Actually fixed order of loss is pretty reasonable assumption for odds calculator…. We have to assume some type of standard order of loss. It doesn’t have to be strictly decreasing… For example, if attacker wants to capture at all costs, we can lose fighters and bombers before tanks. Or if attacker wants to capture with at least 10 ground units, that’s also possible.
AA guns can be handled by constructing separate tables corresponding to number of AA gun hits.
So if attacker has 2i, 2a, 2f, and we’re facing AA gun, we need to solve
F(f, f, a, a, i, i) ;; 0 AA hits
F(f, a, a, i, i) ;; 1 AA hit
F(a, a, i, i) ;; 2 AA hits
Subs only hitting ships can be handled in similar approach…
Suppose the defending force is 2 fighters, 1 carrier, 1 battleship
If the attacking force has some subs, then we may need to remove units out of order. So we need to compute:
F(B, C, f, f) ;; 0 naval hits
F(B, f, f) ;; 1 naval hit
F(f, f) ;; 2 naval hits