looking for a few of the odder units.
head quarters
fuel depot
ammo dump
barbed wire
tank obstacles
pill box.
Anyone? sale or trade?
looking for a few of the odder units.
head quarters
fuel depot
ammo dump
barbed wire
tank obstacles
pill box.
Anyone? sale or trade?
Larry didn’t like the way that Pacific islands with single infantry defenders were wiped off the map most of the time without even getting a chance to fire. This problem was compounded by adding cruisers’ fire to the proceedings. Amphibious assaults shouldn’t be a cake-walk.
That is a good point, applying to the difficulty America had clearing the Japanese islands. Of course, it doesnt apply as well to something like the battle of normandy, where off shore bombardments were indeed able to “soften” up the beaches prior to landings.
Maybe a special Japanese National ADvantage (Japanese infantry on Islands defend at 3 and are not removed in the opening phase after bombards.)
Of course, I have never purposefully left Japansese infantry on islands, instead shuttling them to Asia. Of course, most Americans in AAR dont even both with the islands choosing KGF, and when they do bother, they typically have 1-2 battleships with so more reason not to defend the islands…
time to rethink strategy with the anniversary addition… which is a good thing
dang, my two favorite rules (opening fire subs and no defensive retaliation after bombard) are gone… with no rational. How exactly are those soldiers smashed by battleship bombardments prior to the landing of infantry able to shoot at… the infantry? Now if the battleships were able to continue bombarding past the first round, it might make sense… but then you might hit your own men…
bad change regardless.
is there a place to see the expanded rules online (without paying)
can a tank with fixed turret shoot at a target in its own hex?
My only regret is that I dont know enough gamers in Jacksonville to play this game with face to face with 5+ players.
Can’t smart my way out of this whole contract thing… :(
but only 1.5 more years
Hell, getting 3 people who have 5 hours to play A and A would be a stretch!
-Living down in america’s wang
Hey, I was playing with Gamer this weekend, and we encountered a few units that seemed a bit ridiculously costed.
I was wondering if there is a good site that has the most uptodate costs and stats for all the different units.
Specifically, the units we felt were underpriced were the brumbar (that thing HAS to be in every german army), the 39 IPC Jagpanther (did you check out that frontal defense, and superior armor??) and maybe the Croc (at least it sucks at long range) and KV1 (though the rest of the Red Army sucks, so maybe they need an awesome relatively cheap tank.)
We were looking at the Jagpanther, and found a similarly priced US tank destroyer, the M something, which had worse attack values, much worse armour, the relatively useless flanking ability, and only cost 3 points less.
Any thoughts? or Any other units you guys feel are ridiculously underpriced and overpowered.
some people sure do get riled up about a game they have never played or even seen before.
Here, the average bid for AAR is 8 to the axis, and Ive seen it down to 1-2 and up to 12.
when I played at Flames of Europe the average bids in my games were either 12 full placement ore 18-24 half placement, half cash. same game, apparently people there were better at playing the allies.
and those bids all fluctuated over the years I have been playing.
People somehow think they know that this game is imbalanced already?
Give it time, guys. It sounds pretty cool to me, new dynamics to encourage a more realistic War (what the hell is Japan doing surrounding and maybe taking Russia every game, Egypt falling round 1 98% of the time, china falling every game round 2, India and maybe Haw round 3, and Australia and New Zealand round 3-4).
I dont remember Japan ever taking all of those countries in the real war, while the US completely ignores Japan, and Germany never builds a single sub. And when exactly did Japan start dropping troops in Africa?
Im sure as we play this game more than any playtesters can possibly play it, we will tease out any bad rules or imbalances, and then start adding bids to even it out. My only regret is that I dont know enough gamers in Jacksonville to play this game with face to face with 5+ players. Hopefully people will start playing games on line soon, so we can get it on.
I think we know the correct answer to this, but couldnt find it in the rules
plane shoots at soldier or tank in forest
soldier or tank gets cover, correct?
plane does not get cover when the tank or soldier shoots back, correct?
trees dont affect los for planes, to or from them (according to rules)
It sort of makes sense that the soldiers only get cover, but if you start thinking about it too deeply, you start thinking about how difficult it would be for a soldier to shoot up through trees at a plane it could barely see…. in fact, it would probably be just about as hard as it would be for a plane to shoot down through trees at a soldier it could barely see. Of course, then you start thinking about how the heck a non-anti-air tank could shoot at a plane… or how a sniper is just about the best anti-plane unit in the game…
Just looking for a clarification, as it is not in the rule book.
here’s a doozy.
I can purchase a fighter and deploy it on a new AC.
I can also purchase a fighter and deploy it on an old AC.
Im not sure if you can purchase a fighter and deploy it on an allies AC. (anyone?)
Can I purchase an INF, RTL, AA, or ARM and deploy it in a new transport?
Can I purchase an INF, RTL, AA, or ARM and deploy it in an old transport?
“I disagree. From what I understand of “shaped charges” and the like, the use of offset armour (like side-skirts or wire mess) is to force the detonation to happen farther away from the surface to defuse the plasma. I think the intent of the “Side-skirts” ability (in game terms) is to increase the vehicles armour VS non-artillery soldiers. And it acheives that just fine.”
Possibly, but why specify the close assault rule, instead of saying “non artillery soldiers”. Also, while you might be right about the mechanism of the function of side skirts (I wikipedia’ed side skirts, and it confirmed your statement), why would it only work against a Bazooka and not an anti tank artillery, or a tank, or a mortar? If the purpose is ONLY to get the detonation to occur farther away, any munition with an explosive charge would be affected. I think they intended the rule to specifically affect units using Close Assault for this reason, also implying that they would be using the close assault ability when the sideskirt ability would have its affect. But… whatever… no game can be perfectly realistic, except for Risk, which accurately portrays the overwhelming dominance of a V when it attacks an I, but also its vulnerability when attacked in turn by the tougher X.
“It matters for units with fixed guns, and I blame the Archer, which has a fixed rear gun for making it even more confusion to people. A siG cannot target units in its own hex becasue it has a fixed gun and it can therefore only target units “in front”. So it indeed does have a practical effect.”
Is this true? Specifically, can tanks without turrets (or fixed turrents) NOT shoot at any targets in their own hex?
Regardless of those answers, here’s another unrelated question.
Can a tank with Overrun (I think thats the name of the ability, the one that disrupts an infantry unit when it enters its hex) disrupt a unit in a transport?
And before anyone starts mentioning hex stacking limits, a tank can move through a hex with a vehicle and temporarily break the rule, as long as it continues onward and ends its turn in another hex.
my personally opinion is that the sideskirts ability should only work when the unit is using the close assault ability, which is the logical, if not explicity stated interpretation, and was likely the original intent. Basically, that sideskirt keeps a soldier who is right next to the tank from putting a charge or sticky bomb (I believe anything that Tom Hanks says in a movie) right onto the vulnerable treads. It really wouldnt protect the same way against a bazooka or panzershrecht attacking from far away, or in a building.
I will grant the fact that sometimes the “official” ruling is based on the explicity stated wording, though it seems just as often, the “official” ruling is NOT based on the explicity stated wording. Has someone yet figured out why it says in the ruleback that a unit attacking a tank directly from the side is, i quote “neither in front of nor behind” the tank. What does that mean? It doesnt help anyone! Yet the official ruling states that attacking a tank from the side counts as attacking the rear. The people writing the text for these cards are not infalllible and might not anticipate the extent to which gamers will dissect the minutia of the rules to gain any advantage. Additionally, they might not anticipate every single possible combination of other existing cards and abilities, or cards and abilities that dont exist at the time, in order to include every imaginable scenario to their rule text. (For example, the trucks that can carry 2 units essentially breaking the hex stacking rule everytime they do so).
Regardless, the only way to actually find the actual answer to the sideskirts question would be to ask Avalon Hill. Anything else would just be our opinions, and a waste of mental energy.
hey, if you guys are buying the whole let, Ild be willing to purchase some of the units piece meal off you guys. I mostly play US.
let me rephrase.
I WANT some allied troops.
etc etc
makes sense, and its what I thought. I just wanted a clarification.
Eagle eyed NCO
how bout some obstacles, kinda like them all, barbed wire, pillbox, minefield, and tank obstacles.
Big US mortar… i forget what its called
Sherman commander.
Ive got lots of US units to trade.
Regarding double moves, when do they get performed.
for example… Machine gunners. Do they have to do both of their attacks one after the other? Or can he shoot once, let another unit shoot, and then shoot his second shot. Is this the same for tanks that have additional hull mounted turret or mutliple turrets?
Also, regarding Strike and Fade, does it have to be performed immediately following the vehicles attack?
well, um… what I think you said was that you do get the road bonus, even after all of your movement is consumed.
I actually just looked up the FAQ, and it confirms this. However, I have also seen several questions in the FAQs answered in contradictory ways, so im assuming they have changed their minds about some of the rulings.
I can see both sides, it was a question that I wondered about many times, but never got around to researching. Thanks
road bonus
Here is a question on how exactly the road bonus work?
if I have a movement of 2, does that mean I can move two spaces, and then get a free space?
for example, from a grass, to grass, to a road, and then get a extra move on the road?
Start in a grass (movement 2)
move to a grass: 1 move used
move to a road: 1 move used, 0 left
move along the road? (free move?)
or does the road bonus have to occur while you are using your normal movement
Its a subtle question, but important.