• Hi, sorry if this question has been asked/answered already, I did try to search around a bit first and didn’t find it.

    Ok, so here’s my question: Can you attack a territory with some other stuff, knock all the enemy off and either take it or not, then as a seperate combat move blitz through that (now unoccupied) territory and attack the adjacent one with your tanks?

    Or a not-so-abstract example: Say I’m Germany and I have 10 tanks in Belorussia.  USSR has a couple infantry in West Russia.  On my turn, can I:  1.) send three or so tanks to kill those West Russians, and then 2.) send the rest on through to Moscow?

    I seem to remember something about all battles in a territory taking place at the same time, and I feel like this kind of breaks that rule.  But then again, the blitzing one isn’t really a battle if nobody is there from your earlier attack.  I’m confused!  Help!!

  • No you cannot.

    All combat is simultaneous (with the one specific example of an amphib assault).  For you to be able to battle then blitz through and battle again would require sequential combat which is against the rules.

    Blitzing allows an ARM to blitz through an enemy controlled but vacant (including vacant of AA and IC’s) and occupy it without stopping and then moving on to another territory that can be a combat, another “free capture” of vacant territory, or a move into a friendly territory.

    One final note:
    You CAN attack a territory and take it, then in non-combat move your ARM THROUGH the newly captured territory to a friendly territory beyond it, but only a friendly territory (you cannot take unoccupied enemy territory in non-combat movement)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    However, there is a national advantage in Axis and Allies Revised that allows GERMANY to blitz after winning a territory, however, you must kill all enemies present in the first round of combat.  You might want to see if you can incorporate this rule into your classic games and report back on how well it works.  I know I’d be interested.

  • Even the Panzerblitz NA does not allow for a subsequent combat, only an NCM of ARM that were involved in combat (and even then only if the battle lasts a single round)

    At least that is how it is in LHTR 1.3, I have not reviewed 2.0 yet.

    But again, that is a Revised rule, not Classic.

    And Mattylite, just making sure which version you have…  If you have the Milton Bradley Game Masters game from the 1980’s, you have Classic.  If you have the Avalon Hill version (your game board has numbers in the sea zones) then you have Revised, and would want to look in that topic area for answers to any other questions you may have.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, you can invade another territory.  You don’t have to retreat the armor.  Just the territory after wards has to be empty of enemies.

    So you could attack Karelia and then push on to Archangelsk if it was left empty.  I believe.  My rules are still packed up from the moves.

  • @Jennifer:

    Actually, you can invade another territory.  You don’t have to retreat the armor.  Just the territory after wards has to be empty of enemies.

    So you could attack Karelia and then push on to Archangelsk if it was left empty.  I believe.  My rules are still packed up from the moves.

    That is incorrect, at least in LHTR 1.3.

    It specifies NON-COMBAT movement phase is when you get to move, which means you cannot engage in a new combat (and taking ANY enemy territory is combat).

    So you could NOT push on to Archangel, unless Archangel was already allied controlled, and then you could.

    ( just checked, in LHTR 2.0 it remains the same… you can move 1 space in NON-COMBAT MOVEMENT.)  pp 37-38.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Okay.  I don’t have LHTR in front of me, so I’ll take your word for it.  Maybe in OOB it was allowed, maybe not.  I don’t get to play NA’s often enough. :(

  • The wording is exactly the same in all 3 versions.

    So even with OOB it was for NCM only, not subsequent combat.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Kay, then I stand corrected.  :P

  • Wow, thanks you guys for the detailed answers.  And good thing I waited until now to ask, since my last victory hinged on misinterpreting that rule.  Even so, I like it better for that kind of blitzing to be impossible.

    And ncscswitch, you’re right, I guess I do have Revised, so techinically I posted in the wrong place.  Rookie mistake!

    Thanks again.


  • Not a problem!  Just wanted to point you in the right direction for the right game!  :-D

  • @ncscswitch:

    But again, that is a Revised rule, not Classic.

    And Mattylite, just making sure which version you have…  If you have the Milton Bradley Game Masters game from the 1980’s, you have Classic.  If you have the Avalon Hill version (your game board has numbers in the sea zones) then you have Revised, and would want to look in that topic area for answers to any other questions you may have.

    I think it was all clear when he mentioned this :D There are no West-Russia or Belorussia in Classic :P


    Or a not-so-abstract example: Say I’m Germany and I have 10 tanks in Belorussia.  USSR has a couple infantry in West Russia.  On my turn, can I:  1.) send three or so tanks to kill those West Russians

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