanying land attack. The second player may declare the intent of such an attack, and the first player decides when it occurs during the sequence of combat resolution. Remember that each unit with the Ranged Fire ability may only attack one adjacent zone per turn, and that zone is decided at the point at which the combat in that zone is resolved. As a result of this, determining order of combat has significant strategic advantages.
- Submarine movement and attack - does first player move AND attack before the second player moves his submarines? Or do both sides move their submarines and then both attack dice are rolled for both? It’s a little unclear, although the phase indicates “move submarines and attack”.
Each submarine is moved and/or attacked with individually, starting with the first player’s subs. If the first player has two subs and the second player has one, the first player will move his/her first sub and attack with it, then do the same with his/her second. Finally, the second player will move and attack with his/her sub.
- If a player puts multiple AA guns on an island, does EACH AA gun add 3 dice to the air attack? Or can only 1 AA gun fire, even if there are multiple guns present? So,… if you had 3 AA guns on Guadalcanal and the Japanese attacked, would you get 9 dice from the AA guns in the air attack phase? Or only 3? (This is where A&AR habits cause me not to think things through…)
Each AA gun adds three dice.