Thanks for the information guys! I’ve been wondering this for a while. There’s a resized version( I’d post the link here but not allowed yet) but it’s stripped of a bunch of the additions I like. The thread title is “Cleaned-up G40 map / 96x48” (Preview)"
What Extra Sculpts, Roundels, etc for custom G40 table and game
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It looks wonderful! I’m up for adoption. :-D
Thanks. I’m going to struggle keeping it put away.
Best bang for your buck is a copy of Risk 2008 for the cities to use as Major ICs, and some minor ICs purchased at or maybe ebay.
Nice table!
So my questions have been answered… Thanks HBG and General Hand Grenade Check out these links: what I was looking for.
What!!! Dont do it!!!
No offence to HGB, but those roundels are way too expensive.
You can buy global for twice that price and get the sculpts as well.
You only need chinese and union jack roundels to track income.
You could get spare roundels for major powers from 41.
You could probably find a few french italian and or anzac roundels on ebay for a better price.Umm, my 2 cents
What!!! Dont do it!!!
No offence to HGB, but those roundels are way too expensive.
You can buy global for twice that price and get the sculpts as well.
You only need chinese and union jack roundels to track income.
You could get spare roundels for major powers from 41.
You could probably find a few french italian and or anzac roundels on ebay for a better price.Umm, my 2 cents
People aren’t buying those roundels because they need more, but because they want better quality ones.
I wanted to replace the roundels with something more substantial. The cardboard ones certainly work, but I think the acrylic markers and the hardboard roundels are higher quality. I wasn’t sure how many of each country to buy in lots of ten. So the G40 prepackaged set was helpful to me.
What!!! Dont do it!!!
No offence to HGB, but those roundels are way too expensive.
You can buy global for twice that price and get the sculpts as well.
You only need chinese and union jack roundels to track income.
You could get spare roundels for major powers from 41.
You could probably find a few french italian and or anzac roundels on ebay for a better price.Umm, my 2 cents
Ya, people are buying them for the quality, not the quantity… there is a SUBSTANTIAL quality difference in what HBG offers… they are of better material, and much easier to pick up. I’m planning on upgrading my tokens to the HBG ones after I recover from the holiday spending frenzy on my family.
So on the HGB item description, oob doesnt really mean oob?
When i read oob, i think original thinner card board. -
That’s an excellent point, Bob77. I am not sure if they are indicating that the roundel design is the OOB design or if the piece count matches the OOB. I never counted my cardboard roundels. I will have to ask them.
Certainly my understanding is that the roundels are the hardboard upgraded roundels they have been offering in lots of 10, only packaged for a complete G40 set at some discount.
So on the HGB item description, oob doesnt really mean oob?
When i read oob, i think original thinner card board.I can’t access their site at the moment, but in a nutshell, HBG offers different types of roundels… they sell the OOB sheets from the games themselves (exact same as if you bought the game), they also sell custom roundels that are basically the same size/quality as OOB ones, but with unique markings (like neutral country markers, or Italy with fasces instead of the tricolor), AND they sell the IMPROVED roundels (often with custom print, like Italian fasces or German Swastikas) that are a much thicker marker of sturdier material and easier to pickup… these are the expensive ones of the bunch, but they are qualatively superior to the OOB ones.
I spoke briefly with Doug at HGB and he said the OOB designation was just to reference the roundel design as some people use different ones� for instance, the Fascist Italian roundel seems popular on some custom maps. The map I had printed has the OOB roundel designs, so this set will match that.
That better justifies the price. I didnt want you paying $80 for the oob thin cardboard. Lol
Agreed! That would have been a lot for cardboard!
They are not the cardboard ones. It was my idea to release them as a set and in the numbers that they are. They are expensive there’s no doubt about it and if you’re having trouble making ends meet then this is not a viable choice for you. For those who can afford it I can tell you that they are a huge upgrade over the cardboard roundels. To purchase enough of them to play a game would be just over $113, but this set is $75. The savings that they show you are based on 16 sets of 10 but realistically you would need 19 sets. Sure, you would get a few more roundels by purchasing 19 sets but you don’t need all of them. By only getting 5 France, 5 China, etc. you lower the price by $18.
I came up with these numbers by playing a number of games and discovered that Japan, for example, needed more than 30 but less than 40 roundels. There might be the odd game where Italy becomes an absolute beast and takes over more than 15 territories but those games would be few and far between. You still have your cardboard roundels if something like that ever happens. My goal was to make up a set that would be somewhat affordable and I appreciate Doug’s efforts to make that possible.