That would be great! What would be even better is if my curent playtesters, I won’t mention any names cough TG cough would hurry up and finish this round of playtesting and give em the results. If they say that it is balanced, then I’l lput it up and you can play the final version, which would mean no looking for bugs, rather just having fun.
Alright, I like Japan. That is, if you dont mind being Germany cystic crypt. Those crouts need a good leader. What’s your zone name? Mine’s the same. ZM me.
i’ll play anyone.
Truth be told, i havn’t played yet on the zone. I assume one just uses one’s A&A disk . . . and away we go?
PM me with some instructions if you wouldn’t mind.
I think i’m phugthou (don’t ask - you can guess . . . :roll: )