• Most of the games I have played, I never completely finish. To me, there is no reason to continue playing once Germany is ousted from Africa and badly suffering in Europe (unless of course Japan is about to take Moscow).

    In one game, the Luftwaffe (1 bomber, 5 fighters) made an attack against a BB, DD, AC, 2 FIG, and 5 TRNS. The Germans won the battle with a bomber and fighter left! With the allied shipping destroyed, the Allies had to take two more turns to rebuild their forces. In those two turns, Russia lost all but Moscow… the Allies resigned because defeat was inevitable.

    I know Im not giving you every detail, but the point is, how long does it take you to realize one side is going to win?

    I’d say, for over half of the games I play, it only takes 3 to 4 turns until somebody wins a decisive battle that completely tilts the board in their favor.

  • 2007 AAR League

    6+ is thenorm on this site atöleast in leauge games (ok, there have been an occasional frack up (me included) but not often)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Yeah besides the games between me and Nix the norm is 6+  :lol:

  • My average game length has climbed dramatically in the past year.  Form an average 5 turns, to now an average well over 10 turns.

  • 2007 AAR League

    better competition?

  • Yep.

  • Moderator

    I usually have a good feel on who should probably win in 3-5 rds but my games will typically be 10+ rds, esp if I’m the Allies.  Once I have the lead as the Allies, I’m much more methodical and just don’t want to give the Axis any chance of coming back.

    I will also usually play until a capital is captured which streches games out a bit more as well.  But there is always the possibility of a capital trade usually Mos and Berlin.  I think there is a 2 round window where if one Capital falls the other side has about two rds to do something significant before being pushed back.

  • Sometimes, if rolls are really bad, a game can be just about lost on the first round. I was watching a game where Germany the naval battle at Egypt the first round (a BB, trans, FIG) against the DD. The rolls were hideous! Anyways, without any precense in Africa, it was obvious that the Axis didnt have a reasonable chance.

  • Africa is not critical if the Axis is doing an “aimed spear” at Russia and can slow the Allied landings by a turn (usually throurgh AF threat to their fleet).  It is also contingent on Russia being afraid of a permanent loss of Caucuses (usually through a combined threat).  The “Aimed Spear” requires a strong Japan naval presence in the Indian Ocean immediately, which can mean risk from the USA in the Pacific if TOTAL naval dominance was not achieved via Pearl and the Pearl Counter.  It is also a risky attempt by Germany, since it involves a lot of ARM purchased on G1 (in advance of seeing the Allied moves that may or may not destroy the threat of an “aimed spear” attack).

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