• Because FEC and ANZAC are Military Divisions of Great Britain (Forming the Commonwealth) and share Technology and Lend/Lease Restrictions, we have determined that they can Lend/Lease through Hong Kong. Otherwise, the three would be split and not share Tech/Restrictions etc.

    We are undecided on USA lendlease through Hong Kong. However, it clearly states that Germany/Italy can lend-lease through France to Spain (if France allows it) so why can this not apply to USA to KMT via Hong Kong? It meets the factory-to-port/port-to-port/rail-to-territory requirement?

    The only instance I have determined where you take a country’s bank is when Paris surrenders to the Germans :

    “Free France: The French player creates Free France by
    moving the capital as detailed on the French National Reference
    Sheet. All IPP currently in possession of the French player are
    surrendered to the Axis.”

  • To Munck, rule 9.20 on page 48 I believe says that, “A nation that loses its capital loses all of its saved IPPs (even if it does not technically surrender). Some nations can set up a second capital.” For sure you do not give your IPPs to the conquering nation except in the case of Germany forcing France to surrender, you just lose the IPPs to the bank once your capital is taken.

  • ï‚· Burma Road: The Burma road opens on July 1938 if Japan and China are at war and Yunnan is in Possession of the Allies.  The Burma Road may be used as a way to deliver foreign lend-lease material to the KMT once KMT is at war with a major power.  The lend lease arrives in Yunnan.  China may use its own money to purchase artillery and antiaircraft.  These must be placed in Yunnan.  This part that say’s " The lend lease arrives in Yunnan" means that any and all lend lease is and has to arrive in Yunnan. These are specific rules to China’s KMT and any regular game rules on lend lease do not apply because these rules are only specific to  China’s KMT . Doesn’t matter that Hong Kong is closer etc etc.

  • @Whitshadw:

     Burma Road: The Burma road opens on July 1938 if Japan and China are at war and Yunnan is in Possession of the Allies.   The Burma Road may be used as a way to deliver foreign lend-lease material to the KMT once KMT is at war with a major power.  The lend lease arrives in Yunnan.   China may use its own money to purchase artillery and antiaircraft.  These must be placed in Yunnan.  This part that say’s " The lend lease arrives in Yunnan" means that any and all lend lease is and has to arrive in Yunnan. These are specific rules to China’s KMT and any regular game rules on lend lease do not apply because these rules are only specific to  China’s KMT . Doesn’t matter that Hong Kong is closer etc etc.

    The part you refer to is only if using The Burma Road to deliver Lend Lease. You may also use any other mean available to deliver Lend Lease to KMT.

  • I am referring to prior to the Burma Road opening, with Hong Kong being the only available port for Lend Lease to be sent to the KMT (the actual KMT ports having been taken by the Japanese).

  • I don’t see how that can be allowed if Japan is at war with only China? and you wanna lend lease troops to China VIA. going into Hong Kong? While the FEC are still " Neutral" to Japan? I don’t see how that can be allowed to have foreign units " placed on neutral soil"  I don’t think you can lend lease on behalf of another nation and take it into their port while remaining neutral.  If prior to the " opening of the Burma road" and China is invaded some time before July 38 Then KMT has whatever ports made available to them. That is there own  ports.

  • '17


    I am referring to prior to the Burma Road opening, with Hong Kong being the only available port for Lend Lease to be sent to the KMT (the actual KMT ports having been taken by the Japanese).

    I agree that this should be possible.
    Burma road lend lease, occurs regardless of FEC war status, including lend lease from US via burma road while US not at full income yet. China at war with a major power the only requirement for British or US to send lend lease to it. Dont need to be aligned.
    If one is allowed both should be allowed. Situation is the same.

    This is one of artifical historical mirrorings that over scripts the game if you don’t allow it. History is interesting but the whole point of these games is to see how YOU would try to change history.

  • From the rules:
    Lend-Lease: A system by which Major Powers may lend IPPs and units to other nations who are at war without the lender necessarily being at war themselves.

    From the USA Country Card:
    Can Lend-Lease to:                  Answer:
    China KMT                              Once KMT is at war with a Major Power.
    Britain / France                        At 15 IPP
    USSR                                      Once the USSR is at war with the Axis.

    From the rules Page 69 (talking about Spanish Nationalist Tips):
    The French may allow the Germans to use their rails for lend-lease units.

    So, deduction - The US may Lend-Lease to KMT via the port in Hong Kong once Japan invades China.
    The Commonwealth (IE Anzac) may Lend-Lease to KMT via the port in Hong Kong once Japan Invades China.

    The port in Hong Kong has a rail that moves in Guangxi Clique.

    Correct me if I am wrong?

  • So - an interesting one that we’ve come across.

    When USSR and UK/USA are at war with Germany:

    Can UK/USA move troops into USSR territory?
    If Germans Occupy USSR Territory and the UK/USA ‘liberate’ it - does it go back to USSR or the ‘conquering’ Army?

  • '17


    So - an interesting one that we’ve come across.

    When USSR and UK/USA are at war with Germany:

    Can UK/USA move troops into USSR territory?
    If Germans Occupy USSR Territory and the UK/USA ‘liberate’ it - does it go back to USSR or the ‘conquering’ Army?

    First question NO.
    Allies and Comintern are different alliances, and thus can never be Aligned.
    Page19 4.3 Alliances and
    Table 4-2 Nations that are aligned to one another may:
    A)give or deny permission to enter fly over or move through straights or canals.
    B)defend together in land or sea zones.
    Also answered in FAQ here is the link:

    For your second question Yes or No, depending upon the decision of the liberator.
    Page 48 9.18 voluntary return: If a land zone you capture does Not belong to your Alliance you MAY return it to its original owner. (i.e. nation whose roundel is printed on the map). This is usually the case when Soviet or Allied players recapture land zones that belong to the other. To return a captured land zone simply announce your intention to do so and move all of your units from the zone. Remove your roundel and place the receiving nations roundel on the zone.

  • Thats pretty much what we thought, but it wasn’t entirely clear to us. Having the Comintern as a 3rd Alliance certainly adds a different dynamic to the game!

    We’ve also come across an odd situation.

    France has fallen and Vichy France has been created. It may well be possible for the British to land Airborne in Paris (unoccupied).

    Would Paris be considered surrounded in such a state? Germany holds all territory around it EXCEPT for Vichy France, which is Neutral. I am of the opinion that this does not make it surrounded but I am not sure I am entirely correct. (And in the case of France, I assume the same thing applies in regards to who controls each zone? US/UK/French troops can all move through each others territories freely?).

  • '17

    Yeah comintern is a lot of  fun if you can remember, its not just Russia from global 40.

    As for surrounded Paris. I would agree with you. For any other city to be surrounded It must be completed surrounded by controlled players not neutrals. But this one is odd since Germany is collecting vichy income. So I can see the other option is also possible.

    You must give members of your alliance their original territories. Table 4-2

    Once Allies are at war with the same major power and aligned they can all move into the same land zone, Same with Axis. But it would be a declaration of war if the nations were not aligned yet. This is why Britain can’t reinforce france until they are both at war with Germany.  Same applies to all other nations no mater if they are Allies, Axis or Comintern.

  • Yeah, we got that. So ‘liberating’ France goes to the Free-French as far as income etc is concerned.

    In our game, the SCW was ongoing when Germany DOW USSR, so Spain is…interesting. Since Nat. Spain turns ‘German’ there are German territories that the Allies can move into.  USSR is holed up in Madrid (mostly just infantry remaining) so it may turn into a USSR Island surrounded by Axis/Allied Territories.

  • My first question is (probably a dumb one), but how do you ask questions on the FAQ at globalwargame.com? For me when on the FAQ page it says, ‘You are not permitted to post here’, and I cannot see anywhere to ‘register’.

    My second question(s) relate to some clarifications on CAP. I have already reviewed all the responses on the globalwargame.com FAQ, and these remain as outstanding questions for me:

    1. An aircraft moves independently of carrier like in A&A is a working assumption. So a carrier based plane can only go on CAP within one space of the space the carrier starts its turn in. But the carrier (or another carrier) could pick it up in another space adjacent to where the CAP plane is? Or it could land in a friendly (again adjacent) territory, leaving the carrier to move as it wishes? (the rule book would imply not with regards to landing in a neighbouring territory or a different carrier with the stipulation must return to ‘their carrier’ - but it doesn’t seem to require the carrier to be in the same space).
    2. The rulebook states that CAP planes can ‘decline combat’ with ‘surface ships that do not include a carrier’. What if a load of ships but also planes move in but no carrier. Can the CAP plane decline combat with the ships, but has to fight all the planes still? Or does it fight everything? Or can it avoid combat with everything? Most likely answer seems to be can decline combat with the ships but still has to fight the planes, but can someone confirm?
    3. Carriers with planes on (whether on CAP or not) force subs to fight a round of combat if they enter their sea zone, meaning as an alternative to the movement limitation of 1 associated with CAP, you can move the carrier and the plane up to three spaces to engage a sub. i.e. when a carrier is also present in the SZ you are attempting to engage a sub in, CAP is no longer required for the associated aircraft in the battle.
    4. Due to 3. above a sub could convoy raid in a sea zone with a defending carrier with planes or a fleet with an overflying aircraft on CAP, but would need to fight a round of combat first? Or would the battle with the defending forces mean it can’t convoy raid. Given the +2 bonus for aircraft on CAP for convoy raiding (but only when sharing the sea zone with the offending sub), and the answers to some other questions on globalwargame.com I believe its the former, but worth checking.

    My third question relates to Control:

    If you have control of a minor and can therefore spend its IPPs, move its units do you have to do this before or after you do the phases for the major power you are playing, or can you choose? Presume naval units under your control can move wherever you want? (Land units are clearly heavily restricted within the rule book - navy comparatively ambiguous!). i.e. you can run away with the controlled ships and try to save them until the power aligns with you later (not too shabby if a cruiser!).

    I really want to post these questions on globalwargame.com but can’t so if someone else is able to then feel free to plagiarise!

    Thanks in advance for any replies.


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Hey Credulous,

    To answer your Global War page question first. When you go to the website, go to the “Global FAQ” page. From there, if you scroll down the right hand side of the page, you’ll see a subsection called “Meta”. There you will see a “Log In” option. That’s where you can create your user name and password. I’m glad to copy and paste your question though if you can’t log in still.

    To answer your Controlled Minor’s question, you move controlled minors at the same time as the controlling major powers turn. So I suppose it doesn’t really matter in what order you do it, so long as it’s within the controlling major powers turn order. And you’re correct re naval units. You’re free to move them around at your leisure if you so choose.

    For the CAP questions, I guess I’ll preface by saying these are my understandings of the rule set. I guess I won’t sit here and say my understanding is 100% correct if there are any ambiguities.

    I would agree with your understating of question #1. I think you have to land on the same carrier, though if it moves, you can still land. It just needs to continue to be one space away.

    For question #2, I believe the rule was implied to mean if aircraft are in the territory/space (as in, I know it says aircraft carrier, but I think the implication was because it would have planes on it). My thought is the opposite of yours though, I’ve always treated like the A&A rule with subs (if a destroyer present, all units can attack), so if a plane present, all units can attack. Though I am not sure there, so is a good question for the creators, or anyone with more knowledge than I here!

    For #3, if a plane is on CAP, you cannot move it differently in combat movement. So a sub would have to enter that CAP zone, your CAP plane cannot move to meet the submarine in another zone.

    For #4, the convoy raiding sub would not fight a battle first if what they are doing is convoy raiding. The convoy raiding combat rules would take effect with any ships that were on convoy duty after the convoy raiding was done, but no regular combat would happen first. On the other nations turn they would be free to attack the sub on their combat movement turn, but in terms of convoy raiding they would have no effect unless on convoy duty.

    All good questions to have creators clarify though! Let me know if you would like me to copy over.

  • Great response - thanks.

    I tried the login page but couldn’t see anywhere to register but maybe I missed it, will try again over weekend.

    #2 highlights how ambiguous some of the rules in this area are in that we have both read the rule book and reached completely different conclusions.

    #4 makes sense now you say it - it’s like doing a strategic bombing raid in a zone with enemy units in it, so I believe is the correct interpretation of the rule - thank you.

    #3 I may not have been clear but all I was saying that when making your combat moves if you want to attack a sub, you can attack a sub up to three spaces away by sending in a carrier in with fighters as CAP is no longer required. I think this is pretty clear in the rules but wanted to give people a chance to challenge.

    Will post on the HBG forum later.


  • @Chris_Henry:

    Hey Credulous,

    To answer your Global War page question first. When you go to the website, go to the “Global FAQ” page. From there, if you scroll down the right hand side of the page, you’ll see a subsection called “Meta”. There you will see a “Log In” option. That’s where you can create your user name and password. I’m glad to copy and paste your question though if you can’t log in still.

    To answer your Controlled Minor’s question, you move controlled minors at the same time as the controlling major powers turn. So I suppose it doesn’t really matter in what order you do it, so long as it’s within the controlling major powers turn order. And you’re correct re naval units. You’re free to move them around at your leisure if you so choose.

    Hey again Chris, having checked the website again, there doesn’t seem to be a create an account option. If you go on login you can just reset password for an existing account. Therefore would you mind posting my questions?

    On controlled minors (just to be 100% sure), you do the phases for a controlled minor concurrently to your main power controlling them, rather than do the entire turn for your main power then the entire turn for the controlled minor (or vice versa). From the way you’ve written and the implications for the game if it were the latter (for example lend leasing to Spanish Nationalists as Germany and then being able to use that lend lease immediately in the Spanish Nationalist’s ‘turn’) I’m pretty certain its the former?

  • '17

    Credulous you will need to contact someone at HBG.com to setup your account. I did. Its their buy cars gere spam filter

  • Thank you Rank Carcass. I figured that might be the case (I enjoy your videos btw).

    Chris >Feel free to post the questions in the meantime!

  • Also to add….

    On my question #4. - the Convoy raiding section of the quick reference card appears to imply that actually if a sub moves into a space with carrier bourne aircraft or aircraft on CAP then these planes do get to attack before the sub gets to convoy - ‘1. Submarines move into sea zone, to conduct raiding. They are subject to attack by any aircraft on CAP or on an aircraft carrier’.

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