So, I was refreshing my memory on the more specific rules and started looking at the picture of the in-play game board (rulebook page 4-5); I hadn’t really noticed it before and was just looking at where pieces had been moved. I noticed that the Soviet Union - still only in control of the Russian and Caucasus Industrial Complexes - has both a submarine and a transport in sea zone 3. The soviets start with only a sub (in sea zone 4) and ships produced in Caucasus are limited to the Black Sea (sea zone 18), so, allegedly, the transport was produced by the Russian Industrial Complex (probably mobilized into sea zone 4); Since Russia has no adjacent sea zones, is this a legal move? I’m aware the rule book has had several amendments, but this picture suggests an actual game in progress; it could be a fluke, but I figured it was worth asking.
Posts made by ShermanCap
Soviet Union Naval Production