-Due to lost files, about just under 20% of these scenarios are lost for now, including number 15. When found will try to put it back up, thanks, Pellulo
In this scenario GE. has about five rounds to take Paris, can the British Empire contain the Axis navy, take over Axis Africa colonies, &, send land units in time to France. As back up the USA will mostly send transports to Fr. & help out a bit in countering Axis naval forces(and help Fr. in Africa).
Round One: Germany builds sub., fighter, gun, &, 6 troopers. Moves all naval forces, into British Home Waters, lose a sub. due to mines. Combat BB, 2C , &, 3 subs., versus, British BB, 2C, &, transport. Losses Only German BB & C survive, &, from Kameron trooper crosses over Fr. Eq. Africa & takes over the colony.
In Lorraine 7 troopers & 2 guns attack Fr. 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 3 troopers & Allies 5 troopers, Lorraine is contested.
France builds sub., gun, and, 4 troopers. Moves two troopers via transport from N. Africa to S. France(remaining African troops move to Fr. West Africa). Two transports head for East Coast, the Med. fleet goes to join the Atlantic fleet.
Land/air units reinforce Lorraine. Battle fighter, 13 troopers , &, 6 guns, versus, GE. 4 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis all lost. Lorraine is uncontested!
British Empire builds a BB, sub., transport, &, fighter. Troopers move into position to attack GE. East Africa. Med. Fleet & transport go to south of France, &, land trooper & gun. Indian fleet & loaded transport sail to S. of France. Canadian fleet transport lands in Picardy a trooper & gun, C goes to home waters. Combat C versus GE. BB, 2C, & submarine. Losses Allied C & Axis BB damaged & submarine lost.
USA builds 2 transports, gun, &, trooper.
Round Two:GE. builds sub., fighter, gun, &, 7 troopers. Moves trooper back to Cameron, &, another takes over undefended Gold Coast colony. Again invades Lorraine, fighter(which wins air duel), 18 troopers & 6 guns, versus, Fr. fighter, 9 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Allies all but 1 trooper, &, Axis 8 troopers.
In British home waters, damaged BB & 2C versus British BB & sub., losses all Allies & Axis 1 Cruiser.
Fr. builds transport, fighter, gun & 3 troopers. Two transports arrive off East coast & 1 transport heads to Africa. Two BB & C & sub., enter British home water, versus damaged GE. BB & C(losses both Fr. BBs damaged & Axis fleet sunk).
Moves 2 troopers into Gold Coast & defeats defending GE. trooper(for no lost). British colony is freed. Moves reinforcements into Lorraine, 11 troopers & 4 guns, versus, GE. fighter, 10 troopers & 6 guns. Losses Allies 7 troopers, &, Axis 6 troopers. Lorraine still contested.
British Empire builds sub., transport, fighter, &, 4 troopers. Indian fleet approaching S. France with transport, another transport goes back to Egypt, while Med. Fleet goes to home waters. Another 2 transports from Britain lands 2 troopers & 2 guns in Picardy. From Marseilles to Lorraine, trooper & gun move into province.
In Africa trooper from Rhodesia & two from British E. Africa invade GE. East Africa, defended by just 1 trooper(losses all are wiped out).
US builds transport, fighter, gun, &, trooper. Troops & guns board 2 Fr. transports, while same board 2 US transports(that sail for France with escort fleet).
Round Three: GE. has got to take full control of Lorraine, before more Brits., much less US land forces arrive, this round will decide if GE. will have to think about potential peace overtures. If possible, controlling fully Lorraine, GE. could try to take Burgundy or Picardy(not both), in the following round, with an army that is gun heavy. Traditionally that army gets cut off and destroyed outside of Paris(with GE. reinforcements unable to come to its aid, much less if GE. losses Lorraine). The other choice is to wait for more forces from Germany to arrive into Lorraine, of course by that time with 6-8 Brits. landing & about 4 US forces landing, makes the Allies defenses harder to crack. To wait one round boils down to one decisive attack & inevitable Allied counterattacks, in the next round. GE. got to go the traditional route or try something different.
Germany builds BB, gun, &, 6 troopers. More units pour into Lorraine, battle 2 fighters duel with a Brit. fighter(both sides lose a plane), 10 guns & 13 troopers, versus, Fr. 4 guns & 4 troopers, Brit. trooper & gun. Lorraine falls, all Allies wiped our & Axis losses 6 troopers.
France builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. At sea moves a damaged BB to Brest for repairs. Moves a trooper into undefended Togoland(it falls), &, a empty transport arrives off Togoland(along with a transport going to Canada to pick up Brit. forces & 2 transports arriving off Ireland, with US forces for France).
Land forces reinforces Picardy & Burgundy.
Great Britain builds sub., transport, fighter, &, 4 troopers. Two Brit. troopers approach undefended GE. East Africa. A transport lands in S. France trooper & gun, &, another from India lands 2 guns(Indian fleet sails for home waters of Britain & Med. Sea C does the same). Along with 3 transports land in Picardy 2 guns & 4 troopers.
USA builds 3 transports & trooper, fighter flies to Ireland, &, US fleet goes to join Allies Fleet in British home waters. Also 2 transports drop off, in Picardy, 3 troopers & gun.
Round Four: GE. builds a tank(symbolic purchase, by the time it gets to Fr., the war will be over), fighter, gun, 4 troopers, &, 2 submarines. Trooper from Kamerun takes over undefended Nigeria, it falls. From Lorraine invades Burgundy with fighter, 6 troopers, &, 10 guns versus British trooper & 2 guns, Fr. fighter & 9 troopers. Losses in air duel both fighters lost, Axis lose 4 troopers & Allies 6 troopers.
France is starting to skid on those ropes, in the boxing ring called the Western Front, builds 8 troopers. Moves more forces into Burgundy, cannot allow it to become invested. Battle 9 troopers & gun & fighter versus Axis trooper & 10 guns. Losses Allies 8 troopers & Axis 7 guns. British Nigeria is retaken with a lost of a trooper for Fr. & Germany.
A repair BB joins the Allied Fleet, while a damaged BB returns to Brest for repairs. Transport heads for S. Africa, 2 transports arrive off Picardy with US forces. Another transport arrives also with Canadian trooper & gun.
British Empire builds sub., tank, gun, &, 4 troopers. Cruiser joins home fleet. Four transports land 8 troopers, &, trooper and gun from a Fr. transport, in Picardy. From Med. Sea a transport drops off 2 troopers in S. France(from Egypt), &, another transport heads for Canada.
Reinforcements pour into Lorraine. Battle in Burgundy, fighter, 7 troopers and 5 guns versus GE. fighter, 3 guns & trooper. Losses all Axis & Allies lose 3 troopers. Burgundy is uncontested!
Move 2 troopers into undefended German East Africa, &, colony falls.
US builds tank, gun, &, 3 troopers. Moves two transports to France with 3 troopers, &, 2 transports return to East Coast. Three troopers & gun reinforce Burgundy. Also from 2 Fr. transports off Picardy, 2 troopers & 2 guns disembark onto Picardy.
Round Five: Germany builds sub., fighter, 2 guns, &, six infantry. Invades Burgundy(less protected than Picardy), fighter, 9 guns, &, 16 troopers, versus, US gun & 3 troopers, Fr. trooper, gun, & fighter, Brits. fighter, 5 guns, and, 4 troopers. Air duel Axis fighter defeats both Allied fighters, Axis losses 11 troopers, &, Allies 7 troopers & 5 guns.
Fr. builds fighter, gun, &, 3 troopers. Moves reinforcements into Burgundy, and, sends two transports to USA and another off London. Also Fr. BB joins Ally fleet, while another transport goes off GE. E. Africa to allow 2 British troopers to board, in the future. Attacks from British Nigeria into the undefended German Kameron(colony falls).
British Empire builds(misplace on some other thread, sorry)
US builds fighter, gun, &, 3 troopers. Two transports leave East Coast for France, while 3 transports leave S. of France for U.S.(left in Fr. 4 troopers & gun).
Also moves into Burgundy, fighter & 2 guns & 2 troopers, versus, Ge. trooper & 7 guns. Losses Allies trooper, 2 guns, &, fighter, and, Axis 3 guns.
Round Six: Germany builds sub., fighter, gun, 4 troopers, & tank. The war has become practically unwinable, GE. needs to hold unto as much territory, in order to make a political peace.
Moves fleet to Sea zone #4, for attempted breakout to Mid-Atlantic, to get to those transports. Reinforces Burgundy, no attacks, in order to end the round with a good number of land units(to bargain with the Allies).
Fr. builds sub. & 4 troopers. Two transports arrive off East Coast, while another sails to same destination(while another arrives off S.W. Africa). Fleet of 2BB, C & sub., versus, GE. BB & 5 subs., in Sea Zone#4. Losses only a damaged Fr. BB survives.
More forces into Burgundy, fighter & 2 guns & 12 troopers, versus, GE. 5 guns & 8 troopers. Losses Allies 6 troopers & Axis 7 troopers. Fr. trooper retakes undefended Eq. Africa colony.
British Empire builds fighter, gun, &, 7 troopers. BB joins home fleet, &, 3 transports sail for E. Coast. Off GE. S.W. Africa disembarking 2 troopers(off Fr. transport) joins trooper & gun, that crossed from Union of S. Africa, versus GE. trooper & gun. The GE. colony falls for lost of Allies 2 troopers & GE. trooper & gun.
In Burgundy fighter, 6 guns, &, 7 troopers, versus, GE. trooper & 5 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis all forces lost. Burgundy is Axis free!
From Picardy 12 troopers, gun & tank & fighter, versus, fighter, gun, &, 9 troopers. Losses in duel Brit. fighter lost, Allies 5 troopers & Axis gun & 8 troopers.
In GE. home waters, 2 subs. enter, one lost to mines & another to naval combat(GE. sub. destroyed).
U.S.A. builds fighter, tank, &, 3 troopers. Two transports debark, in S. of France, 2 troopers & gun & tank(also 2 transports leave from there going back to E. Coast). Off E. Coast 2 transports with 3 troopers & gun, board for France. Fighter flies from US to Ireland. Moves trooper into Lorraine, &, gun and 4 troopers into Burgundy.
Political victory for the Allies, GE. will leave Lorraine & keep only S.W. Africa(the other three go to the Allies). GE. still has allot land forces left in Europe. Allied land forces in France most are Brits., USA., &, France. While at sea Fr. trumps the GE. naval forces.
IPCs losses Axis Land 237 & Allies 258, Axis Air 12 & Allies 30, Axis Sea 102 & Allies 102.
Forces at end of game, Axis 27 foot, 4 guns, 2 tanks, &, 3 fighters. Allies Fr. 10 foot, 2 guns, 1 fighter, damaged BB, 4 transports, sub., Brits. 32 foot, 8 guns, tank, 2 fighters, 2C, BB, 7 transports, 2 subs.; USA 13 troopers, 6 guns, 2 tanks, 2 fighters, C & BB, 4 transports.