That is some awesome tray porn, Wolf. I need that…
Posts made by WraithZer0
RE: Good Deal on 1941
RE: Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread
Sweet. Thank you, Krieg!
RE: Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread
Real quick. Can you move naval units in to a contested sea zone, but not conduct combat, just leaving them there for the opposing navy to have to choose whether to attack to move, or otherwise, on their turn? I thought I read that as such, that the naval units to not have to conduct combat when moving in to a contested zone, but still roll for mine damage at enemy port areas.
RE: How to make the Schlieffen plan work?
You’re right. You were a jerk about it, but you’re right.
RE: How to make the Schlieffen plan work?
The WWI version of Sealion, is, technically, the Battle of Jutland. So, it did happen, it just wasn’t well-organized.
RE: A Question Of Balance
Still love this game….we play this or Global 1940 or HBG 1939 and sometimes Anniversary Edition
Man, I want HBG 1939 so bad… I’m jealous.
RE: Opening Moves
And if you feel like being more experimental, swap that fighter purchase for a transport and shovel over 2 inf. and 2 art. on T2. Though, if it’s too crowded in Tuscany, that might be futile and a waste. However, it would be fun to make Italy sweat even more.
RE: TripleA Released
Is there any plans on adding A&A 1914 to the TripleA line up?
Yeah, there are a few WWI maps and modes in there, already. Domination 1914: No Man’s Land is pretty great, as well as Great War. However, now, with the updated client, I cannot get a Lebowski edition one that I loved, from before. It had playable nations such as Portugal and China, etc. Otherwise, the few I mentioned are fun, but they are on the same engine and ruleset (not like 1914 one roll per combat/defense per round).
RE: A&A 1914 2nd edition
That’s really unfortunate for you EU boys. Besides a few waits on restocking, here, in the states, HBG has saved me at least $60 (or roughly half the price I paid for 1914) purchasing additional pieces for it. Now, this is all inclusive with the additional pieces I purchased for my other versions, as well. So, in my case, it was really not worth it purchasing an entire other copy.
Must have additional pieces, for me, were: Dice, GE Inf., RU Inf., Brit. Inf., roundels, and stacking chips. Other than those, it’s just been nit-picky for what I wanted, not needed.
RE: Entering the mediterranean
Even though the straits are off-limits, can Russia still deploy a transport there? Even though that would be a terrible idea. I’ve always wondered…
RE: Why is Africa not really worth anything in 1941?
You can make more out of the game. You don’t need to resort to just leaving it as “Introductory.” There are other strategies you can deploy. I have attacked the Middle East and/or Egypt/Sudan on G1 several times and had varying outcomes at end game, some of them leading to my victory. So, you don’t have to count out half the game just because you think it doesn’t matter. Use it all, man. Make the most of it!
Note: It may really not matter if you’re playing against high-caliber A&A players, though. =/
RE: Sturmgewehr 1944
Atom bomb, unmanned vehicles (air/sea drones), many other things. They already had those flying bombs.
RE: Central Powers Navy?
Also, well put, Charles. It is a VERY risky process. But, if you’re lucky, or the Entente player(s) give you opportunities, it is fun to mix it up this way.
Solid reasoning, Narvik. I voted maybe, based on the pure lopsided numbers, alone. While the Italian morale, supply chain, etc. was very low, in a different dice roll, maybe they would be able to hold the defense against the outnumbered Brits. There is the point that, even though the soldiers, themselves, have no faith in the leadership, they might still fight for each man beside them.
RE: Newbie, Are hits accumulative?
Baron has seen the question correctly. I had once, like zaa, considered the attack/defense roll values to mean actual hit points while attacking/defending. Thus, it would take three “dots on the dice” to actually eliminate the tank (e.g. the infantry rolls two 1’s on the first attack. The tank has 1 HP remaining (from 3 for defense, initially). Next, the tank rolls a 4 and “misses” (the number for the corresponding defense/attack value also represents the hit/miss factor, as well). Next, the infantry roll another couple of 1’s, leaving the total HP loss to: 4; eliminating the tank. Next, the tank gets it’s casualty roll. If it achieves a 2 or 3, the result is a draw, and the TT is still in control of the defender. However, if it rolls a 1 or 4-6, then there is at least one infantry left from the attacker, and they, then, control the TT.) Additionally, the way I played it, the “hit points” lost during the battle are then completely restored to the units, once completed.
Kind of elaborate, but I hope that makes sense. It is actually not a terrible house rule. Additionally, the way I played it, the “hit points” lost during the battle are then completely restored to the units, once completed. This results in a lot of fighter purchases.
Welcome, zaa! Glad to have you.