You can play online here https://forumini.boards.net/board/8/aam-online-matches-clubs. Pm me (bartok)
Plane cover
I think we know the correct answer to this, but couldnt find it in the rules
plane shoots at soldier or tank in forest
soldier or tank gets cover, correct?
plane does not get cover when the tank or soldier shoots back, correct?trees dont affect los for planes, to or from them (according to rules)
It sort of makes sense that the soldiers only get cover, but if you start thinking about it too deeply, you start thinking about how difficult it would be for a soldier to shoot up through trees at a plane it could barely see…. in fact, it would probably be just about as hard as it would be for a plane to shoot down through trees at a soldier it could barely see. Of course, then you start thinking about how the heck a non-anti-air tank could shoot at a plane… or how a sniper is just about the best anti-plane unit in the game…
Just looking for a clarification, as it is not in the rule book.
Everything you said, rule-wise, is correct.
No it doesn’t make a ton of sense.
They hacked aircraft into the game, and I think they did it poorly.
As soon as WotC hires me as a game designer, I’ll be sure to fix it :evil: :wink:
And there is no facing for planes right? You can attack another plane directly behind you IF that situation ever came up?
My understanding is that airplane facing is important for a number of things such as returnng fire from the bround in the advanced rules but dog fighting in the air between planes has no facing.
My understanding is that airplane facing is important for a number of things such as returnng fire from the bround in the advanced rules but dog fighting in the air between planes has no facing.
Actually it was the optional rulesetcalled the “Expanded Rules” that uses aircraft facing, and that ruleset was not widely accepted by the masses, and at the very least is not used in the official WotC tournement rules.
But yes, they made it more difficult to aircraft from the ground unless it was facing you.